Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Understanding Karma with change and energy

When I began this journey of mine some 45 years ago plus or minus, I was heavily entrenched into religious doctrine.  As a child, I loved religious discussions, however, I was tarred and feathered verballly many times before I learned to just sit and become quiet.  I began my own religious quest as a young adult, but always remained quiet about the subject.  I knew from my past that this subject for some reason or not was taboo.  Not so much the case now as people have become open to new age thinking much to the celebration of those that "thought outside the box" and dared to challenge some of the doctrines that were preached and taught in all religious studies or should I say most of the western studies.

My first hurdle to overcome was the law of reincarnation.  This law ties in with one'sspiritual growth as well as the law of karma itself.  It took many nights of pondering this question before I was able to understand the concept and the "why" behind the complete picture.

Energy has no time.  In the past cycle, Pissces energy traveled much slower.  It was not the same as I have mentioned that the Aquarian energy possesses.  Piscerian energy represented the solar plexis.  Energy derived from Pisces was inventive, it dealt with mechanical discoveries, and was an entirely different energy that came into being with the entrance of the Christ.  This energy motivated man to disscover, to travel, and to invent.  It was an energy that got things moving so to speak.  Quiet different  is the Aquarian Age.  This is the energy coming from the heart chakra dealing with the love of God.  With this energy, different  lessons are taught which have to do with love, truth, or helping one another.  As a result of this change in energy, no longer is it easy to be deceitful.  Just look at how quickly politicians, celebrities, and those in the public sector are caught when they misrepresent the truth, much faster and much hotter.  Karmic law is the same but moves faster with Aquarian energy.  Piscerean energy could wait lifetimes until its returned  as repayment.  It was not always recognized as a deed returning to an individual. Karma can sometimes take lifetimes to pay back both positively and negatively.  The payment is the same, the energy is just moving a little faster.  So might I add is the earth.  Time is flying and that is no joke here.

I have often heard people tell me that someone removed all of the bad karma.  That my friends is nonsense.  The only one that can change their karma is the one that created it himself.  If you are working with such a person, my suggestion is to find another soul.  Karma is the result of deeds created by you, your thinking, your actions with others both good and bad.  If you do not have the use for karma poof you do not need to live on earth.  So there, sit down and relax, enjoy the show.  None of us here as I have been told are perfect.

Following is a composite of questions asked  by the channelling sessions:


There are many ways of understanding karmic connection.  Often times that which you see as not being able to work out negative karma is not really that way.  It may be working itself out through time.  So, it is not really for you to judge whether or not have have worked it out because you really do not know the solution.  The solution may simply be x amount of time spent working on the problem, not necessarily bringing the problem to conclusion.  If you are working on a karmic situation with an individual, there is no way of measuring your effect on that individual at this time or at a later time.  So therefore, you may work it and not be aware of it.  It is good to understand karmic connections in that you can feel the energy of the vibration.  It is not good to judge whether or not you are doing well by completing it.  Those are two different thought forms.  Often times if you feel you are getting nowhere with the situation, you may be making lots of progress with the situation through the learning experience or not being able to get rid of it.  Do you understand?

Just as the energy changes with people, the same is true of earth.  People do not realize that the earth is living as well, and is also part of the God energy.  People are blaming the earth changes on one thing or another.  The truth here is that every thousand years or so the earth, like the souls that inhabit her, must rest, rotate, and make way for change.  Everything changes.  This is the law of nature.  Think of it as nature cleansing itself.  This has happened many times before.

So....at channelling we asked, " WHO WILL BE LEFT?".

There will be some people left.  There will be some semblance of society left, but not much as we know it now.  The geographical places on earth which are safe will be in tact.  I see this city (Atlanta) as being left.  I see most of the people being gone, but the city as such will be here.  It will not function in quite the same way as there will not be much structure in society.  But the city as such with the buildings will be left.  Society in general will change very much from that which you know today.

WHAT OTHER WAYS WILL SOCIETY BE DIFFERENT?  (the following answer startled us all)

The government for one thing will be gone and non-existent.  The structure of the government as you know it now is also polluted and out of balance.  And as nature balances the earth, it will take care of the sociological imbalances also.  Therre will be very little government left.  There will be very little need for government at that point in times.  Society will go back to a very primitive mode of living which is simple and more in tune with the lharmony of nature.


We will start over at a point of total knowingness.  This does not necessarily mean harmony as you understand it today.  It does mean a point of peace and a point of love.  Working from the loves chakra or the heartk chakra as opposed to working out of the solar plexus which has to do more with our society's structure as it is now.  As for the changes and the period of time to come, it will be a more positive time.  There will not be the complications and the structure as we now have.  We will be more  in harmony with the earth and with your own body.  Much of the things that will be missing will be negative, and even now, if you think of it, of no importance.

a final note from me today........Many of these predictions were over 25 years ago.  As I see it today, it looks like many of these changes are beginning to happen now.  Why do I think so?  Earth disasters seem to be greater both in strength and magnitude, and the present governments all over the world seeming to be  crumbling or collapsing.  I rest my case..Judith

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Going within to Find Self

You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.  Real simple here, folks, you have got to take a hard look at yourselves and be perfectly honest here when you are attracting the wrong kind of people.  Remember, it is you that is drawing these people  into your life.  Your truths, your thoughts, the whole deal here.  How many times I have heard that men or women  will claim that the opposite sex is horrible (I'm cleaning up my language here, it has been described with greater detail).   How nice!  This is the first give away of what you are drawing to yourself.  So where do you start?  How do you change?

You start by making a list.  This is the only time I will give you  opportunity to take other's inventory, but it must be done.   Parents, friends that have been caustic, relationships that went sour so to speak, what was their character defect?   Some of the categories are: emotional abuse, untruthfulness, unfaithful, sexual abuse, never "being there", financially deficient, unable to be an equal partner, and on and on until you are able to see just what is coming down the pike.  I promise you here.  Your list will have everything you learned from your childhood.  Now isn't that special?????

Okay so now you know.  What to do?  Change your thinking, change your actions, but you can not ever change anyone else.  When you change your behavior to others you will receive a different reaction.  Your job is to accept the new friend as he or she is.  It is not your job to re-make him or her.  It is simply your job to accept or to turn down whatever just walked into your life. 

Remember that I said slow down with the bedtime thing.  Okay.  Another gift is that more  information will be given with ease before sex occurs.  After sex, both sides guard their turf because they do not want to destroy what is going on here.  The man likes his set up and the female also likes the way the "nest " appears. Both shut up.  Now back to some universal truths here to discover what has walked into your life before sex.  Do they do what they say they will do?  Do they show up on times or disappear with some flimsy excuse, do they pay their bills? Are they always truthful to you.  Do they try to control the entire stage by never allowing your participation?  (Do not ever believe that you can change bad habits this one will wear you out!)

Often times couple get involved with what I call power struggles.  (this one can be comical)  One example here is how we load the dishwasher..  Now do you really think that this is worth an argument here?  How you hang your clothes up in a closet doesn't matter, but what matters is that you allow this soul to make some of his or her choices.  As long as the job gets done does it matter who used the broom?   You would be surprised how often this occurs.  Restaurants is another delima.  Is it that important on where you go to eat?  Why not turn loose of the control here and try something new for a change?  

I realize that I am poking fun at what I see couples do.  But really, you should stay out  of this silly power struggle if there is a problem here.   But I am going to confess here this is difficult to do so practice, practice, practice.  

Next post will be some stories that came to about this subject, you might like it.........Judith

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Attraction by use of energy

We are nothing more than a moving target of energy.  It is easy to understand that in order to operate a car you have to have a battery, but more than that is needed in operating the human body.  It is on the same principle or set of Universal rules that we live.  We are made up of both positive and negative charges.  This in the big picture version of the human body is  ego and the soul.  One is the spiritual self, and the other, the earth self.  Neither are good and bad, but both are necessary in order to have life on earth.  One cannot simply function without the other.  The brain is the "main frame" for the human being.  What it receives and sends creates the world that the human "becoming" lives in.

The aura appearing to look as if it only surrounds the body, is passing through going around and is as much a part of the body itself,  no aura, no life. It my friends is the spiritual connection to the Universe.  It is the current of the God of your understanding.  It is important to realiza that this current sends and receives messages daily.  If connected or in balance you will be able to receive those signals coming to you.  Many  times  this occurs,even when you are not aware.  One such example that I can give to you is  sexual attraction. Most of these signals run to the hormones rather than the brain.  We mistake this for "love".  The brain thinks that " this is the One!"  It is the one okay that is bringing not only possible sex, but much other baggage to be addressed.  As I say, this baggage is hidden from view and surprises us all.

Here comes the first reality about energy.  Energy travels on the same wave length.  Opposites attract and like repels.  (have you heard this little truth before in science?).  On a spiritual  side what you see in others that you do not like is the very thing that you need to look at in yourself.  The opposite attractions here are  the very talents that the individual brings either to the friendship or the relationship.  Your choice  is to discover which one it is.  So what to learn ?.....To begin with, learn to ask a lot of questions before you leap into bed.   Are they truthful?  Do they do what they say they will do?  Watch how they treat other people.  What are their spiritual truths, or can you live with this?   Hold off the trip to the bed before you  know this soul......it just may save you of further heartbreaks.

To attract a better soul into your life, clean up your thinking.  What do you want?  What qualities in a person are you looking for?  How do you want to live?  Do you want children?   (you'd be surprised here, few people ask, they just jump and go)   Learn to be patient, learn to practice what you preach, and clean up your own side of the street.  This will pay off with a much better partner.  Remember, it is you that is attracting this person!  The trouble with relationships has to do partly with the selection process that we call "our choice".  We make the sexual attraction, the primary factor in deciding who we are going to choose.  This doesn't mean that you have made a bad choice, but there could have been a better choice with patience.

So how do you change?  When you change your vibration, you change your attractions.  And like me, you will not know when that change has occurred.  This takes lots of work and plenty of time in the spiritual sense of things to come.  On the short side at least 12 months, but often more times that that.  Books help, but you have got to walk the walk on this one.  As I was told by my guides, you will be tested several times before the right relationship comes.  That is more than book knowledge here.  Understanding the concept is one thing, putting it into action is another.

Know this also about attraction.  What you feed with fear will come to you.  Crazy thinking brings crazy people.  Again change your thinking.  Likewise be honest in the relationship.  This too has to do with the spiritual law of truth.  (white lies do not count they are lies).   Work  under these principles and your life will change.....More about finding who you attract, next post........Judith

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nature and the Changes to Come

As I have mentioned before one of the many changes is nature itself.  That is a Universal Law.  Nature knows how to balance itself and we are now into that time frame where changes are coming very rapidly.  Among them, the earth changes.

There will be a shift with the polar axis.  I have heard both 5 degrees and 7 degrees.  Somewhere between those two figures is the truth.  To this date when I first heard this some twenty six years ago more or less, nothing had yet happened.  As of today there has been recorded by our scientist a small shift to the pole.  Miniscule to the  5-7 degrees, but it has begun.  This will in turn be a complete flip in weather pattersr All kinds of areas that were dry will be wet and visa versa.  The drought  the state of Texas is now experiencing is part of  this shift.....the outcome here is not yet defined.

As I was told 26 plus years ago we are not to know the exact plan so do not think you have it all figured out, niether do I.  Our job here is to stay balanced and ride the wave to change.  This is going to be difficult as much of our own energy is derived from earth.  As the earth shakes and shifts we  will also feel  it by way of confusion.  I was told to watch the ants and other instects.  Remeber the tidal wave?  What did the animals tell us here ? Go to higher ground.  Become atuned with them, they will serve as warning signs.  But like you and me, they are not the untimate answer, you must keep your date with meditation and prayer and stay connected to the God of your understanding.

 Following is what was told to us about the earth shift......


The earth shift will only be approximately five degrees, putting this area of the country closer to the equator.  It will be warmer her.  (Atlanta) And if you take the glove and turn it approximately five degrees, you will get the position of the earth.  ( I could not figure this one out and gave up trying)  It will not be an instant, but over a period of two months.  It will be a gradual shift.  We will not feel it, but we will know it.  There will be many climatic changes as a result.  There will be some melting of the ice caps.  There will be changes in the water levels, and there will be many disturbances connected with this.  There will be a period of time of six months of rain, that this rain will be during the time when there will be much electrical activity:  thunder, lightening, and lots of water.  This too is a cleansing process.  This is the earth cleansing itself.  As far as mankind is concerned, there will be a need to have food stored for a six month period of time.  ( I always think of the Mormans when I read this particular bit of information).  The time for storing food is not now.  Later there will be other signs and other manifestations that happened before the rain.  But the rain has to do with the shifting of the earth.  At this time there will be certain locations where it will be unsafe to be.  Your Stone Mountain will be very safe during this period of time.  Areas which now lie on the coastline will not be safe.  They will be under water.......


California will sink.  There is more activity yet to come with their volcanoes and I do say volcanoes.  There is more that one which will be active, but California will have earthquakes.  They will have sinking.  All of that area is unsafe at this time and continuing until after the earth change.  There will be no more California.  This too is nature cleansing itself.  The entire coastline will be under water.  Those who want to get out and those who are attuned to the vibration will leave.  So to live in California now is not particularly dangerous because there will be other signs between now and the time I speak of.  However, the time will come when all those who are to survive must leave that area of the country. 

Comments from me about this information given this morning.   Not mentioned was the Mississippi River.  That change is beginning to occur now.  It was not talked about during the time of these questions, but it too is going to open wide up according to information given to me.  The floods this spring I believe to be a warning sign of "things to come"  My vision here (remember it is my truth here) is that this will now become the great Continental Divide.  Am I correct? Can't answer that don't know, but it did come through and I am now passing it on.   As to California now, look at the fires, earths quakes, mountains crumbling with Highway One being one of many examples these are signs folks watch.

Now as to the fires that are occurring everywhere.  I will share this little story of mine about that.  I was young and a mother.  We were living in Philadelphia.  I felt totally cut off from the Texas world,  and like any young adult was a total baby about accepting this change.  I was too immature at this time to appreciate the gift in front of me, but enough said.  My husband suggested that I learn to read for pleasure.  (that was like holding my feet to the fire as I have never been able to sit still)  He brought me a book,  Jean Dixon's Gift of prophecy.   I think I ate the whole thing up body and soul over night because this subject awakened the passions that I had long hidden from view.  ESP was considered evil at that time.  I have even joked that I was probably burned at the stake in a past life for my talents.  You could not talk about this subject at all.  We have now "come a long way baby".   Okay, so the book referred to countless fires throughout the United States (as I recall)  Jean Dixon was troubled and then dropped the subject.  One morning she appeared on a talk show with host Tom Snyder.  Typical me I stayed on the phone the entire hour of broadcast rather than listening to what she had to say.  Why?  I wanted to know about the fire.  That riddle  solution came some 50 years later..  We are burning every where in the western part of the United States and this will probably continue for a while or until the shift begins.  Watch the fires.......      Until tomorrow........Judith

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I wish to explain here that these questions were ask some twenty years plus ago.  However, they seem to be occuring now.  It wws for this reason that I decided to edit this work on my own and publish what I thought to be relevant for those who are interested.   For me when watching life go by while living it myself, I am amazed that many of these events are appearing to me right before my eyes.

On the Aquarian energy, I have observed that it is much hotter and faster than that of the Piscerean.  To make my case observe for yourself just how fast the public learns the truth about political events, crimes, etc.  It is there for all of us to witness and see for ourselves.  The important thing for me is to not judge it, but simply observe "the show" as I call it and learn from these observations...... I will continue now with more infomation that was channelled.

IS THE CHRIST GOING TO RETURN?  (we were ask were we referring to Jesus or the Christ--many of us were confused as we thought that they were one and the same)

I do not see that the same entity as theChrist who was here on whom the present Christianity is based, will be here in a recognizable  Christian type expectancy form in our lifetime.  There is an energy that is very similar.  It is not the same, but one might recognize this energy as the same power, and of the same source.  It is not, however, an imposter. It is just a very, very similar energy.  It is another group entity who will help and be of service to mankind.  The Christ, as Christian are expecting  is not due just yet.




The concept of the over soul deals with a very large, and in this case brilliant, highly evolved energy.  And from this energy, or from this one soul, are several component souls or individual souls.  The energy which will come next is not the Christ, but one of the component souls as is the Christ.  In your terms this could be translated to mean a brother or sister type energy.  It is the same, but it is different in that all these highly evolved energies or entities have the same over soul or share the same father soul.  And yet, they are different in the purposes for manifestation.


You can see it that way.  That is an easy interpretation for people of this earth.  Yes.  It is all the same soul.   But in terms of understanding, it is better to see this as the guardian angel concept.  It then gives your soul more individuality.


Some are, some aren't.  The people who seem magic to you, the ones on your same frequency, exactly the same, from the moment you see them forever after, holding in your memory.  The kind of vibration that is immediately recognized, the feeling of knowing this soul and everything about it immediately.  If you never see this person again, the thought, the memory of how it felt,lingers with you forever after.  This energy confrontation is a meeting of your own, part of your own soul group.  Now there are other people that you will meet, and you will instantly like or dislike.  These are not part of your oversoul.  It feels differently, and yet they are people that you develop friendships with, but it feels different.  It feels familiar, but not as a part of you.  Do you understand?


The guide is an individual entity not having to do with the over soul.  And this is a discarnate entity who is learning and developing its own vibration through service to a carnate entity.  Your guides are working as much for themselves as they are for you.  In helping you to evolve, they learn, more before coming back to earth in earth form.  Guides ususally are evolving nd waiting to re-enter this plane. 


They can teach many things.  They can advise, they can help, but the are also in a learning process.  They are just what the name implies, guides.  They are not the ultimate answer, as each individual entity who is incarnate has decisions to make.  They can or they can not listen.  So yes, the guides can teach if you listen.  And if you want them to, and yet the choice of whether or not you act on that information is totally and completely up to the individual.  We are still a people with free choice, free will.  That is part of the reason for being here: to have that choice and to develop wisdom and intellect to the point of making the right choices.      

Have a nice day until tomorrow.............Judith
The following artcles deal with channelling.  They were part of a channelling group in the early 80's.  This is a condensed version of the twenty sessions held, and the samples have been altered as much of the work was redundant.  So, many of the questions represent a composite of discussions.  However the truth has not been altered as I too must be totally honest.  I do channel now, but I was not the channel at this particular time.  Do to privacy, I am not revealing the channel.  Call it a boundary issue, but I do not use names without permission. 

(questions will be represented in full caps)


All of the religions will be chnging.  Religions have always fought against one another in the name of God.  However, these religions are changing as fewer people are moving away and beginning to expand their own consciousness.  Many religions will be lacking in participants.  As older people die, the younger people are not coming into the church in the same numbers.  This change is more in a way of thinking rather than revolt.  There is nothing to fear here. 


Christian in this time, in this society as the question was asked to me has to do with formal religion, not with the love of or knowledge of Jesus the Christ.  When I speak of this, I am speaking of the formal organized religion part.  The entity, Jesus, was indeed a highly, highly, evolved energy that came to teach and share an energy of pure love and God power.  This is not the energy which has maintained itself in organized Christian religion.  There are those who are Christian who still follow the teachings of Jesus as they perceive them to be.  But for the most part it is impossible the way the system is set up to make spiritual progress withing the framework of the Christian church.  Does that answer your question?


There are groups developing now, who will survive the earth changes, survive the changes which are coming up.  In order to survive, one must be metaphysically oriented or they will fail to see the changes which are coming and to prepare for them when the time is right.  These groups have to do with the people who will survive.  The people who are forming groups are from Atlantis.  They are the survivors of Atlantis and know how to survive on a subconscious level all ready.  There will be many groups, not one religion, but they will all be of a metaphysical and exoteric nature.


There is a large movement having to do with self defense and this sort of thing.  The Universe will take care of this.  I see an on going danger from this type of group.  There is no reason to arm yourself for the earth  changes.  These people are so spiritually underdeveloped that nature will take care of this in its own way.  At this time, these groups are indeed violent and dangerous, but by the time the earth shifts with other natural disaster, these groups will have been disbanded on their own negativity.  They are fighting unseen, unknown, things in their minds.  For these next few years you will see various manifestations of their hatred, but in the cleansing of the earth, these people will not survive.  Anyone of a negative vibration will not be atuned enough to see the signs and cause themselves to survive.


Teach them spiritual law, the same that all of us must learn: the workings of nature, the manifestations of love, because we are moving into a vibration of love which has to do with the energy of the Universe, the individual.  Activation of the heart chakra is very important at this time because on this planet we do not actually understand love in any degree.  This is a lesson that was put forth thousands of years ago to be learned.  It has still not been learned.  This is the age with the time of evolvement to learn that lesson.  If it cannot be learned at this time, the souls will leave and learn and observe from the other side.  There are those who will make this transformation into the heart chakra and these are the people who will survive the cataclysmic changes only. 


They are nothing like yours.  They will live in a changed world.  Their thinking will be changed, their environment will be changed.  Nothing will be the same in ten years.  It will be better, and yet from a technology standpoint, will be very different.  We are moving in an upward evolutionary pattern which technologically may seem that we are going backwards.  The education system will be different.  The way one thinks will be totally different; nothing will be the same.  You might term it a more primitive existence, and yet, it is a better existence than now.  The earth is very out of balance at this point in time having to do with the activities and the manifestation of man.  Nature will balance itself at all cost, and this is where we are.....the evolution of the world...........to be continued    Judith

Saturday, September 10, 2011

the changing systems

The political mess that we all created is not the fault of one particular organization nor is it one particular person.  This is the result of decisions made over the last few decades that have created a bound up mess of mistakes. 

As frustrated as any person can be, there simply is no fix at this time. So as I say you have got to accept this fact, pull up a chair and watch this show.  The curtain has already risen.  The only bullet I can offer is my voice, and for that reason I have created this blog.   Be patient with me as I am not computer saavy, and at times my writing will be a little skewed.  I am also channelling many messages through this form of automatic writing, and until I am fine tuned with the computer, it will be somewhat herky jerky. 

If something is true on one level, it can be true on all levels or it is not true.  This is a basic priciple of what I call Universal Law, sometimes quoted as " as above so below /as below so above".   In this case when speaking about the political systems it appears to be falling apart one seam at a time.  There is nothing spoken out of Washington that feels truthful.  It is like putting my hands into sifted flour to find out if anything makes sense.  What I do get is that it seems  the political leaders are protecting their own back yard.  And truthfully, I can understand that.  We have created a system that is driven by fear and gossip.  Why would I expect anything honorable out of that?

Many of these political habits have been well established, even long before I was born.  So to say that we must change, although is certainly true, from my standpoint it will be done only by God, as man has rather mucked it up.

Our educational system needs to be take down to the bare bones as well if it intends to survive.  From the outside looking into the system. it looks like a top heavy tazmanian devel whirling about creating havoc without doing an ounce of good.  Do we really need all these superintendents?  Wasn't the computer brought into  the education system to eliminate the need for repetition and reduce the work load of the teacher thus allowing her more time to devote to teach.  And just what is social promotion here.? Failure to learn about failure is a basic need of us all.  We have spun into a fear factor of not telling the truth.  The majority of class certificates seen by me are simply for attendance...  yea!!!!!!!!!( that little effort is so that the school can receive money)  Last spring when visiting my grandchildren in school not one teacher could pronounce the last name of my granddaughter.  Now if I am talking about hundreds of children I can accept that, but this was fifth grade.  I rest my case here.....And the next best bonus of all is teacher evaluation run by the teachers themselves when no one has ever walked into and fully observed what each other was attempting to do in their classroom.  Sounds like a good ole boy program to me.  What happened to the principals teaching courses as wel?.  That, to me sounds like a hands on approach to knowing your students and their problems.   I want even touch the test scores.   So back to predicting the outcomes here.  Go to the law, the universal truth.  When you send out a lie what more to you expect to return then another lie.  We call that karma.  What you sew  you reap.  No preaching needed here, it is simply the law of truth.  And in the Aquarin Age this stuff snaps back rapidly.  What I am saying here is simply, the school system will also shut down.  Don't need a yogo position or deep meditation to pick this little truth of wisdom out, they both are crumbling.

Enough for now meditate and pray that is your sacred solution.  


Enough for now.  More to come and new bloggers I hope to hear from you too! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Aquarian age beginnings of changes to come

Many people are almost panicked with all of the changes that are coming to us.   Patterns of weather, changes of earth climate, much destruction  with earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes.  These apparently have increased with the introduction of the aquarian age and are getting much stronger.  All of these weather patterns are forcing us to look at the universal law of change which is non-negotiable as I would call it.  We are going to have to go through this like it or not.  The best solution is to understand that it has nothing to do with anger, but simply that it is time to learn a new lesson so to speak. 

Change is essential to understand if we are to survive as a culture or as a group.  It is time to recognize that life is always going to throw obsticles into our pathway in order to evolve spiritually.  The goal is to reach a state of peace within each of us that allows and understands that it has nothing to do with an angry God or the God of your understanding.  The earth simply needs to "rotate its crops" so to speak and rest  where the land has been worn out.  I am simplfying this explanation here and do not want to express to you that this is a simple task.  We must all be aware and prepared in order to understand just what is happening here.  There have been many such changes in past civilizations.   Therefore as inhabitants of earth we are somewhat forced  to accept this as part of nature balancing itself, like it or not. 

Your solution to understanding that changes are coming is this little assignment.  Learn to focus your mind.  This can be done with meditation.  I recommend that if new to this idea you should meditate as long as it feels comfortable.  For me, I could only handle 5 minutes at first.  Sometimes that is all I can still do, but I am getting better.  Meditate at the same time of day.  Begin with a prayer of protection.  I encircle white light around me with my favorite prayer  before I begin.   I am not the best to twist up in a yoga position of sitting, I attempt to do the next right thing here.  Sitting cross legged with my hands opened on my knees is just fine.  (the goal is not perfection here----find what is comfortable for you) 

Here are some of the by products of working on yourself through meditation, prayer and study.  You will change.  You will become a healthier person, both spiritually and physicially.  You will have more patience when dealing with disharmony.  This takes practice but trust me here it works.  And of course the big one here.....you will attract a better group of friends around you.  Work will be easier and jobs much better as you change your attraction.  I will write more about the law of attraction as I pound these keys on a daily basis.  Hopefully my writing will get better.  I too am learning to change and I too am forcing myself to use other vehicles in order to teach.  I will appreciate your comments.