Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Episode 29 - Making Sense Out of Life / A Reading with Brook

In Episode 29 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Brook.

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on The Sacred Solution blog and now on iTunes! To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, Squarespace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

For me, life lessons needed to be plausible and of course these lessons needed to have a purpose for learning.   Or, in "horse sense" terms truth needed to  be digestible for me in order to adopt any truth.   My whole family was turned this way, and it was often fun hearing the "why" from my Father and Mother.  Yes, there was dysfunction but occasionally a "gem of wisdom" was either taught by my Mother or my Father.    The greatest gift that came from both of them was the ability to disagree.   But let me make it perfectly clear, as a child there was no arguing with authority... They clearly had the last word.   But I was never punished for thinking outside the box.

Somewhere in my late 20's I began to wake up and pursue the many questions that were circling around in my head.  It was not until the early writings of Ruth Montgomery appeared to me that I began to take notice.   It was Ruth's work that convinced me that the idea of reincarnation made sense.  But understand here,  I did not adopt this truth overnight.  It came with lots of thought, lots of talking to myself, and  finally the acceptance came for me in that it "made sense".  Here was my logic.   Just observing humanity is enough to realize that we are all not on the same level of development.   It became apparent to me that if flowers were cycling back that humans also were likely to recycle in the same or similar way.   The butterfly is the symbol for reincarnation as in its life cycle this little insect reinvents himself three times.   It was later by about 20 years that I was told in channeling class that souls came back into life and all souls were not on the same "wave length " of learning.  Some souls were in fact much earlier in development and learning many basic skills that perhaps older souls have already understood.  For example,  those of you reading this article know that it is not good to kill another being, but there are souls here on earth that have not yet arrived at that conclusion.  So what to do?  Learn to step around, over, and avoid, but bless the lesson and continue on your path.  Killing for the sake of killing is of course repulsive to me, I have long learned that knowledge, and it would do me no good to teach someone who is clearly not ready.  Yes, you must defend your life and hopefully you  will not have to kill, but always defend your life.  The lesson here,,, do not put yourself in foolish places. 

As we remove ourselves from the drug culture, and clear the brain, we become teachable.  It takes about 12 months to clear the system of drugs and alcohol.   I am told the effects of marijuana takes 6 years to clear the brain.  I am not sure here as I never verified about the length of time needed.  That being said,  to develop of the sixth sense will not work unless your mind is clear of mind altering substances.  Be careful, but be vigilant because life is much better, and here is my thought,,,, who would want to recycle back and repeat this whole insanity of addiction again?  Certainly not me. 


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