Thursday, August 20, 2015

Your Choice/ Your Future

I am not the only soul that thinks in terms of lifetimes.  Emmett Fox also agrees that we are all born with different game plans.  His description is something like this: we are all born with our own hand of cards to play.  Some of us have better cards, but the game is the same.  That game of life is to learn how to do the best with the cards that have been dealt to us throughout our life. 

When you consider reincarnation as a possibility, you will understand that your past deeds created the new scene of life that you are now living.  So......, think in terms of life as a continuum.  It never stops.

One of my friends in her 70's mentions often that she is glad she is nearing the end as she does not like what she sees.  I agree, there is a huge amount of living that does not look enjoyable, but the challenge for all of us is this.  We do not stop living after the physical death occurs, we continue to work upon recreating a better place while on the other side.. This is either done as a physical guide to a soul living on the earth plane or it could be in helping to send thought forms in the way of suggestions to help stop all of the chaos created by all of us from either past or present lives.  Our deeds do not die, nor is the karmic slate cleared as we exist in death.  We continue to reap what we sew, if not this life, then the one forthcoming when it is time to reappear.  

Don't you think that it would be a better place to live if we first learn to clean up the mess that many of us have created?   In deeds, all are paid back to us either positively or negatively depending upon how we lived.  God is not the puppet of bad news we are the authors of our own creation.   Our God gives us all choice, and sometimes it take a while to learn here.

Try this for a change.  Learn to change your thinking, and watch how you deal with all souls with the thought that all of your thoughts, both good and bad return to you in kind in order for you to learn better choices. 

It became easier for me to stop drinking and smoking with this thought.  I did not want to repeat that lesson any more, so it might be a better choice to begin now with your journey.

  This is one reason why suicide is considered a "no no".   It is of course forgiven, but remember all that you did not learn by choosing to exist just has to repeat itself again in a similar or same manner.  Not a pleasant thought to think about, but it is a form of  "second chance" given to us by the God Energy in order to clean our slate. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Where Are We Going?

Each of us has our own individual experience as we walk through life.  This depends upon the time period that we chose to live on earth as well as the souls that we chose to live around.

  When I first started understanding the concept of reincarnation, I thought of  this concept as a selection, each time we were to incarnate on life, we would satisfy the experiences that were needed for us to have in order to grow spiritually.  There is, for me, truth here, but I have completely misunderstood the whole picture at times. 

Yes, we reenter earth with souls that will enable us to have the experiences needed for life, but the souls that we choose to be with are souls that we have dealt with over the many centuries of reincarnating in order to learn and grow, as well as karmic payback.  So, what I am saying here is that we stay with the same group and repay much karmic damage that was done to each other, or we continue to come back into life with the same group until the lesson is completed.  This can be lifetimes as some of us seem to remain stuck in time and lessons.

Therefore old arguments are replayed over and over again until the experience is learned.  And what might that lesson be?  How about learning to love each other and accept the differences?  And  MOVE ON.

As a race, when we tend to remain steadfast to outworn belief systems, the God Energy will gently nudge us forward and force us to deal with  "new".  This can be rather harsh upon mankind as man often gets stuck in quicksand and begins again repeating the same thing.  And so now it is time for the God Energy or the God Energy of our choosing to have His turn.

The axis will shift.  Crop rotation as I often call it is getting ready to begin.  First like a mild storm and later much stronger.  There will be changes in weather patterns that will seem bizarre.  Some of these have already begun to surface.  Understand here that mankind has not been nice to the earth and the lower animal kingdom.  We have abused the water systems, the air, the laws of nature beyond description for our own selfish reasons, and that also includes war.  Watch for more changes in this direction. 

I will now add that the population has begun to migrate all over the world.  This is a harsh reality of course caused by war and destruction,  much sadness here as forced change is not pleasant.  All of these souls are leaving the past and beginning a new way of life.  This transition will not be easy upon any of us throughout the world.  But watch it continue to grow.   Violence may get worse.  Learn compassion for others and try not to judge the process.  There is a global reason for all of it.  Change is in the air.  And remember the axis is going to continue to shift.