Sunday, January 27, 2013


According to the Guides, who are my teachers, not only are we not alone, but we are not one of the highest evolved planets in the Universe.  All Universal knowledge is from God, and all of us are connected to the same energy that we call God.  The Aquarian Energy is here to teach us and help us expand our thinking of God and what we need to do in order to improve ourselves both spiritually, mentally, and physically.   Before we are able to unite with those that will help us to learn, we must first learn the meaning of love.  This is not an easy task, nor is it easy for me to explain, but with the guides help I too am improving inch by inch.

Many have asked me what is my purpose in life.   I can only share with you my truth here.  We tend to get a little out of balance with this question.  If you remember all of the spiritual laws that I have written about in the previous post here, then you will have you own answer.  Just follow the rules.  Simple as that. 

To expand here just a bit, I would also add that each of us needs to learn and study the meaning of love.  Simple, but difficult to do.  Love is not judging another soul.  None of us can understand someone when we don't understand what they are here to learn.  Acceptance of others is the key, and of course that follows with a good prescription of "kindness".   Teach by example not necessarily words.

When we live by the Spiritual Laws and do unto others then we are completely the task of God's will for us.  I was told that until we can learn to get along, we are going to continue being "stuck". 

Everyone of us has the capability of solving their own problems as they remain connected to the God of their understanding.  So with that just take care of your own problems and leave the rest to God.  Simple, but very hard to do.