Monday, February 25, 2013


To understand life on Earth, it helps to think of Earth as a spiritual school.  In order to understand live and develop the talents that each of you has earned, it is important to first know yourself.  To do this it will take time and courage. 

It took me a long time to understand that all of the mess that was created  did not come from the God of my understanding, but from the very choices that I had made.  And many of these choices had been going on for lifetimes.   This reminded me of the karmic wheel of insanity which was to do things over and over again, and never figure out my part in the whole mess.  What a confusing life.  Many of us live in this manner.  And my friends, it has nothing to do with income or your social standing in life.  You and only you have created this mess.  What a depressing thought.  But, there is a way out of misery, and that is up to you. 

For me, it began with a simple understanding that many of the truths that I had adopted were false.  So let's begin looking at some of these possibilities for you.

Here is a new truth.  We are not evolved on earth at the same level.  This simply means that certain souls might be in the early incarnation of human existence.  Be careful here not to judge these people by either their education level or their social standing in the community.   The point I am making is that it is very important for you to not judge, but just to know.   Remember that Jesus came into life as a Carpenter.   As I was told he understood the power of ego and chose a "normal " existence in order to stay balanced.   Just look at the movie industry.  We idolize these souls, put them upon pedestals, and look to them as if they are our leaders only because they claim fame.  Being in People Magazine or in the movies does not indicate that these are spiritually wise individuals.  Talented they are, but that is all that you should observe and certainly not judge and follow them to your version of Utopia.  You do not know the path they are own, nor do you understand from where they are sharing.   While in the illusion of "fame" what are they learning?  Nothing more than lessons about the ego.  Remember, earth life is temporary.  Your job is to become responsible for your own self. 

As we evolve, our truths will change.  One true that does not move or change is the truth that God is love.  However, our perception of God, and what we believe God to be will change as we evolve.  For me, God is not a man, nor a woman, and like many souls there are no words to adequately describe just what God is.  That is up to you to find.   God does not judge. God is truth, God is love, God is intelligence, God is spirit, and God is within us all.  The more we stay in truth, love, and balance, the closer we will find our own path in order to evolve.   

Monday, February 18, 2013

A New Beginning (The Aquarian Age)

I am not going to expand on the meaning of  the chapter in the Bible which is Revelations.  There is much confusion here, and it has been misunderstood and interpreted in many different languages.  I will agree that there is some truth within the chapter, but for me, it is much easier to find other sources with a better description.   In any event, you, the reader, must find your own truths.

It made complete nonsense to me that the God of my Understanding was going to completely destroy this lovely and beautiful earth where we all now live.   It was for that reason alone that I began my own discovery into what the possibilities were for the coming Age now called Aquarian.  We are now completely and totally experiencing this new energy.  Some of my explanations will come from the works of Emmet Fox as he revealed answers that seemed to have  truth.  I was told that none of us while living on earth would have the complete answer,  I agree with this statement.  It would make egomaniacs of us all to know what we do not and can not understand.   Human nature is always to protect what we have rather than give up whatever it might become because we all are driven by fears of the unknown.

According to Emmet Fox in his work ALTER YOUR LIFE, the Aquarian Age was to be a completely new chapter in the history of mankind.   To him a new age meant that everything was to change.  That implied our political systems, ecclesiastical institutions, the way we work and earn money, and even our relationships with our fellow man.   Think about it.  No more monarchies, stock markets, banking systems, school systems, health care systems, hospital systems, and probably transportation systems.   No wonder John,the author of Revelation, called this a death sentence.  Everything will be reduced to the basics.   Emmet Fox said this would be a radical change, and it would be for the better.  I agree with Emmet Fox.  I also agree that we are just in the beginnings of these changes that are  to come.   The retirement of the Pope is one example.  These changes are going to be monumental, but after the "dust settles", the best is yet to be. 

Your responsibility is your attitude.  Instead of looking at life with a dooms day approach, try to understand that we are all being led to a better way to live with one another.  We are learning now the true meaning of love, and it is not a form of co-dependency.  It will be that all of us are accountable for our own actions instead of relying upon others to solve what we are capable of doing.  Remember with God,  all things are possible.   

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What Is The Vibration Describing ?

Many people do not pay attention to the vibration either around certain people or even better, places.  It is important when moving about in your lifetime to always pay attention to the particular vibration that you perceive that you are feeling.  Of course it is important for you to be completely aware of your surroundings without the influence of any supplements or alcohol that could alter your feelings. This feeling of awareness is protecting you.  However, one road of caution.  Do not be driven by fear here. 

Most people just blindly walk through life without perceiving the environment that they have joined.  This is more important than you possibly could imagine as one day, it could save your very life. 

One of the best rules that I use to apply is the first impression about a vibration is usually the best.  We all get into trouble when we try to analyze.  Just for the moment, go with the initial impression.  And, always thank the God of your understanding for the gift.  Remember the intuitive thought is yours and not everyone around you will experience the same feeling at the same time.  Early in my development, I was always looking for others to verify my findings or discoveries.  It took a long time for me to realize that all of us will have differing opinions of their surroundings.  No two people see the same environment exactly the same.  Understand that we are all on different levels with different experiences. 

Remember that even groups take on "vibrations".   An example that comes to mind is too much alcohol in a sports arena  alters the vibration rapidly. 

It is my suggestion here, that all of us practice this awareness, particularly when all of us are working on our intuitive connection to the God Force around us.