Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Understanding Karma with change and energy

When I began this journey of mine some 45 years ago plus or minus, I was heavily entrenched into religious doctrine.  As a child, I loved religious discussions, however, I was tarred and feathered verballly many times before I learned to just sit and become quiet.  I began my own religious quest as a young adult, but always remained quiet about the subject.  I knew from my past that this subject for some reason or not was taboo.  Not so much the case now as people have become open to new age thinking much to the celebration of those that "thought outside the box" and dared to challenge some of the doctrines that were preached and taught in all religious studies or should I say most of the western studies.

My first hurdle to overcome was the law of reincarnation.  This law ties in with one'sspiritual growth as well as the law of karma itself.  It took many nights of pondering this question before I was able to understand the concept and the "why" behind the complete picture.

Energy has no time.  In the past cycle, Pissces energy traveled much slower.  It was not the same as I have mentioned that the Aquarian energy possesses.  Piscerian energy represented the solar plexis.  Energy derived from Pisces was inventive, it dealt with mechanical discoveries, and was an entirely different energy that came into being with the entrance of the Christ.  This energy motivated man to disscover, to travel, and to invent.  It was an energy that got things moving so to speak.  Quiet different  is the Aquarian Age.  This is the energy coming from the heart chakra dealing with the love of God.  With this energy, different  lessons are taught which have to do with love, truth, or helping one another.  As a result of this change in energy, no longer is it easy to be deceitful.  Just look at how quickly politicians, celebrities, and those in the public sector are caught when they misrepresent the truth, much faster and much hotter.  Karmic law is the same but moves faster with Aquarian energy.  Piscerean energy could wait lifetimes until its returned  as repayment.  It was not always recognized as a deed returning to an individual. Karma can sometimes take lifetimes to pay back both positively and negatively.  The payment is the same, the energy is just moving a little faster.  So might I add is the earth.  Time is flying and that is no joke here.

I have often heard people tell me that someone removed all of the bad karma.  That my friends is nonsense.  The only one that can change their karma is the one that created it himself.  If you are working with such a person, my suggestion is to find another soul.  Karma is the result of deeds created by you, your thinking, your actions with others both good and bad.  If you do not have the use for karma poof you do not need to live on earth.  So there, sit down and relax, enjoy the show.  None of us here as I have been told are perfect.

Following is a composite of questions asked  by the channelling sessions:


There are many ways of understanding karmic connection.  Often times that which you see as not being able to work out negative karma is not really that way.  It may be working itself out through time.  So, it is not really for you to judge whether or not have have worked it out because you really do not know the solution.  The solution may simply be x amount of time spent working on the problem, not necessarily bringing the problem to conclusion.  If you are working on a karmic situation with an individual, there is no way of measuring your effect on that individual at this time or at a later time.  So therefore, you may work it and not be aware of it.  It is good to understand karmic connections in that you can feel the energy of the vibration.  It is not good to judge whether or not you are doing well by completing it.  Those are two different thought forms.  Often times if you feel you are getting nowhere with the situation, you may be making lots of progress with the situation through the learning experience or not being able to get rid of it.  Do you understand?

Just as the energy changes with people, the same is true of earth.  People do not realize that the earth is living as well, and is also part of the God energy.  People are blaming the earth changes on one thing or another.  The truth here is that every thousand years or so the earth, like the souls that inhabit her, must rest, rotate, and make way for change.  Everything changes.  This is the law of nature.  Think of it as nature cleansing itself.  This has happened many times before.

So....at channelling we asked, " WHO WILL BE LEFT?".

There will be some people left.  There will be some semblance of society left, but not much as we know it now.  The geographical places on earth which are safe will be in tact.  I see this city (Atlanta) as being left.  I see most of the people being gone, but the city as such will be here.  It will not function in quite the same way as there will not be much structure in society.  But the city as such with the buildings will be left.  Society in general will change very much from that which you know today.

WHAT OTHER WAYS WILL SOCIETY BE DIFFERENT?  (the following answer startled us all)

The government for one thing will be gone and non-existent.  The structure of the government as you know it now is also polluted and out of balance.  And as nature balances the earth, it will take care of the sociological imbalances also.  Therre will be very little government left.  There will be very little need for government at that point in times.  Society will go back to a very primitive mode of living which is simple and more in tune with the lharmony of nature.


We will start over at a point of total knowingness.  This does not necessarily mean harmony as you understand it today.  It does mean a point of peace and a point of love.  Working from the loves chakra or the heartk chakra as opposed to working out of the solar plexus which has to do more with our society's structure as it is now.  As for the changes and the period of time to come, it will be a more positive time.  There will not be the complications and the structure as we now have.  We will be more  in harmony with the earth and with your own body.  Much of the things that will be missing will be negative, and even now, if you think of it, of no importance.

a final note from me today........Many of these predictions were over 25 years ago.  As I see it today, it looks like many of these changes are beginning to happen now.  Why do I think so?  Earth disasters seem to be greater both in strength and magnitude, and the present governments all over the world seeming to be  crumbling or collapsing.  I rest my case..Judith

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