Monday, July 30, 2012

Spiritual Healing and Living Longer By Balancing Energies

Last week I was in a discussion with a friend about all of the forthcoming changes to earth and man.  So many of us think in terms of a quick fix.   There will be  no quick fix as this is a complicated set of issues that truthfully only God or the God of our understanding can undo.  We are still part of the problem as we are all part of the God energy.  Until we understand this concept we will always separate ourselves from the energy that  we  understand to be  God.  So, how do we change this concept?

It originates by first changing ourselves.  This is not an overnight fix.  For example, just tell people to learn to meditate.  They will all say, "this doesn't work".  My response usually,  "how long have you worked on this process"?   And wouldn't you know,  they all respond with about the same answer, which usually is anywhere from one month to two or three weeks.  Folks, meditation takes time and I am referring to years if you have never meditated.  It is a change that is a slow process of learning how to tune in without an immediate response.  Also, it is important to understand that all of us must have a clear and free mind of any kind of mind altering substance in order to be successful at  meditation.  But when understand this principle your life begins to change.   2012 will make the end of an energy shift into an energy of complete change.  Meditation will help through this process. 

Meditation changes our perception of life and creates a much more intuitive soul.  Wouldn't you like to look younger, be healthier, and live a life  filled with a greater amount of balance,  spiritually, physically, and mentally?  The following passage refers to our creation of lifestyle and the  aging process, which to me, is not a pretty picture. 

What I suggest here is not a rapid ascent into purification, but a slow turn around for all of us.  For me,  I, like many of you, am finally beginning to understand that this is going to take a while for all of us to understand.  Maybe we will stop killing each other and learn one day how to help ourselves heal.....


"The heart chakra will close down".


"That  is correct.  The heart chakra, when a person gets to be about forty, give or take depending upon how that person has lived, begins to blossom and fill with more love rejuvenating the heart or it begins to shut down.  This is why the people at this time are running out to get new replacements or to get their valves opened up because there is no love manifesting to rejuvenate the heart.  Then, the heart begins to shut down.  This process may take a little time, but ultimately if one learns to love with the heart, and this is 100% love, this is not 99%, the heart begins to rejuvenate itself into a healthier organ.  At a time in your society when it is looked upon as a kind of degeneration of the organs.  It is not true that, as we age, the body has to  begin to fall apart or rot.  We see it as rot.  This is not true, because the body feeds upon energy, and if these energies are fed, the body, especially at middle age( 40, 50, 60) can be healthier and better than ever before because you have the advantage of the knowledge of how to work the energies in the brain to make the body heal their, not weaker. This idea of the body falling apart is something man made.  It is living up to your own expectancy.  If you expect to age, how many of you know that when a person is forty, they begin to fall apart?  How many of you know that?  And if you know it, you accept it, you buy it and you manifest it.   When, in fact, it is possible, at forty to expect to begin to be younger and in fact the tissue in the body, the cells, will respond.  Your body will begin to be better, not worse.  It is not true that you must be decrepit at forty, fifty or sixty.  You under estimate the ability of your bodies, and you expect to get old and die and you do.  You mind/ set it!  We (the et's)  live a long time with bodies, and is is because we have advanced to a point of know how to work with these energies.  Our knowledge and our expectancies are different.  You people fall apart very early on.  In earlier times, before you got so smart, when man did not understand that he needed to be old at fifty, man lived a long time, a long time; and then he learned that he needed to die early.  It was fashionable. "


"  To live in harmony with nature is to be attuned with Earth and the Earth's vibrations.  This is according to each person's conscience and each person's ability to do so.  To begin with, to live in harmony with nature does not mean to pollute the Earth.  It does not mean to destroy the Earth.  It means to live in a harmonious vibration with it.  You are on this Earth, and the Earth supports your life, and you support the Earth's life, or you should support the Earth's life.  The problem now is that man does not support the Earth's life.  This is why the changes are coming.  There is a balance here.  As far as eating small animals, these animals are part of your life support.  It is all right.  It is not all right to torture anything.  If you get into this issue of killing nothing, what about the plants?  If you don't want to eat animals, then don't eat the plants either because they are alive, too.  There is an order about things, where those on another level  (and I am speaking of small animals and I am also speaking of plants) exist for the support of vibrations that are higher than their own.  This has to do with how the order of things is developed.  It is all right to eat plants, it is also all right to eat small animals.  It is not all right to torture them.  They do exist in order that you life form be supported.  Do you understand that?   You know some of the small animals are not good for you anymore because you have poisoned them." 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Man vs. Woman/ What Are The Differences?

One of the basic lessons to learn we have been told is about love.  In order to love, we must first learn not only to love ourselves, but accept the differences in others.  That includes different religious beliefs, racial differences, differences within our own family as well as educational differences; and, not to forget  the different levels of spiritual development.   On earth, I am reminded, on a daily basis, that we as a human race have not fully understood what this all means.  Certainly, one would argue that it is not wise to kill another human being.   But oh no, we continue because we see it done on a daily basis over the t.v. as well as the theatres.

Becoming spiritual and improving one's life,  is the responsibility of the individual.  There by owning their part or  taking the  responsibility for the environment that we are creating.  Although, I do believe that it is important to have freedom of speech and of press, it has become clear to me that many souls do not accept  responsiblity for their actions.  Why are we still publishing trash to fill sick minds with ideas of hatred against one another?   Wouldn't it make sense not to see violence on the stage or screen?   This only enhances the idea to some sick mind.  Certainly, we will one day take responsibility for not creating that kind of literary work that only harms and does no good to any one.  Most of all the people that died in the latest theatre showing might on a spiritual plane agree.

Man vs. Woman is very important here as the sexes are not always kind to one another.    It was apparent that this subject would be addressed in channelling and certainly that prediction came true.  The following is what my teachers, the extra terrestrials, taught us on the subject. 


"It is part of the karma of being on this planet.  It is part of the misunderstanding.  This is not an easy level.  This ( Earth life)  is not an easy place to be.  As we have pointed this out to you before, you might consider this place the garbage dump because it is not the easiest place to be, and it is no wonder that you sit around with this concept of heaven or this other place to go.  There are places that are better, there are places where there is not as much strife and not much to learn.  There is more of an experience of being there (earth) rather than learning and having to continually fight dragons here to get through the day or the week, or the month, or the year.  But at the same time, back to your question having to do with the inequity between men and women.  There is no difference.  Man and woman are equally vibrationally the same.  The idea simply comes from miscommunication.  It comes from a power struggle having to do with man and woman struggling because a woman was smaller and less capable of fighting wild animals, it became clear that woman was weak.  This is not true.  Women are very strong in many ways, but this is also a karmic situation having to do with those who incarnate at certain periods of time as women, being able to work under certain limitations to evolve their souls.  In the life process, having to do with evolution, every soul experiences both male and female lifetimes.  They are interchangeable.  You can do five lifetimes as a male and five as a female or  one as a male and one as a female and some people try to do male and female lifetime in the same lifetime now.  There is no set pattern to say that you come one time as a man and one time as a woman.  It is just depending on what you need to learn and when you need to learn it, and with whom you need to learn.  So there is a change from one to the other.  The basic reason for this is that these are two separate energies, but yet the two separate energies do coexist in either male or either female as well as being separate.  They are the same.  In the situation of being either male or female, there are certain lessons to learn here, having to do with everything.  One must experience both these in order to experience the total picture.  It is an energy, it is a time of learning energy."


"It was written by a lot of ordinary men who were highly evolved, who had many psychic /type experiences.  As I pointed out the other day, when asked about Revelations, yes, Revelations is there and there is a lot of truth in it, but has anyone ever questioned what kind of mushrooms the writer ate before he went to bed and dreamed the story of Revelations?  It is really important that you understand that the Bible, while it is channeled and it is the word of, as you say, "God," this is true; and yet, there are parts that are misinterpreted.  You must not take every word as the ultimate answer because there are many contradictions.  This work has been re translated from one language to another from languages where there are no words for certain things.  While it is a book, and a book of truth, you must be very objective when you work with it.  It is a magical book and it contains lots of power.  You cannot get yourself caught up in it.  While the truth is there, you must be able to know and feel the truth.  Every word of it, while I am not saying it is a lie, it is not the truth as you perceive it or it is not thought of as you perceive it.  Do you understand that?"


" No,  it was a story.  There are many stories that have to do with "as if".  Many of the people who wrote in your Bible were very, very intelligent, and some of them might have been walk-ins.  They were speaking to people who were on very low levels of intelligence and evolution.  How does one who is knowledgeable communicate with the masses who are ignorant?  How do they do that?  Do they put it in language?  They put it in stories that can be understood.  And they often times break up complicated situations and complicated concepts into very simple little stories.  This is where the Adam and Eve business got started.  Do you understand that?  The symbol for the serpent, the serpent has always been a symbol in your world for knowledge.  This is the connection with the story.  The serpent symbolizes the rising of the Kundalini force.  "

Sunday, July 15, 2012

After the Axis Tilts//Changes to Expect

Everyone here on earth seems to want a leader.  The Aquarian Age will teach us that there are to be no leaders, but be certain, all of us are to take responsibility for ourselves.  Those that make the shift when it arrives, will soon find out that working together to solve problems on a daily basis is going to be the new way.  It will not matter who has the most, or is the smartest.  What will be of concern is accepting the responsibility to do each of our parts in the clean up to make and secure a better way to live, and live with each other. 

Survival is not only going to depend upon what you know, but how you can help make a better difference.  As I see it, and again, this is my truth,  it is going to be more important than ever to accept responsibility for not only your actions, but also, your health and well being spiritually.

The following segment describes what will be after the shift.  Enjoy.


"That is correct.  In a way, a more refined society in that we will not be killing each other.  Even the point of rudeness will not exist.  In a way, you cannot say rustic except for the gadgets that may be missing.  It is a more advanced civilization.  You people are killing yourselves with your gadgets anyway.  So how can you say that it is going back, and yet this is the thing that Earth people have trouble with because they don't want to give up.  They want to have a better everything, and they tend to look at the Earth shift as a time of going backward.  It is not, it is a time of going forward in advanced motion.  It will be different.  For a while, there will be no electricity.  Your vehicles--,d there will be no vehicles.  There will be lots of vehicles, there will be no gasoline.  So, you know, you can collect all of the vehicles you want, but they're not going to go anyplace.  Time, as far as your advancement in industrial ways, is going to be lost and there will be a backward shift there.  It is good.  Another thing that you will not have on this Earth is heart disease and cancer and these things that your advanced society has brought about.  There are very unnatural states of being.  The body is not surviving well under these conditions so to say we are going to a rustic place, a rustic place with very little disease.   Those who have disease will die off  pretty quickly and those who do not, who have learned to live and balance their energies, will simply live for a very long time in a state of health.  Many of the negatives will be going away also.  Look at it that way, because there are more things that will be pleasing to you than not.  You will learn to live without your automobile, you will also learn at some point in time how to travel in other ways.  Preferably out of your body or without a body.  In more advanced civilizations or more advanced time frames than yours, people simply dematerialized, travel to where they want  to be, and re materialize the body.  They can take their bodies with them.  It will be a number of years here on Earth before that is possible.  In the evolutionary process that will happen at some point in time.  For now, though, and for the next thousand or so years, you will not travel this way because your body is too dense to go along with your mind which is also at this point a little too dense to go.  You are in a learning stage and as you learn, there are many things you will do without automobiles.  Automobiles were important in that it got you people moving a lot faster, and yet where did you go?  When you get where you're going, where will you be?  This is the problem because on this Earth, you never figured out where you would be when you got where you were going.  This is mass confusion down here.  There is not much order, and even the groups and the governments and the things se4t here to form order are very disorganized with crazy people.  There is no order here, it is a very chaotic condition at this time.  The Earth is sick.  The Earth will heal itself.   And  with this, the people will heal themselves if they live.  Those who cannot do this and those who do not want to do this will simply leave, wait and come back at another time period of time where the advancement is different.  You will learn love on this level because if you don't learn love on this level, you will never go to another level.  God is love.  This is found in every bit of truth that has ever been sifted down to any religious group or any person on this planet.  It is not learned, you people have no concept of love.  Love must come from the heart chakra.  Until you learn to move the energy through the body and love with your heart, then you have not learned love, and if you don't know love, then you do not know anything about the workings of the Universe and therefore nothing about the energy called God, which is not a man who sits in the sky.  God is a negative/positive polarized charge of energy that is all knowing and all being and there is a plan to all of this.  This seems to be a very broad topic.  If you will reduce it down to the fact that God is love, and learn to manifest love for yourselves and for others and for situations and for this Earth that you have beaten to death, then you will connect with the power of God.  No matter what you call thi9s power or how you visualize it.  It is pure energy.  It is all knowing and all being.  This is what you are here on this earth to learn.  It is the only lesson that, when learned, will get you off this planet.  There are many other things that must be learned in preparation for learning about love, but the ultimate is that you must learn love.  Now, you cannot learn love and have all of this other garbage going on at the same time.  Love encompasses many other aspects.  You must learn to heal yourselves, you must learn to heal other people's vibrations.  You must learn to understand the workings of the Earth because you cannot have love and now have these other things.  It doesn't work that way.  There is a process and it doesn't matter what you learn first.  It is that you learn it all to manifest this love ore this feeling in your heart that you connect with the God force or the God energy.  God is love.  Now, this is not a new idea.  You have had this all along to be working on, and yet on this level at this time the people know very little about this, and have very little understanding of it.  You will stay here on this level and incarnate over and over again until you learn this one simple lesson.  Do you understand that?  Are you glad you asked the question?