Friday, August 16, 2013

The Aura and How I Found It

Everybody talks about the aura but few see it.    With a little practice on your part, you too can join the few that are able to locate it. 

As  a child I used to "zone out" in class when I was bored or listening to a dull instructor.  This particular time I was in church listening to what I call "Hell, Fire, and Damnation".   I never liked those types of subjects so I chose to take a moment to zone.  There were no windows and the idea came to me to try to look for the aura around the  Preacher. 

"Zoning Out" is like staring at something and not paying attention.   Later, I realized  this is often what is done in forms of meditation.   Another way, of thinking about this is looking at something and not thinking about anything. 

That particular morning with the sermon  I couldn't go to sleep,  Mother would have "knocked" me into reality, so the game was on.  I could stare and nobody was aware that I wasn't listening to a word that was being said.   I was in the "zone". 

The aura looks like heat energy.   At least that is the way it appeared to me.   We can see this energy when driving a car down a long road that is hot and desolate.   Living in the south part of Texas this phenomenon occurs often.   However, around the human, this energy continues to move about, but always stays located around the person.   This energy, I call the God energy.  It is your lifeline,  your transmitter,  it retains your thoughts as well as transmits thoughts to others, and of course it attracts for you, whether you know it or not, other people into your life that are lessons for you to learn.  Upon death, naturally the aura is gone.   It usually  leaves shortly before you cross over. 

Edgar Cayce , a famous psychic, once hesitated and decided not to join those on the elevator.   Something was wrong about that moment that caused him to chose another route down  the building.   Later, he realized that none on the elevator had an aura.   The elevator snapped and these souls fell to their death.  Tragic story but true. 

Color will emerge with practice.  Take time and be patient.   I sometimes see the color and sometimes not.  It comes and goes for me.   I do see words coming from the month at times.  I have been told that when the words are red, the person talking is not telling the truth.   What a natural lie detector for us all.   I usually feel the lie instead.  It just makes me angry, and later, upon reflection,  I realize that I was fed an erroneous message.  

Take the opportunity to give this information a try!   Your story might work differently from mine, but isn't that okay as well?

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