Monday, November 11, 2013

Home Life/ Chaos or Serenity

Most of young couples work, and as a result leave much of the house to a "no plan at all plan". 

I was a stay at home mom and now I proudly display the fact that I truly am the last of the home bodies protecting what we once called the nest.  I do not object to any of us working outside of the home.  But what we have created for the most part in this United States is a chaos gone rampant with the children.  This article is hoping to open your eyes up to the tidal wave that is forthcoming with this new generation. 

Often I am ask, "what is my destiny?"  and there they are with a family of 5 children.  The answer is fairly simple.  For now, it is to direct the children to a healthy way of living, teach them the spiritual laws, and  of course make the "nest" an  important environment for them to live.   Another way to state what I am trying to define here is teach your children how to fly and survive.   That is destiny for now in a nut shell.  It is difficult because even for me it was the hardest job ever.  Not difficult to do, but a nightmare of frustration on the mental games that went on in my own head.  For me, it was difficult to daily deal with a young mind, and not have adult inter action with other friends.  This, for me was the hardest task of all.  I loved my children, but I too needed a break from the,  "Captain Kangaroo sect".    And, like most of you, I too did not really want to hear that teaching our children was the most important job of all, why, this was too mundane, too simple,  I wanted the BIG PICTURE.   Sorry, learn to teach the truth, do the next right thing, treat others with kindness, understand the law of karma.  You do that and home life will become much easier. 

Now for the feng shui of it all.   For the majority of young Americans ( I can't speak for the rest of the world), but for us we are not paying attention to the home environment.    Usually young couples want to create good energy.  The simple truth is that the home is like that of a crystal.  It absorbs all of the thoughts that are created within the family.  Sooooo, if there is screaming, fighting, drinking, drugging within the house for the intuitive we feel the energy long before we enter the "twilight zone".   Children are very intuitive and it is amazing what they are able to endure in this land of chaos that exist all over the United States.   Not to mention the violent games, movies, and videos that they are all watching.  Where do you think that stuff goes?  I'll give you a hint, it goes to the nearest demented mind to recreate the same scene.   A thought is a thing.  Do not allow your children to live in such a chaotic nightmare that violence seems normal to them.  Stop the insanity now and save a life as well as a soul.    Once I attended a lecture given by the Dali Llama.  He was asked, "how do we stop the war?'.   His answer a simple one,   "Stop the war from within".   Teach this simple truth, and practice this truth and oh my, " Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men". 

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