Monday, December 30, 2013

Why Change? New Energy/ New Age

  Most of us will ultimately accept that life is change.  Most will even argue that change can be exciting, and fun.  New age change is going to be at best a challenge for all of us.  Why?  Because we always think that it is okay for everyone else, but not us.   Sorry to say, but all of us are going to have to enjoy this ride.  And some of it is not going to be, " a piece of cake".   Change prepares us for the forthcoming events.  I am not sure of this one, but I am certain that this change is going to equal that of Atlantis and the changes that came from multitudes of disasters.  Okay, for those that are reading this little article you have already asked the question when?  My response to that answer is that none of us are to know.  Not even those who report that they do.  Part is for our protection, and the other part is that  it is Nature's big secret.   We will all  be where we are supposed to be when the time comes. 

 I can tell you only what I have been told.  The changes have already begun.   The changes are leading us to a totally different way of existence that we have never before thought about.  These changes are to put us in a much more agriculture or natural state of existence.  The knowledge is not going away, but how we treat others and what we value as important will totally bring us into harmony with nature, and a better and wiser understanding of  the God Energy. 

I am also sure of another change.  People will no longer use "white lies" or untruthful ways in order to communicate with one another.  It simply won't work.  Evidence of this has begun.  Check me out, but has it occurred to any of you that our political leaders are constantly being called out on their failure to not be truthful to the general public?  Of course, we are all described as the "little people".  I find that humorous as I am not little, nor am I ignorant.   I can figure out what is going on without some "trusted politician" trying to conjure up a method to deceive his constituents in order to qualify his or her existence in the political system.  You see,  everyone of us has the tendency to protect their "turf", and that even goes for the leaders or heads of state  of all of the countries.  None of these souls are in charge of the outcome of these events that will happen, and none has the power to stop the God energy. 

Now that I have given this little advice, I cannot say for sure how much time before the total change or total collapse.   My guess is enough for all of us to get our affairs in order and learn how to get along with one another.  This is an opportunity none other that I know of except to say that it is the opportunity to become promoted to a spiritual level unlike any other.   How to do this?  Clean us your own actions with your own bad habits, and  allow others to have their own beliefs, walk their own paths, and try not only getting along, but learning something from each other.   (This was the test of the different races which was to learn how to accept one another and not to harm each other simply because of a different way of celebrating our Higher Power)

Barter will become much more popular as well as healing our selves.  For each of us that have had challenges with health, myself included, we are all learning how to rely upon our own spiritual guides and make the choices necessary in order to heal.   This is difficult.  The body knows how to heal itself, but I will say it is not a 10 day process, sometimes the healing takes time.  Remember we stand on a tripod to maintain health which is a balance in spiritual, physical, and mental.  All three must coordinate so that good health prevents disease (dis ease)

Relationships either in business or sexual will become much easier and  life will be much happier for all.  We will revert to a more monogamous culture with sex, and learn to enjoy it as sex never was intended to be evil.  Multi partners are not particularly good as disease can spread rapidly.  Multiple partners is never healthy for any good relationship particularly in the idea of trust, and of course health. 

Women will become equal to men.  Of course, we have always been, but todays culture has just begun to recognize that the last several thousand years have been hard for women.  As we say, the energy is now about to shift. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Home Life/ Chaos or Serenity

Most of young couples work, and as a result leave much of the house to a "no plan at all plan". 

I was a stay at home mom and now I proudly display the fact that I truly am the last of the home bodies protecting what we once called the nest.  I do not object to any of us working outside of the home.  But what we have created for the most part in this United States is a chaos gone rampant with the children.  This article is hoping to open your eyes up to the tidal wave that is forthcoming with this new generation. 

Often I am ask, "what is my destiny?"  and there they are with a family of 5 children.  The answer is fairly simple.  For now, it is to direct the children to a healthy way of living, teach them the spiritual laws, and  of course make the "nest" an  important environment for them to live.   Another way to state what I am trying to define here is teach your children how to fly and survive.   That is destiny for now in a nut shell.  It is difficult because even for me it was the hardest job ever.  Not difficult to do, but a nightmare of frustration on the mental games that went on in my own head.  For me, it was difficult to daily deal with a young mind, and not have adult inter action with other friends.  This, for me was the hardest task of all.  I loved my children, but I too needed a break from the,  "Captain Kangaroo sect".    And, like most of you, I too did not really want to hear that teaching our children was the most important job of all, why, this was too mundane, too simple,  I wanted the BIG PICTURE.   Sorry, learn to teach the truth, do the next right thing, treat others with kindness, understand the law of karma.  You do that and home life will become much easier. 

Now for the feng shui of it all.   For the majority of young Americans ( I can't speak for the rest of the world), but for us we are not paying attention to the home environment.    Usually young couples want to create good energy.  The simple truth is that the home is like that of a crystal.  It absorbs all of the thoughts that are created within the family.  Sooooo, if there is screaming, fighting, drinking, drugging within the house for the intuitive we feel the energy long before we enter the "twilight zone".   Children are very intuitive and it is amazing what they are able to endure in this land of chaos that exist all over the United States.   Not to mention the violent games, movies, and videos that they are all watching.  Where do you think that stuff goes?  I'll give you a hint, it goes to the nearest demented mind to recreate the same scene.   A thought is a thing.  Do not allow your children to live in such a chaotic nightmare that violence seems normal to them.  Stop the insanity now and save a life as well as a soul.    Once I attended a lecture given by the Dali Llama.  He was asked, "how do we stop the war?'.   His answer a simple one,   "Stop the war from within".   Teach this simple truth, and practice this truth and oh my, " Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men". 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Change Your Life and Change Your Aura

Once getting past being able to see energy around us at all times.  Some of you will be able to discern what that energy tells others.  It can reveal depression, sexual desire,  how you might or might not be thinking, and on and on.  The auric energy even shows disease ( imbalance before it manifest within the body)

The absence of auric energy is that death is eminent, provided these choices are that of the soul.   In suicide for example depression shows its warning sign to me by a dark cloud present within the auric energy.   The depression can usually be witnessed as the soul has gone "within" so to speak and becomes quite while usually choosing not to participate  in life.  I might add that the colors are not as vibrant and could show a slight degree of dullness.   I have only witnessed one example that resulted in suicide, but  I do not believe myself to be an authority here.   However, I have seen such an example, and read some of the Cayce readings about auric energy and color.   I am giving your my experience on this subject, that is not to say your situation with reading auras could be slightly different from mine. 

Much of what I was taught about color while in the University of Texas I believe to be true.   I was in  the class of Marion B Davis who was a noted professor on the subject of color, and I might add the most interesting professor.  Living in color which is clear, vibrant, and usually warm in its intensity has a wonderful effect upon those in that particular habitation.  Although red is often too strong for a room and can create anger.  Color can also, according to Ms. Davis, convince those living within the room that it is either hot or cold depending upon the coolness or warmness of the color selected.  ( I am referring to the hue of the color)  Just recently, an article appeared that many penal systems use the color pink for living quarters as it generally has a calming effect for the prisoners.   Many metaphysical souls believe that pink spiritually is representative of love. 

The duller the color, the more negative is the energy.   Gray and brown are considered negative colors.  That does not mean that all bad things are getting ready to attract to the soul, but it does in fact encourage that when wearing either gray or black you should enhance the dress or slack with a bright colored scarf or tie.   All hue or color vibrates at different speeds depending upon the color.  Red is a slower vibration than say yellow.  Different vibrations are different energies arriving to the body with signals or messages that pertain to the color associated with the location in which these energies are sent.  These energies for example are all of the cells in the physical body that use the God energy to exist and communicate in order for us to live.   Often colors that we select to wear on particular days are chosen to give an added boost to the auric energy. 
Do your research on the colors of the Kundalini this information can easily be obtained on line or in your favorite book store.   Acupuncture works with specific energies and vibrations to enhance bodily functions for good healthy balance, some acupuncturist even use crystals to aid in the healing process.    When looking at the auric color you will be able to see these energies at work.  White of course is all color, while black is absorption of all color.  Of course the auric energy of Jesus was always shown with a white aura. 

Science is beginning to recognize that different colored lights help with healing.  This will one day be used to a greater extent than now.  We have much to learn about spiritual healing and actually we have just begun.

So what can we learn from what I have written, if you don't like your life change the way you think, interact with others, and behave within the general laws of love which are harmony, balance, love, and caring for others as well as yourself. your auric energy glow and bring good things to you by the law of attraction.      

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Attraction is a Journey or How I Discovered the Lesson of Attraction

I was in my forties when my journey to find another choice began.  Like all of you, I had read everything and thought that I was ready to embark upon finding my mate.   These little adventures taught me  about life itself and of course what I was attracting. 

My first adventure was with a nice looking gentleman that turned out to have a temper from "hell".  I was extremely attracted to this soul, but realized shortly in the dating cycle that if I stayed it was a matter of time before the anger turned to me.   When you are in the throws of attraction every hormone available in your body is convincing you to stay.  The same was true here, but my intuitiveness kicked in and encouraged me to have the courage to leave.  This was not fun.  Because the death of a relationship no matter how short lived it may be brings up every fear that this will never happen again.  At least that was my experience.  However, knowing what was around the corner with this soul kept me strong enough to close the door on this relationship before I was injured.  (Attraction was, good looking and abusive)

Number two in the ," cycle of search" came with a gentle soul.   He was sweet, kind, and,   without  energy.  My memory was many evenings wondering if he would ever get off of the sofa and join the living.   He contributed nothing to the relationship and that even goes for sex, so this ended rather abruptly as I gently told him that it was time for him to move on.  (Attraction not emotionally available and no sex)

I had not yet become the wiser as my journey continued to look for the perfect soul or "soul mate".  At this point I will confess that I do not believe in soul mates.  We do not attach forever.  We join with people as long as there is a lesson to be learned or shared, and when that time is over, it is time to part.   For me, "til death us do part"  means that when the energy is dead, it is time to leave the relationship.   Number  three and four both came together as a dueling duo.   Both were fun to be around, both were smart, but hidden beneath the lines were addiction  and emotionally unable to connect.   Number three, I met at church and he was a cocaine addict as well as a dealer.  Number four was an exercise nut. "control freak" extraordinaire,  and both were emotionally unavailable.  I turned them both down at about the same time.  (attraction abusive with control, emotionally unavailable, no sex at all, and addictive disorders)

I had had three years of bad experiences and at about this time, I realized that it was me that was attracting this mess.  I was devastated and knew that I had a problem.   It was shortly afterward that I decided to give up alcohol and work upon myself.  I knew that  I had to changed but even though I thought that I had all of the answers, I was still continuing to attract the same mess.   I entered the doors of recovery.   I had surrendered and although I felt hopeless, I began my journey that totally changed my life.  

It is said that when you begin working upon your own issues, you need a time of silence to discover who you are.   I sat in the rooms of recovery for about 18 months before the "fireworks" started.   Even now after 21 years of marriage,   I remain steadfast to this suggestion that was given to me.  It take about a minimum of  12 months to change one's vibration before any of us are able to sustain a workable relationship.   Believe me,  I tested this theory many times while in recovery, and it was God's Grace that kept me idle and alone.  Tried as I did, no one was around.   Until one evening, I realized that the man who had been sitting around me this whole time, my friend, and confidant, was to become my husband.   Our agreement was simple.   You use drugs marriage over,  you may not take my inventory or try to change me,  acceptance of who I am warts and all is imperative.  It will not work if you try to change me so don't, and last allow me to worship the God of my choosing without your advice.   We are still having a good time. 

*  I would love to hear your story if you care to share.  Of course.....I will respond.   Judith

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Locating the "Soul Mate"

All of us have similar journeys.  Like all of us, we want the shortest way with the perfect path.  I too was the same way in regard to looking for a better mate.    We believe that once we read  new information, we think that we " have it, or understand it".  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  You have to apply what you have learned and put it into practice.   This is the spiritual truth of everything learned.  We must practice what we preach or, as we say in therapy, " you have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk".   I was told  I would be tested several times before the right person came along.  So sitting here, I thought that I would tell you my story and perhaps you might learn from my experience.  And begin the "art of practice". 

I have written often that first you must develop the list.    There are two list,  one is positive, and the other is negative.  You must have two list.  Begin with the negative which is all of that you do not want to have.  Your learned all of these traits from your parents, and that is what you have attracted in all of the subsequent relationships.  So start with all that you didn't like about your mother and father (or those that you lived with in your formative years) and create your list.  Here was  my list.  They were controlling,  critical, perfectionist, and punishing to the point that created a fear which developed into panic attacks, alcoholic and last co-dependent, as well as emotionally abusive.  Your list could be similar.  But it is up to you to write it down and look at it.  Because all of your previous relationships are on that list.    The positive list are those aspects that you should want in a relationship.  Such examples are, trust, the ability to earn a living,  a good partner that treats you with respect, that that does not rage and rant, one that tolerates and accepts the other for who they are.  I could go on and on here, but you should be able to create exactly what you are looking for in a partner. 

With my story, I attracted a good combination of both my mother and father.  It was comfortable for me as it was familiar.  So it took a long time for me to even understand that this relationship was not working.   My part in the attraction was simply this,  I attracted to that which was familiar, it felt normal, and made total sense.  Had I attracted to where I am today, I would have bolted to the door.  Where I am today and from what I have learned is nothing like what I was.    Today, I have boundaries,  I am able to stand up and tell the truth even to the point of accepting the fact that others might disagree with me.  I have a balanced relationship based upon love and respect.   My mate today has the right to disagree with me without fear of reprisal.   I accept that it is okay to get angry, it is not okay to rage.  And above all everything is open and discussed.  This is not easy to find in a relationship.  It is a journey on your part to become perfectly honest within yourself as to what you want.  It is not my job to find that soul, but yours.  Until you walk this path, you can choose to attract the same thing or learn to put down what you do not want to live with and continue looking until that soul emerges.  It is truthfully up to you.  God gave us the choice, now use it to find what you want. 


Friday, August 23, 2013

The Karmic Wheel of Change and All of Us

Nothing slams us down more than the loss of something,  perhaps a job, a death in the family, or in my case right now a broken foot.   Just like the advice that I give to you, I too have to  swallow  my pride and take advice both from outside sources such as doctors and friends, as well as spiritual advice  from the spirit guides.  Everything that I write about is a lesson.  For me having to sit still is one of the most difficult task as sitting in one place and doing nothing is very difficult.  Here, at least I can work at the desk. 

When this accident happened,  I resorted to lesson number one.  Life is one continuum of lessons, this little accident jumped out to teach me a few things.  Understand something, it took me a long spiritual journey to understand the concept of lessons, but I am beginning to tap into the idea that we experience many lessons daily, and attempting to understand and see the meaning of a lifetime takes a little wisdom for  all of us, especially even me.

We attract everything to us according to our thoughts, and if there is one idea or concept that you understand it is to understand that your mind is the mainframe to the God energy.  The clearer your mind the better the input of energy, and the stronger the spiritual growth.  But the awareness of what we are all of us are learning comes with patience and time.  Do not put your "Jesus" shoes on so fast that you miss the boat.

The basic lesson is that life will continue to change, and your choice is to either learn from this change or roll on with the same karmic wheel of action and repeat the same thing over and over and over.  This thought was an absolute bummer for me, but somewhere in my soul I knew this truth was real or real for me.  This concept of repetition was the driving force that showed me the choice of quitting the habit of smoking and drinking or continuing to go down the same path.  The results of these habits are not particularly pleasant, but continue them if you will.....Just look at the final results with the aging process. 

Many of the solutions of life come from working the twelve step process.  What did I learn?  essentially that I was not large and in charge  and that that every gift, including the repetition cycle, was a gift from my Higher Power to either learn from the lesson or continue the same path.  Bad relationships come from the choices that we made to either stay with or repeat.   Likewise bad health habits are the same.  To have good health depends upon healthier choices, and not relying on some prescription pill to mask the problem.  Your body is your temple.  Treat it with respect.   

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Aura and How I Found It

Everybody talks about the aura but few see it.    With a little practice on your part, you too can join the few that are able to locate it. 

As  a child I used to "zone out" in class when I was bored or listening to a dull instructor.  This particular time I was in church listening to what I call "Hell, Fire, and Damnation".   I never liked those types of subjects so I chose to take a moment to zone.  There were no windows and the idea came to me to try to look for the aura around the  Preacher. 

"Zoning Out" is like staring at something and not paying attention.   Later, I realized  this is often what is done in forms of meditation.   Another way, of thinking about this is looking at something and not thinking about anything. 

That particular morning with the sermon  I couldn't go to sleep,  Mother would have "knocked" me into reality, so the game was on.  I could stare and nobody was aware that I wasn't listening to a word that was being said.   I was in the "zone". 

The aura looks like heat energy.   At least that is the way it appeared to me.   We can see this energy when driving a car down a long road that is hot and desolate.   Living in the south part of Texas this phenomenon occurs often.   However, around the human, this energy continues to move about, but always stays located around the person.   This energy, I call the God energy.  It is your lifeline,  your transmitter,  it retains your thoughts as well as transmits thoughts to others, and of course it attracts for you, whether you know it or not, other people into your life that are lessons for you to learn.  Upon death, naturally the aura is gone.   It usually  leaves shortly before you cross over. 

Edgar Cayce , a famous psychic, once hesitated and decided not to join those on the elevator.   Something was wrong about that moment that caused him to chose another route down  the building.   Later, he realized that none on the elevator had an aura.   The elevator snapped and these souls fell to their death.  Tragic story but true. 

Color will emerge with practice.  Take time and be patient.   I sometimes see the color and sometimes not.  It comes and goes for me.   I do see words coming from the month at times.  I have been told that when the words are red, the person talking is not telling the truth.   What a natural lie detector for us all.   I usually feel the lie instead.  It just makes me angry, and later, upon reflection,  I realize that I was fed an erroneous message.  

Take the opportunity to give this information a try!   Your story might work differently from mine, but isn't that okay as well?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

What Is Our Part In Group Karma

Not much is mentioned about group Karma.   But rest assured, when you  join the group, you take on that vibration.  Groups even of themselves tend to repeat situations over and over again, and never resolve issues.  For my example just look at the Old Testament.  War has been on going for thousands of years and getting no where.  When are we going to stop?  Perhaps when we understand that war is not a good solution.

Countries can create group Karma, as well as organizations.  It is important to understand that when all of us are a part of the group we need  to pay attention to the actions of the group.  Failure to do so could possibly produce problems or learning lessons in lifetimes to come for the individuals who are attached to that group karma.  Learn that it is important to either vote or peacefully protest. 

I would not join a senior organization when I first qualified because I was unsure of what they represented.  I discovered that they were huge in the lobbying industry.  Who gave them the right to decide what I might or might not want?  In this case it was health care, and I refused to once again join the group.  This may or may not impact our world, but in my opinion it does play a part within the karmic scheme of things.  I'm not God here and can't answer that question for you either. It is important to become aware of your environment.

 Another example of group karma is observed   when large countries continue to wage war or participate in warfare either by selling ammunition or sending troops.  People who attach to this energy take on the karmic responsibility.  This could either be both good or bad.  It is not for me to decide or either to judge it.  I am not God here and cannot see the entire picture.  But I do not think it healthy to profit on behalf of someone's fight.

All races are each a group.  It is my belief that each of the races has gone through karmic payment and repayment over and over again.  It is important that all of us learn to get along and accept each other or each group as they are.  Certainly, war does not help here, but continues to drag the problem on and on through multiple centuries.   One of the major reasons that the earth is getting to go through such cataclysmic changes is that our choices either by individuals or groups have not created healthy energy for all of us who share earth together.  Think about it.  Well you certainly can't change others, but you can change yourself.  Why not ?    

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Change or Repeat the Mess Which One?

Whether it is about relationships, business situations, or even family of origin, we will continue to repeat the past regardless of how we think.  All of us tend to deny that which is in front of our nose, and we plod along in life thinking that we are all terminally unique.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  All of us are connected to the same creative force like it or not.  For me, I feel rather secure in this fact or truth because I have been in a state of messes all of my life, and until I looked at my part in the mess, I remained in this "mud hole".   Not everything is all bad, but wouldn't you rather have a better relationship, or a better marriage,  or better sex, or perhaps  a better set of friends?  Then get to traveling down the information highway of life and join me in the fun of discovering your life and knowing that it can be better.

Assuming that I might have an ounce of truth here, let's suppose that we all cycle back with the same set of characters until we learn and we are able to escalate up the higher ladder of evolvement.   One of the clues that has been given to me  is the quote from the Christian Bible which states something like this,  "the sins of the Father are visited upon the son".  Early in childhood I  believed that statement was referring to disease.   I am now correcting that error to mean that what we learn and do within  the family of origin is passed on to the children, and they in turn repeat the same offense to the next generation and on and on.   How many of us swore we would not grow up to be our parents, and then caught ourselves repeating the same type of offenses?   According to modern psychology we will either repeat the same mistake or even worse swing to the opposite extreme.  This is a family dysfunction that can easily be eradicated with a little effort.  Having the "cajones" to research family history with show that we repeat dysfunctional mess over and over again. 

Many people think that we have inherited alcoholism or addiction.  I used to be one of them myself until I found another book that supported my theory on addiction as well as recovery.   I will share this quote from the book of Adult Children of Alcoholics that might be of service to you the reader.  It is about family dysfunction that we all experience ;

"In the interest of fairness, we must realize that our parents passed on what was done to them.  They are adult children as well.  We are not blaming them for being powerless over the effects of family dysfunction.  In most cases, the treatment that they handed out is the treatment they received growing up.  Our parents internalized their parents.  This has to be true if we are to believe that family dysfunction is passed down from one generation to the next." (1)

You can consider the next quotes that also came from the New Testament,  both Mathew 7:17 and John 15:2  give a similar message which paraphrased by me is something like "to know about someone consider the fruits of his tree".

When I encourage you to change.  I am referring to bad habits such as abuse, self-loathing, insecurities both emotional and financial,  worries about  that which you have absolute no control,  controlling others.  I speak about these defects of characters look them up on the subject of attraction.  You might find there is more information for you than you thought about.  But the outcome is pure joy of life.   Change your thinking, change your life.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cleaning the Wreckage of My Past

Therapy is relatively new to all of us, and certainly it true for me.  My family would never admit to having any kind of problems let alone tell  problems to some "therapist".   We simple did not admit any faults or certainly never admitted to anyone that we had some difficulties to overcome.   Lesson number one for me here was a lesson in how to stuff emotions on a grand scale.   Unfortunately for me or fortunate for you it is why I write today which is a therapy of clearing the energy of the past that is harmful to me and toxic perhaps to others.  Reflecting back by the time I was 5 I was totally enmeshed into family dysfunction.  Understand this,  there is room for improvement for all that walk upon earth.  This is school. 

Never, did it ever dawn on me that finding what we call the "inner child" would totally change my life and thrust me into a new world of the unknown.  Who was I, would I love myself, and of course would others like or love me?   For me, I have learned that when it is time to learn about oneself, the Universe always steps in to give us a nudge.  This nudge always felt uncomfortable because I was being jolted into a life of unknowns, and like it or not, I was into this journey of discovery before I recognized this fact.  

All of us have something to work on while on earth.  If we were perfect, we would not be here, but on another plane or planet of existence.   I am not talking about learning about vocations.  What I am referring to is understanding that there is always room for improvement, and in order to grow spiritually, it is important to address all of these "defects of character" that made each of us feel in adequate.  Defects that we use to manipulate others, get our way, and  control as many as we can, or become the victim.   I was all of that I have described.  One of my biggest fears was money.......   

I was about 5 years old  more or less.  I had not yet started formal education and I always loved to buy stuff.   As children we were allowed to walk to town to what was then called the 5 and dime store which was nothing more than  nickel and dime stuff for children.  Always we had a big budget.  Each of us was given 15 cents and that was like sending me to the moon emotionally.  Oh, what  I could do with what was to me a huge amount of cash.  For mother it was a godsend as she had about an hour and a half without squirmy  kids...These were corporate decisions here.   Cameron, Texas was a very small town who knew everyone, and it was a simple place for children to feel like for once in their life, they were big enough to go places.  Maybe the distance in total was one half of a mile, I never measured the distance.  The town square had two movie theatres big stuff for city folk from Fort Worth.  Cameron was still behind the times.   All phones were through the central office handled by an operator.  Does this sound ancient?  To many of you it does, but truthfully it was not long ago.  

Downtown consisted of two movie theatres, two banks,  two dime stores,  two grocery stores( very small by today's standard) an ice house for produce delivery and always a couple of bars for the men.  There were other stores that wrapped around the central  plaza, called the square.  You can get the picture, which was not a lot of activity.  We would make our purchases and walk back to grandmother's house. 

One day in Fort Worth, I ask my father to take me to the store.  I had accumulated a little cash, and the need was about to burn a hole in my pocket.   Dad reluctantly drove me to the "dime store", and I strolled in for the big purchase.   I bought only what I could afford, a bag of marbles.   Upon getting back into the car, my father inquired about the purchase.  "Why did you select this?", he asked.  "Well, that was all I could afford."  was my reply.  "Do you play marbles?" he asked.  " No, but they're pretty." 

Now for the lesson of a lifetime.  My father made me return the marbles and get my money.  Devastating for a little shopper, and then for the rest of my childhood and adult life made fun of the attempt to buy something I did not need.   This became the practical joke of the family, and all enjoyed the story except me.   I truly accepted the fact that I was not able to handle money and took this erroneous belief into adulthood.

  The Aztecs I believe calling this fact of  accepting a false belief about yourself and putting it into your mitote ( body of energy within the soul that holds truths either real or imaginary).   All of us, by the time we are 5 or 6 have been programed to believe many things about ourselves that are false. and we stuff these truths into our mitote.     Examples that were mine as well were, you are stupid, you can't manage money,  you never finish projects, the only A you make is in "hall", you need a man when you are an adult, and on and on.   Sometimes these truths are so hidden that it will take therapy of some kind.  My therapy came in the form of 12 step work, as well as other groups.   For those of you who are reaching a stumbling block look for the group that possibly might  fit your needs.  But remember this, it is up to you to make your own decision.  This is not up to "the priest",  the "counselor", the parent, the sister or brother but you.  You must stand by what you think is important to uncover about yourself so that you can change these erroneous beliefs and behaviors and join the world of the "living".    


Monday, July 15, 2013

Create a Healthy Energy In And Around Your Home Or Work Place

   Home environment is important.  It creates an energy all of its own, and living in a "negative" nest creates a unhappy environment from which to function.   Study friends of yours that tend to hoard and create a messy environment.  Usually these people are in a state of fear, and actually it is nothing about the house.   The extreme example is not what I care to address, but it may show up in a later post.  However, it is the subtle environment.  The one that you do not care to enter because it is a sad place to be.   The Chinese call this Feng Shui.   I just accept energy.
  Often violence from the past could be a factor with energy.   Years ago, my son and I went to a hamburger house in Atlanta for a sandwich.  While there, for no reason, I was getting angry.  The sandwich was good, but I left angry without knowing why.  Remember, I am sensitive to feelings, and often are not aware myself.   We arrived at our destination that night and I mentioned to my teacher how angry I had become over nothing.   Two days later, she called and informed me that a murder had taken place in that restaurant.   And from that point on the businesses that came into the space could not be successful.   Her reason, the energy from the death scene was violent and the energy needed to be cleared.   I did not need to be convinced.  Families that tend to argue all of the time create a negative energy.  More subtle, but it remains.  Rather be safe than sorry.  When moving into a new space always clear the energy. 
   To establish a healthy energy for a  new residence or business,  you  can  use prayer, candles, create your own holy water, or  salt, and herbs.   There may be more information on this subject, but my suggestion is to find your own path for cleansing.  For me, I always bless every room.  Ask God to bless the house with love and joy, and sprinkle a little holy water in each corner of the room as negative energy always attracts to the corners.  Whatever the "ritual" is that you develop in the cleansing of a property, continue to use the exact ritual with other properties. 
     A point of observations here.  Cultures are different.  The Asian population regards red as good luck.  We often use red in conjunction with anger.   Asian uses crosses to mean death and destruction.  Our Christian populations uses the cross as a Christian symbol yes it is death, but over change and redemption, not that of war.   I've witnessed with amusement western man re-create feng shui as if he were a direct descendant to the Emperor of China himself.   Groups incorporate their beliefs or superstitions to the point of creating a false "truth".   If you believe that walking under a ladder, for example, is bad luck then guess what?  You have created a superstition with a truth behind it.  It is not so, but the group believes it and therefore it becomes bad luck.   Many of the superstitions were created by different cultural groups.  Be careful.  My point,  create a happy environment with prayer, plants, good room arrangement, candles, and cleanliness, and you will change the energy all by your lonesome self. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Necessity to Have Boundaries

I had never heard about "boundaries" until I walked into the rooms of recovery.   It never occurred to me that I had permission to say, "no"  without having some false excuse following behind my answer that really never made sense.  "No", is a complete sentence in itself.
 The ability to say  "no" is certainly very difficult for many Americans.  As far as the rest of you that read this blog I cannot say, but my guess is that it is true for you as well.   It was important for me to learn to understand that it was not my obligation to ,"volunteer for the world" if it truly was something that I did not want to do.   I even had to buy a book on this subject to totally get it through my mind that it was not my job to serve the world.   Certainly at the cost of my health.  And to add insult to injury we were constantly reminded me to do service work in order to recovery from addiction.  Was I doomed here?   I thought I was surly locked into some "tower of existence" only to clean ashtrays for the rest of my life.   No, no, no..... Doing a good deed with a bad attitude is a negative.   Remember this little rule.  Any kind of help must come from the heart not from some one's order.  It is up to you to decide what is right for you, and how you intend to give to others.
  Another  boundary description  might come with refusing to go somewhere that could be of harm to you.  Going along with the crowd just to please someone could possibly be your life.  For example, it would be unwise to ride in a car when the driver is intoxicated.  How many of us had made this mistake?  One of the most important lessons that I had to learn was put to me with this thought, "what others think of me is none of my business".    That little reminder stays with me continually as I journey though life.  It is my responsibility to give or not give when I choose.  And it is up to me to decide what is important only for me.
   Giving advice was the hardest part for me to understand.  It is important to remain silent until ask for advice;  then and only then do you have permission to tell someone else what you might do from whatever experience you have had in the past.  In relationships it is not the duty of the woman or man to tell the other how to dress, what to say, how to drive, what to eat while in public and on and on.   These little control issues are what I define as "no boundaries at all".  Best advice is to remain silent.   We all have the God energy working for us, and that is advice itself.  Also, if a person steps into a trap, it possibly is his/her lesson to learn.  Your advice only adds you into the equation and creates more mess.  Keep you boundary secure! 


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Remaining Silent Can Become a Deadly Killer

Somewhere in my path of life I was taught that "silence was golden".   It is true if you are speaking of gossip.  There is nothing good that can come from idle gossip of an individual.  Particularly when you are enjoying their misery.   Folks, you are sending out negative energy that can and is returned to you.  Not fun to know that, but this is a Universal Truth.  

Today, however, I am talking about the silence of fears that we withhold.  These fears fester within our own bodies until they manifest into dis ease or disease.   This is the worst to me, because all of us do not ever envision that we create our own sickness.   I  hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is a truth, and one that took a long time for me to understand.   Our body is a miniature universe that sends messages to an from the brain with instructions.  Some of these instructions, we are aware of, but other instructions only began with a negative thought or fear about ourselves.  We were clueless that our body was responding to these thoughts and sending messages of an internal response.  And the by-product here is to become sick, either mentally or physically.

Anger turned inward contributes, and creates internal mayhem within the body .   People who display controlling type of personalities,  using temper to get their way, will create multiple types of disorders that manifest into disease.   An interesting reading  is, "Who's The Matter With Me?"  Sorry, I cannot remember the author, but who could forget the title?  Another reference on this subject of course, is Emmet Fox.  Reference to this subject can be found in, "The Sermon On The Mount".   Think about the stroke.  It is as if we are, "blowing our mind" with rage or anger.    And cancer reminds me of eating myself up with fear as well. 

Remember, we all have choice.  We can carry this anger, rage, fear, negative vibration or what you wish to call negative energy around, or we can all work together to clear the mind of wrongful thinking.  This according to Mr. Fox is the first step in healing oneself.   This is the major reason for forgiveness.  Forgiveness eradicates and heals the victim.

Two ways to change the process.  One, clear your thinking by changing your thoughts.  When a negative thought "flies by"  tell yourself to stop thinking this way, ask your Higher Power to help you change your thoughts, and then go on with living.   Two,  learn a meditation that can aid you to process  stress rather than turning to alcohol or chemical abuse.  Support groups can aid in this process as well.    Remember today.  Change your thinking, change your life and health. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Abuse Can Block Us All

To talk about abuse can only come from my experience here.  I am going to share with you what I have learned from my experiences as well as the observation of others, but I can no way profess to be an expert.  However, there are some general lessons from abuse that I will share with all of you, and yes there is a way out of this "hell hole". 

For me this began early in life under the disguise of parental guidance.   Nothing wrong with that scenario except for me, I took it too the extreme.    Upon looking back with the denial removed, abuse did not begin  as abuse, but more as a control.  The control was parental.   And nothing wrong with this picture either.  Parents are and should always be in charge of children.  In my parents belief it was always that they were in complete charge.  Freedom was always there until it was abused.     As the second child in the family, I was the peace maker.  The intuition was already present, but not recognized by any of my family members.  That subject  of my intuitive talent surfaced later, and only after I had long reached adulthood.  For me, it was a survival instinctive talent of mine.  When tempers were getting out of control,  I could tell that the someone having the anger was getting ready to blow, and I would ease out of the situation or do something to please to keep myself out of trouble.   I cannot tell you how many times, I was able to avoid some catastrophes, but that served as a talent on mine.  My sister could walk into a trap with her eyes opened, and suffered many hardships as a result.    Spiritually what was I learning?  That I could resolve issues by solving them myself.  I was appeasing others to keep the peace.  Mistake number one here.  None of us are in charge, and certainly not me, the child.   It became over time a normal behavior for me to "fix" rather than solve.  This was what people did.  Some one would throw a fit, pitch a temper tantrum, and then we would all fix it one way or another, and silently emotionally stuff it as if it did not exist.   Temper when not checked becomes like an erupting volcano.   The volcano doesn't go away it lies dormant for a while and then blows again, and again, and again.   The second problem that is developed within the family of origin is that we repeat the way we lived, or the way that we were taught.   It becomes the normal.  This is what people do.

Probably the abuse occurred at first with the Grandmother. Looking back, I suspect that she was bi-polar as her mood swings were off the wall.  And due to the war, my sister and I spent many days with her without protection of  our Mother.  It was apparent to me that my grandmother and grandfather coexisted.  During those times women were unable to hold property, could not vote, and pretty much confined to the financial whims of the father or man of the house.   Yes, it is true she had a temper and would sometimes go into a rage for days, three was the usual number of my memory, but we did not know her story either.  It was stuffed.   So I will reveal what I later learned about her.  She lost her own father in a bar poker game.  I suspect, but I was not told, that drinking had been involved.  I can only imagine how frustrating it was during this time frame for a mother to raise children without any financial support or the ability to earn a living.  This I suspect was my great grandmother's cross to bear.   My grandmother once mentioned that after 15 minutes of the marriage, she knew that she had married the wrong man.  I suspect my grandfather was either drunk or had been drinking.  The kiss of death for a woman that grew up with alcoholic abuse, and no father at the age of 13.   She probably felt she was jumping back into the same problem that she left once she had the experience of drunken behavior from her new husband.   She too was stuck, or so she believed.  Then she loses two children due to illness and injury and once again stuffs the emotion, and the anger continues to surface upon the grandchildren when we accidentally got into the way.   Never was a remedy thought to exist.  So the solution became my mantra through the early part of my life which was stuff and fix, stuff the emotion and fix it by taking the blame or making others happy.   I never saw the train wreck coming.   Of course I would marry and let this pattern of behavior repeat itself.   It started just like childhood, critical little remarks, taking inventory, laughing at, rather than with, and then eventually escalating to just pure anger and ugly remarks.  Are any of these scenarios familiar to you?  

Now for the solution.  Are you the victim or are you the perpetrator?  It takes the two to create this mess of an energy.   For the victim,  once the denial has been lifted your part in this mess is to leave and quite stirring the pot of resentments.  This is the way  I, the victim, looked at my part and was able to forgive.  It took from childhood to adulthood for me to see my part.  I had never stood up to the perpetrator.  I had always slithered off, had a glass of wine, and cried,  "look what they did"!   I finally began to understand that this thumping upon one another either with fist or with tongue had been going on for centuries or lifetimes.   It was up to me to see that this had been passed down from, as the Bible says,  father to son.   I was able to see the insanity that this horror show had not just started in this lifetime.  For that reason alone I was able to understand that all of us were part of the problem.  I had to stop my part in the cycle and forgive.    The same is true of the perpetrator.  But here lies the main difference.  He/She must want to stop and ask their Higher Power for help.  Hopefully it will lead them to counseling and day by day they too can recovery.  Anger is insidious.  It creates a  dis ease (disease) within us all.   So to prevent cancer, heart problems, many other internal diseases learn the art of forgiveness, and get onto the path of wellness and onward to recovery.  Stop this karmic cycle!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

You Have Choice

Because many of us were taught that the God of our understanding was in control, we all forgot the second half of the sentence which was we have choice.  Understand here that  when first entering life as an infant, it doesn't probably feel much like we have a choice because we have been thrust into a family of our choosing that may or may not take very good care of us.  For me, I think of the birth effect as a pretty frightening effect.   I can only imagine that upon waking up and realizing on a soul level that I have chosen to visit earth life is a pretty frightening experience.  We do have soul guides as I have been told.   I was often told that there is a period of time at birth that many souls choose not to remain.  We call this "crib birth"  a sudden death syndrome that no one really knows the cause.   I often muse that the birth is the most frightening experience of all while death can be a sudden experience of jubilation.  That is.....if we have done life to the best of our experience.  

The human condition is to experience life with "horse blinders" so that often or early in life we haven't a clue.  This was probably a first hand experience for all of us was the reality that we truly were not in control.   Upon observing infants, I often watch them gaze at an empty room with amusement as if they are being entertained.   That my friends is what I call their guides guiding this soul with their protection.  How often have we heard of children with their imaginary friends?   They are there.  Of course  many of us were told to believe that this really didn't exist, and so the outcome was a first at teaching children to turn the God Energy off as it really doesn't exist.  How confusing to us all....... I still remember visiting with my spiritual Guides as a young child, and felt totally at ease with the complete session.    I never told my parents.  By that time, I had already learned to keep these secrets to myself.    It was not until early adulthood was I able to put a name on this whole experience.  I was highly intuitive, and receiving beneficial messages of love and comfort. 

Now back to choice.....The Universe does not tell us what to do.  That would be like a type of karmic interference.  And believe you me, spiritual side is under the same set of guide lines as we are here on earth.  The difference is that they can send ideas upon which to act or not.  It is up to us to make the decision.  Haven't you seen two scientist on either side of the world with the same invention?  That is exactly what has happened.  Now, more than ever, we are being given messages and we all have the choice to either act or not act. 

Many times people want to know if this or that is a good idea.  My answer is usually the same.  If this is something you truly want to do then do it, but do not stand wishy washy about making up your mind.    Once you decide to act than do so with the idea of being successful.  Never doubt yourself continue on.....Let the Universe help you out.   Most people slow down their own success by not being able to believe that with God's positive energy all things are possible.   Too many times, they are stopped because others told them "it wouldn't work".  Did they receive the same message?   I think not. 

Examples of this can be found by studying the success of Henry Ford, Tesla, Edison, Col. Sanders, Wayne Dyer, John Bradshaw, and many, many, others.  Understand this.  If you believe you can, you can.  If you believe you can't, you can't.  What is your choice here?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Your Choice: Chaos or Serenity

As a child I always thought that God was watching every move I made.   To the extent, that I thought that it was his anger returning to me to teach me a lesson.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  I have created my own mess time after time, by using erroneous choices,  and it is not until much later in life do I understand this gift of choice from the God of my understanding is what life is all about.  Yes, we have a certain path that we have chosen to march down in order to evolve, but the choices that we make either will keep us bogged down or help us to find a smoother path.  It is clearly up to us. 

God is not man, but pure energy that is around us at all times.  This energy serves as protection and help always.  But always we have choice to use this energy or not.  Awareness grows the more we all learn that we are not in charge, but that our thoughts create this world of chaos, and the only solution is to learn how to work within the framework of God's laws of  love.  As we navigate through life we learn hopefully how to change.  These little chaotic lessons of confusion, argument, attracting the wrong people will continue to cycle around us until we wake up and take a better choice.  These are not punishments sent by God, but actually sent by us with our wrong thinking and wrong actions to solutions.  Change takes time here to learn this simple fact.  But hey, if you like chaos jump in and go for it this lifetime or more...Take your time. 

My truth here, we reincarnate with the same bunch of souls until the lessons are learned.  We even choose our parents as they too have been rolling through the centuries of this cycle of lives until we get it.  God doesn't particularly care how long it takes for us to learn whatever it is that we need to learn, so keep doing the same insanity if you happen to be happy with your life.   But understand there is a solution to this calamity if you will work on finding your answers in solving your own problems.

  When you do harm to others you are actually harming yourself.  Because the chaos returns always to the sender.  Much of this chaos is from faulty thinking on our parts.  Trouble first begins with the thought from within followed by the result or the reaction for us to see.    Here we are in the Aquarian Age and I have been saying all along the energy is hotter and faster.  Another spiritual law here which happens to be the law of cause and effect.  What we think about will eventually manifest in our lifestyle.  Don't attempt to judge others.  Given the same set of circumstances that you are busy judging you might not do as well as the soul you are criticizing.   It is not a case of I know more, it is simply I cannot solve any one's problems, but my own.   

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Past Lessons .....Learning to Do the Next Right Thing

Continuing on lessons from my childhood.

Mother was always the one to call when a catastrophe occurred.  I  remember the phone ringing and upon my awakening realizing that Mother was gone.  This particular phone call dealt with the death of a friend, and in those days there was no such thing as EMS or  emergency vehicles that dealt much with sickness.  Even the family doctors still made house calls.

Mother arrived at this house only to have to pronounce death of the husband who had apparently died of a heart attack.  It was she that consoled the wife, and like Mother was she took charge of the household and put it in order so that visitors could pay their respects.  The husband was a well know physician in Fort Worth, and now the wife was a young widow with four young children.  Women had not yet started working.  Yes, some jobs were available to women, but understand here no such thing as equal opportunity.  Mother did not stop with her  help.  The house was cleaned, food was prepared for the little family, and visitors were received.  The show went on, and Mother never did complain.  Often during those early years, I remember the baby, being at our house, and Mother having the patience for childcare.  That was a monumental task for her as she was not particularly crazy about keeping kids.  But she always "rose to the occasion', jumped into the solution and never looked back.   Even years later she gave the car that my sister and I drove in college to the youngest Lawson children.  That Renault 4 cv rode many miles before it finished, and I often have a smile if ever one still passes by.

Mother had experienced the death of two brothers when she was at the age of 12/13 years of age.  These two events were here teacher and also this pain of loss accompanied her for the rest of her life.  The loss probably forced her to begin stuffing emotions as her family or origin did also not deal with pain in a healthy way.  With that fact in mind,  few knew how to accept pain into their life.  Left to deal with life was my mother and her younger brother of two years.   Both were to become alcoholic, and I always think of this horrific event when understanding the disease of alcohol.  All of that emotional pain with no place to put it eventually pulled the two of them down.  This event, even though I had not yet entered life always was a teacher to me when understanding family events that could or could have not had an enormous impact upon my mother and her brother as well as my grandparents, who never were compatible. 

Mother was called many times over death experiences.  Intuitively she always knew what to do.  For example the clothes of the deceased were the first to leave the house.  In  metaphysical terms it is not good to keep items of the deceased when they could in fact help someone else.   Harboring a vibration of that soul with old clothes causes for the mourner nothing more than added pain.  On an  intuitive level, Mother knew that most of the clothes had to go.   Even when working with clients today, those souls that hang on to objects, clothing, stuff in general keeps them in the mourning state, and stagnates their growth.  Within a year, the stuff should be gone.  This Mother knew, and was years ahead of herself spiritually.  She even brought me into the room when my Grandmother was dying of cancer to show me what the body was doing to shut down.  Morbid for many of you, but this spiritual gift enabled me to recognize death, not be fearful of it,  accept the fact that all of us transition into another life.  So,  put your big girl pants on and move on with it.  Learn to celebrate that the life has now moved into another dimension.  By all means celebrate the occasion as best as you can.

About 5 years after the death of Dr. Lawson Mother and I were driving home when we witnessed the oldest child of this family hit by a car.  Mother parked the car.   She told me to get home the best way I could, and left in the ambulance with Janet, the child who had been injured.   Never did she complain nor did she question what she was supposed to do, she always responded.  Spiritually, it was a training ground for me as I learned then that we always learn more about life by example.  Very important for all of us to understand here.  It is easy to tell someone how to do something, but to do whatever it takes when there is a need sets a far higher water mark.   Now me?  I was as usual very irritated that I of all people I  had to walk about 4 miles to find comfort.   I knew better than to complain here.  But this incident of my past behavior even at 12 years of age was a reminder of ego gone south when I examine my part in this story.

We were without air conditioning in those days.  In Texas summer can reach 102 degrees to 105.  Surviving in the heat  was uncomfortable during the heat of the day, but for Janet she was in a full body cast and  on her back in a hospital bed for the summer.   Wouldn't you know that my curious brain was how did she manage to go to the bathroom?  I never asked that question because of the "no talk" rules in my family.  Looking back, how stupid, but again another lesson. Selfishly on my part no concern here for this little friend of mine.  Now, the lesson.  I was to walk to Janet's house and remain for the better part of the morning and early afternoon.  Mother even stipulated how long that time period was to be for me.   Oh torture,  I had to get off my duff and help someone who I really didn't know very well.  But always one did not argue with Mother.  What did I learn from the experience?  Mother taught me how to give, when to give, and never boast about anything of these good deeds.  Simply do them even when you are not particularly happy about it. 

Today when I see children not opening the doors for elderly people, or assisting when someone drops something and needs help,  I have to think that these souls did not have my mother to lead the way. As children, we should be taught to help, even if we are griping and complaining.  As I see it, we  have become a society that fears more about being sued rather than helping someone in need.  What kind of example of love does this teach?   This reminder of Janet in the bed always brings the memory of learning to help others even when the desire was not there.  Now it is instinctive to me. 

When do you know when to give?  You give if someone ask for help.  You give if there is apparent need for help.  But you must understand that you also learn when not to give.   Do not waste your efforts upon someone who does not want help.  Sounds obvious, but you never know how often we jump into other's  lesson without first establishing if there is a need.  Learn the difference. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Life Lessons that Continue to Hang Around Until We Wake Up

 I was born  under a cloud of  worry.  Here,  in  my  later  years  of  life,  it  is  the  primary  defect  of  character  that remains to be  a  reminder for me  to continue to accept change , and learn from my mistakes.

First grade was ever so painful for me as sitting still was not my best character trait.  To this day, I get angry when children are put into a place without windows.  Some of my best thinking was done in the "zone" of  watching what was going on outside.  I always put off doing anything and evidence of this was the one of the first spiritual lessons.  So, we were assigned a book to read and then solve the questions at the bottoms of the page.  Supplies needed to solve the questions of course were the color pencils required.  I had neglected to do this work in the classroom and  took these colorless pages home to finish.  I was loaded with pages of uncolored pictures.  Sally, the child in the book had blond hair,  Spot of course suggest a color of black and white,  and so on.  Remember, I was also a perfectionist.  It all came down to time for bed, and I had not done one ounce of work.....What to do?  Crank up the crying and pitch and moan the,  "this is too hard, I can't".  Wonderful the whole scheme worked, Mother volunteered.  (if you know anything about co-dependency you will understand this is a bad thing for a mother to do).   Mother took on the task of coloring like a 6 year old, closed the book, and returned it to me.  I did not see the work, until at school,  I decided to open this masterpiece.  .......What a nightmare, it was horrific, and furthermore Sally's hair wasn't even the right color.   What a lesson here for me.  Right then and there I learned to never let Mother touch my homework.  I would have to do it myself.   Now surely you understand here that the spiritual lesson was at work which is never have anyone do for you what you can do for yourself. 

Did this spiritual lesson present itself again to me?  Of course, over and over and over, until I learned this wonderful lesson..   It presented itself in a different ways, many years later this time when I was now the mother.   The science project was due  in school for the second grade class.  The victim here was me, now the mother, who was busy  doing lessons for my son that he refused to do.  I was clueless.  God forbid that the neighbors think my boy was stupid.  So I would show them how smart he was and complete this science project for him.   I am happy to say that I, not Scott, but I won second place in the city of Kansas City school for science.   Now never dawned on me, that I was repeating the same problem with a different twist until years later when I  was working  on me.   Schools are notorious about accepting work that is clearly not done by the student.  This is another subject all to itself, but for Scott, my son it took a while for him to grow up, because I was constantly jumping into his path, and trying to solve the problems for him.  As parents we all do this at times, and believe you me, these little scenes of pain will repeat until we have the wisdom to let the soul involved solve his or her own problems.   The "catch 22"  here is that the problems not only repeat, but they intensify  until the soul wakes up and takes charge of his or her life.   Your life lessons start from the beginning and last until the end.  Maybe this little example can help you too reflect and learn about some of your mistakes of the past.

The Universe does not care how young you are to start learning.  And as always these lessons will continue for us all until we observe our crazy behavior of repeating the same old stuff over and over again.  What are you continuing to do?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Helpful Clues For A Better Relationship

Probably the one hurdle to cross is learning how to communicate early in the search process for a better romantic relationship.    These suggestions also apply to friendships, business relationships and you life in general.   This process  has  been difficult for all of us, but trust me here if you do not ask the right questions then problems will jump back into the basket of  dilemma later down the road.   First and foremost you must discern information about this soul by judging his/her actions.   Are they on time? Do they complete task when volunteering to help you?  Do  they do what they say they are going to do?     Are  they constantly blaming others for their problems?   Does the partner have mood swings with other individuals as well as you?  Do you like the way they dress?   Can you be accepting of their family background or better yet have you met the family?   I can go on and on with this type of questioning, but hopefully you get the picture.    You would be surprised to learn that few people even come close to their own search.   We are not playing "Cinderella " here.  The search for Prince or Princess Charming is a process, and either you get onto the discovery path or you will enjoy the same thing once more.   There are no short cuts to this journey, but if you enjoy having the same experience over and over again enjoy.   The worst of all is sex.  Your sex partners past and present should also be part of the discussion.  I would guess that most people with problems have never ventured into this "land of the unknown".  It is always put on the "back burner" of life.  Sexually transmitted diseases have now become a killer to us all.  Wake up!  Ask questions.  These series of questions  will help you establish trust or, lack of trust, with the partner.  Remember, you life is important enough to protect. 

Your job is to learn to step up to the plate and observe.   Always when it is something that is not acceptable, it will be your job to turn it down.  Do not "oh well"  this situation as it will never go away.  Remember, it is not your job to remake this individual, it is your job to accept and love this individual, or gently dismiss this individual from your possibilities.    And always, it is essential to hold the sex until these questions have been resolved. Once sex has entered into the picture everyone shuts down emotionally to protect the relationship, or protect the ability to have sex.    The sexual relationship becomes the "golden calf" of the duo involved, and talk is suspended for a while until yes, the relationship runs off into the ditch with problems.  To avert problems it is important to "load your basket" so to speak with as much information that you can obtain  so that you can select a better partner.

For me, it was important to have a spiritual discussion with my mate of choice.  I told this future prospect that it was not important how he believed, but that he believed.  He accepted that with a "no problem response".   I also told him that it was important that he accept me as I was.  That if there were changes that he needed me to make, it was not okay and I would accept his answer.  Again, we both agreed not to take each other's  inventory (ex. how they dressed, what they said to others, and even how to drive)  Both  of us agreed we would work on this concept of "no inventory taking".   Even when one of us is gaining weight, we stay silent,  even now. 

Point of observation here.  No one wants to talk about sex.  Well, this is a major factor.   This can be a death sentence for a couple as love.   On the humorous side  my friends from another planet once said, " if you folks ever learn how to have sex, you will quit jumping from bed to bed."   I thought that was funny then, I still smile with amusement.  Have a good day.  J


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Learning to Find Your Path

There are several clues in finding our Spiritual pathway.   All are simple, but the first lesson to understand is that each of us must become totally honest with ourselves.   Not always easy as sometimes the aging time clock is a necessity in order to have a closer look at the past.   For me, it was natural to have the spiritual side as a part of my life.  Early life centered around the church and its activities.  This was important to both my mother and father as my father gave much importance to having a good spiritual background.  So, count on it we were always at church.  Some of the religious rebellion even started with early childhood.  My sister did not like the church of our family, and so we moved out to the suburbs to another church.   That sounds insignificant, yet to protest and get results from a child was enormous at that time.  Mother and Dad wanted us to be happy, and so they complied. 

When deciding a trade if you are curious about your talents, always check the family employment history.  How did they earn their money?   Here's my example.  My great grandfather was "deported" from England due to alcoholic behavior.  He lost his inheritance and came to America where he settled into the North Eastern Portion of the United States and apprenticed under a wood craftsman to learn the art of carpentry.   Wood design such as molding, furniture making, finished carpentry became his trade.  He moved westward and established a mill in Gainsville, Texas.  There his son developed and maintained these skills and earned a good living for his family.  They later moved to Fort Worth and here is the rest of the story.  My father became interested in furniture was a well know dealer and both my mother and father created the idea of interior design as a means of selling furniture.  There reputation as decorators was well established.  One cousin became a realtor, one a mortgage banker, and the other a sash and door man that moved to California.  All of these cousins were indirectly connected to wood crafts of one kind or another.  My degree was in interior design, and looking back it was no surprise as my family was connected to design with architecture one way or another.  It all began with the Great Grandfather and his apprenticeship to wood.   

And the psychic connection?  Okay, all of the grandmothers were either spiritually driven by the church or adopting a rebellious attitude and going to "readers", spiritualist, palmist, as a personal quest to discover self.  It is no wonder, I picked up on the opportunity to learn too was developed by the family self interest. 

Music was important in the family.  Both grandmothers played musical instruments, and  encouraged all of the children to be musically educated.  I do play piano, and like my grandmother when I am depressed turn to music for serenity. I am in no way " Liberace", but I do find comfort from music, and I do understand that it works the creative side of the brain.    This is very important for all of us to expand our mind.  Develop your creative talents in the field of artistic expression.  (you might surprise yourself!)  My Dad was a gifted painter.  I was forced to learn how to draw in school.  I did this kicking and screaming.   I too, paint today as a means of self expression.  I have started selling some of my work....But no, I am not yet Picasso, and really that doesn't matter.  What is important it helps with cerebral development.

John Bradshaw, a well know psychologist,  said to discover the family ask as many questions about them that you can.  There is truth here because all of the family has a story that will connect to you.  Learn from them and their mistakes or talents.  Somewhere in this pile of information you will find your path.  !  Your family is your karmic wheel.  Learn and discover what to correct, what to keep, and what to discard...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Episode 29 - Making Sense Out of Life / A Reading with Brook

In Episode 29 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Brook.

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on The Sacred Solution blog and now on iTunes! To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, Squarespace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

For me, life lessons needed to be plausible and of course these lessons needed to have a purpose for learning.   Or, in "horse sense" terms truth needed to  be digestible for me in order to adopt any truth.   My whole family was turned this way, and it was often fun hearing the "why" from my Father and Mother.  Yes, there was dysfunction but occasionally a "gem of wisdom" was either taught by my Mother or my Father.    The greatest gift that came from both of them was the ability to disagree.   But let me make it perfectly clear, as a child there was no arguing with authority... They clearly had the last word.   But I was never punished for thinking outside the box.

Somewhere in my late 20's I began to wake up and pursue the many questions that were circling around in my head.  It was not until the early writings of Ruth Montgomery appeared to me that I began to take notice.   It was Ruth's work that convinced me that the idea of reincarnation made sense.  But understand here,  I did not adopt this truth overnight.  It came with lots of thought, lots of talking to myself, and  finally the acceptance came for me in that it "made sense".  Here was my logic.   Just observing humanity is enough to realize that we are all not on the same level of development.   It became apparent to me that if flowers were cycling back that humans also were likely to recycle in the same or similar way.   The butterfly is the symbol for reincarnation as in its life cycle this little insect reinvents himself three times.   It was later by about 20 years that I was told in channeling class that souls came back into life and all souls were not on the same "wave length " of learning.  Some souls were in fact much earlier in development and learning many basic skills that perhaps older souls have already understood.  For example,  those of you reading this article know that it is not good to kill another being, but there are souls here on earth that have not yet arrived at that conclusion.  So what to do?  Learn to step around, over, and avoid, but bless the lesson and continue on your path.  Killing for the sake of killing is of course repulsive to me, I have long learned that knowledge, and it would do me no good to teach someone who is clearly not ready.  Yes, you must defend your life and hopefully you  will not have to kill, but always defend your life.  The lesson here,,, do not put yourself in foolish places. 

As we remove ourselves from the drug culture, and clear the brain, we become teachable.  It takes about 12 months to clear the system of drugs and alcohol.   I am told the effects of marijuana takes 6 years to clear the brain.  I am not sure here as I never verified about the length of time needed.  That being said,  to develop of the sixth sense will not work unless your mind is clear of mind altering substances.  Be careful, but be vigilant because life is much better, and here is my thought,,,, who would want to recycle back and repeat this whole insanity of addiction again?  Certainly not me. 


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Episode 28 - Recognizing the Need to Change

In Episode 28 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Simon.

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on The Sacred Solution blog and now on iTunes! To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, Squarespace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

Changing one's belief system is not always a bed of roses.   Not only do friends fight the "new you", but the family will often buck like an old bull.  Simon's reading reflected this belief. 

For those of you who want to listen to a fun reading tune in to episode 10.   Simon's message was good, but at times it was hard to hear.  What I told Simon actually happened.  Shortly after the reading, he changed jobs and how he is doing, I do not know.   But, I was happy for him that he took the leap of faith and changed his job.  This is an important lesson for all of us to do.  Even me.  Going against the mainstream is not always easy.  It is only for the brave at heart, and those souls who are willing to test the water.  The Toltec wisdom states that  all of us must follow our own path.  In spiritual development nothing could be truer.  When you are ready to learn, believe you me, the urge to discover the facts will drive you to further your spiritual development.  This takes time, and patience because conventional wisdom will always try to keep you down.  I can remember as a child being called a heretic and didn't even know the meaning of the word.  So after much research on the subject of heretics,  I even felt that at times I was in pretty good company.   A surprise read for all of you who are of Christian faith and confused read some of the writings of Emmet Fox who was a spiritualist minister in the 1940's.   His book, THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT, became the text for Alcoholics Anonymous before the Big Book was written.  It is one of the best for spiritual studies.   And, like all recovering souls I profess that it is absolutely a necessity that you find your own version of God. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Episode 27 - Spiritual Connections: Judy Reads for Denise

In Episode 27 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Denise.

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on The Sacred Solution blog and now on iTunes! To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, Squarespace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

Often with recovery from either drugs, alcohol, or even prescription medicines people feel hopeless in their "new skin".  It took me a long time to realize that dependence upon anything was a spiritual disconnect from my higher power.  This was hard for me to accept as I had already begun my spiritual path before the rooms of recovery found me.  This reading deals with learning how to "fly"  and work on a new way to take charge of your life.  Denise, a very talented woman in business, was like all of us.  She was  learning how to adopt to changes in her life by taking charge.  That meant everything was to change, and most of all, she was to be responsible for  the decisions that she would   make  while living in the working world.  

Many times I am confronted with individuals who are waiting for God to tell them what to do.   God does talk to us, but remember the "choices" are ours to decide.  This seems to be a paradox to me, but actually, it is how it plays out.  Changing your habits, changing the way you react to people, adopting new truths of behavior can be a challenge, but when it takes hold of you and you react upon great goals of wisdom, treat everyone with courtesy, be truthful to the best of your ability, do not judge others, but just take care of yourself, your life will change.  Denise is able to make decisions, but she first had to adopt new ways of arriving at her own truths.  What a celebration to see such a pretty soul evolve!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Episode 26 - Spiritual Connections: Judy Talks with Glenn Kleier

In Episode 26 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy Interviews author, Glenn Kleier. Glenn is the author of two excellent spiritual thrillers, The Last Day and The Knowledge of Good and Evil.

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on The Sacred Solution blog and now on iTunes! To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, SquareSpace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

This is an unusual post as I normally give a reading rather than an interview.  Mr. Kleier has two books now published and both are great reads.   He took the time to talk with Mark and me.  What an absolute treat this  was for me.  Mr. Kleier, like most of us, had a formal religious educational experience, and like many of us, had many unanswered questions that could not be put to rest.  His background is Catholic as mine Protestant, but the two of us each had similar experiences in the field of religious training from the Church.  I certainly cannot speak from his perspective, but for me I entered into adulthood with more questions about my spirituality than the church could answer.  My journey began at an early age particularly with little messages that were given to me along the way.   It was not until much later that I put the puzzle together as intuitive messages from my "spiritual guides".  If you are suspicious of your own messages, you will enjoy his books.  His humor and  his ability to weave history within a modern story is fabulous, of course it was interesting to receive a small amount of history about the Catholic Church.   For a good read, I encourage you to look at The Last Day and The Knowledge of Good and Evil.   My prayer is that you enjoy the interview.  The three of us had a good time.  The message for you today is to learn to believe in your own instincts.  All of us will have different truths, but many are similar.  We are each on our own paths.