Saturday, May 31, 2014

Understanding Cycles and Making A Choice

As I am a decorator by trade, I am often invited into people's home in order to help them with room arrangement.   Without the intention my psychic side always kicks in and within short time, I know how this client lives in his home.   I use the," don't tell if not ask, first," rule with all information that comes to me.  Why?  because sometimes the client does not want to know or , the client is  not ready to know.  Information about people  should always be regarded as a privacy issue.  I am not using any one source here to divulge any information that would not be helpful.  But you, the reader might be ready for some understanding of  this information and it might help you through your own journey through life. 

To begin with a dirty home is in of itself bad energy.  Either from the standpoint of creating disease from bacteria infection, or disease from emotional  infection with spreads within the entire family.  Hoarding is such a disease in its extreme of "dirty" home.   Usually the hoarder itself has come through some trauma and is not able to let go of the stuff as it represents a memory or situation of some kind.  And the family surrounding the hoarder is into what we call enabling or, to you that doesn't understand, it is keeping the peace at all cost.    It is always amusing to me that some of these dirty clients often call me in for the "feng shui" reason.   Feng Shui directs the energy.  When the house is dirty it is too confusing and both energies fight one another.   

I read using spiritual law.  The previous paragraph is example of knowing the answer with spiritual law here.  This law is "As Above, So Below ".  To  define this law, it simply means that if something is true it will be true on every level, and the same goes if it is false.    Applying the answer to a dirty house refers to cleaning up the mess not only on the outside, but also on the inside.   This  sickness is emotional imbalance as well.  Everything needs to clean up.  The physical body, the mind, the soul, and yes even the house.   Usually these souls are living within a state of confusion and have created chaos all around and certainly within themselves.  Often they can't make clear cut decisions without first asking everyone around either their opinion or solution.  Frequently, the children have no direction either and so here begins the cycle....these children with either swing into the opposite direction of a "clean freak" or become another repeat of the same thing.  Very rarely without therapy will this disorder balance out.  Often the children resort to the extreme opposite,  that is they become clean freaks.

Another cycle of confusion is abuse.  We are rampant with abuse now.   Children can grow up with abuse and will likely repeat this cycle either by becoming the abuser or  attracting the abuser.  Again, another spiritual law with prediction.   The lesson will always find you with the law of attraction.  Opposites attract, like repeals, but always on the same polar wave length.  What I am saying is simply for every crooked pot there is a lid to fit.  So the crook will attract to his prey, the sex addiction will find someone to enjoy, and a thief will locate a cop to be caught.  This is done by attraction, because attraction is a law that applies to us all, and until we get it, we will stumble around thinking that God is doing "this" to us.  No, we are doing this to ourselves.   Yes, there is a God, but no, he does not whip us into shape.   The way we think and act creates a daily karmic energy.  Learning to control your thoughts will creates better energy as well as totally change your life.  We hold within our body the karmic DNA of past life experiences as well as beliefs, and often we bring into a new life the patterns of old thinking that will re create disease that possibly killed us from a past life.   Karma is  a spiritual law but  remember it is up to us to change our lives and also our way of  thinking.    Attraction is brought on by both our actions, and our  present thinking. We attract by our own spiritual sonar. (This is the auric energy at work.)  This thought process   creates for all of us us what we need in  order to spiritually  learn.
  Children  that  are  left  at home   without parental control can  become some  sick .   When left without proper guidance,  and entertaining themselves   with,"  killing videos ,  war games, and  exposing them to prescription drugs,  give  these children an opportunity to do great harm not only to themselves but to others.  Who is responsible for all of this mayhem?  Perhaps some of the  responsibility belongs to those who were in charge, or perhaps society as a whole.    Listen to our music, our movies, our videos and remember another universal law here," a thought is a thing".   What is happening?  We are not paying attention at all. 



Monday, May 19, 2014

Change your Vibration and Change your Life

At some point in our lives we come to the question that we have to change in order to move forward.  This too happened to me and actually as you read this it is continuing to happen now.  I am working on the skill of automatic writing and for a while my writing will perhaps be a little jumpy.  Sorry for that, but the purpose here is to also show you that I too have to work with " change" or else I too can get "stuck in the mud" so to speak.

As humans we often continue doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  How do you stop it?  You learn to change your vibration.  This is a simple solution, but a difficult task to accomplish as all of us do not like to be told what to do.  We go around daily hearing advice from others, needed or not, and adopting our own way.  I will not falter here,,, you must change your vibration with whom you are attracting in order to change the outcome. 

Here is your  exercise about discovering those  attracted to you.  Write down four or five things you didn't like about your parents.  They may be adopted parents, guardians, foster, or same sex.  This doesn't matter write it down.  Then with other  relationships  souls that  give you  trouble. write down what it is about these people or lovers that  bothers you. 

Guess what?  This is a spiritual gift from me to you.  You are attracting all of those vibrations that you do not like because you are learning what to do with them. These irritating souls are teaching you about your self.  For example, suppose you are attracting abusive men either emotionally or physically.  You will continue to attract more until you change this attraction.   Every activity that you do not like in someone else is your problem to change within your own self.   It is up to you to learn to  create better  choices.  How can you change until you know what you attract?

For me, I was always selecting relationships that set on a path of fixing me.  By the time I was through the relationship I was dancing to someone  wish and not knowing what I had become.  They certainly didn't like me anymore, and I didn't like myself.    How did I do it?  I stopped the game, and left the relationship.  I was told many years ago by my teachers (guides) that people knew when it was time to change jobs, but they stuck like glue when it came to a relationship.  This was true of me as well.

My intention here it to help give advice according to spiritual laws.  These laws appear in all of the spiritual writings, but they all say basically the same thing.  My suggestions will  perhaps cause food for thought.  Take it or leave it, but certainly enjoy your own path.  I am busy walking mine for the day.....Judy 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Parenting with Metaphysical Truths or Creating Havoc of Things to Come

We are creating a mess with our work ethic, and this trickles down to a mess with our children.  Our most important endeavor is sustaining life.   What I am saying is that we have now focused upon money and have created a horrible mess with our children's development.  No one is home!  If we have chosen to have children some one needs to be at home and that "one" needs to be one of the parents.   Historically it has been the mother figure.  Look at nature from birds to lower animals in this habitat we call  " earth".   By tradition,  this job was the   mother who was the main role model. She  taught the art of survival and we all modeled from behavior these skills.   We have turned this skill over to baby sitting services, nannies, grandmothers and even the cell phone for entertainment.  What are we doing here folks?  Either have children or do not, but do not mess with the future.  This is perilous.   Using cameras and video equipment  to watch the ones at home sends chills down my spine.  This sounds like a biology class with laboratory rats.  Not good here.   However, I helped set this up as well.  Many times when ask what I did in the way of work, my response was, "I am just a housewife".   We had no value on the most important skill of all.  Why?  We were not compensated for this service so it had no value.  Metaphysically we call this the energy exchange.  Unfortunately men as well as women had no value and therefore thought nothing of housework and raising children.  Well how do you like it now?  We have a mess on our hands with many young souls, and we haven't a clue.  We were not there to model behavior skills because no one was in the home.   I am a decorator also by trade and degree.  When called by young couples I usually walk into a very expensive home with nothing in it and litter everywhere.  No one knows how to live in a house because no one is at home.   I am often ask to use Feng Shui for creating good energy.  My response is to first reply by saying you need to  clean up the mess.   We are becoming clueless with "home".   This will get worse before it gets better. 

Here is my truth.   Over a period of time mothers began to leave the house work and join the job market.  It is true that the double income took an easy jolt out of the finances, but unknown to us all we were not paying attention to the most important asset of all.....our children.  It happened over time and it happened over two or three generations, but it is now revealing to me that we are in a bad spot with the child and his development.  I realize that both parents have to, at times, work; but I am also looking at this from the eyes of a child, and the effects upon the family.  Not to mention that reincarnation is screaming for leadership because no one wants to come back without guidance.  There is no guidance for the latch key child.   The most important spiritual mission is to insure that we create a balanced child, spiritually, emotionally, and physically so that....guess what?  We can return and improve our journey or path in order to grow spiritually.  Folks we are headed for the cave again.   Many of us will incarnate into the mess that they created, and I for one do not care to re live this confusion.  No thanks.  Forward is better than backwards here. 

First is the fear of everything.  What happened to when you get home from school, with the concept of " go out and play" ?  This is not in the mind  set of our children.  They do not have any form of unorganized play in their mind set.  Rather, it is baseball practice, cheer leading, some sport that leads to a scholarship or a giant plaque or trophy.  Nothing like "capture the flag" or "kick the can".   This disappeared when the "strangers" entered our lives and lurched ready to capture a child.   So play became the video, the I pad, or some electronic device that teaches them how to kill everything in sight with no telling what kind of weapons of horror.  There are few children in the neighborhood learning how to interact with one another, get along.  We have all locked every child up so that he is now safe from harm.  The video is teaching them how to skill and mangle as we speak.  Just look at the video  games. 

Without having parents at home to observe they are left with the alternative role models to teach by their actions not their words.  Who are these role models?  Let's look at  (1) the movies (2) video games (3) nannies or baby sitting services,  (4) the family itself  What have we done?