Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Attraction by use of energy

We are nothing more than a moving target of energy.  It is easy to understand that in order to operate a car you have to have a battery, but more than that is needed in operating the human body.  It is on the same principle or set of Universal rules that we live.  We are made up of both positive and negative charges.  This in the big picture version of the human body is  ego and the soul.  One is the spiritual self, and the other, the earth self.  Neither are good and bad, but both are necessary in order to have life on earth.  One cannot simply function without the other.  The brain is the "main frame" for the human being.  What it receives and sends creates the world that the human "becoming" lives in.

The aura appearing to look as if it only surrounds the body, is passing through going around and is as much a part of the body itself,  no aura, no life. It my friends is the spiritual connection to the Universe.  It is the current of the God of your understanding.  It is important to realiza that this current sends and receives messages daily.  If connected or in balance you will be able to receive those signals coming to you.  Many  times  this occurs,even when you are not aware.  One such example that I can give to you is  sexual attraction. Most of these signals run to the hormones rather than the brain.  We mistake this for "love".  The brain thinks that " this is the One!"  It is the one okay that is bringing not only possible sex, but much other baggage to be addressed.  As I say, this baggage is hidden from view and surprises us all.

Here comes the first reality about energy.  Energy travels on the same wave length.  Opposites attract and like repels.  (have you heard this little truth before in science?).  On a spiritual  side what you see in others that you do not like is the very thing that you need to look at in yourself.  The opposite attractions here are  the very talents that the individual brings either to the friendship or the relationship.  Your choice  is to discover which one it is.  So what to learn ?.....To begin with, learn to ask a lot of questions before you leap into bed.   Are they truthful?  Do they do what they say they will do?  Watch how they treat other people.  What are their spiritual truths, or can you live with this?   Hold off the trip to the bed before you  know this soul......it just may save you of further heartbreaks.

To attract a better soul into your life, clean up your thinking.  What do you want?  What qualities in a person are you looking for?  How do you want to live?  Do you want children?   (you'd be surprised here, few people ask, they just jump and go)   Learn to be patient, learn to practice what you preach, and clean up your own side of the street.  This will pay off with a much better partner.  Remember, it is you that is attracting this person!  The trouble with relationships has to do partly with the selection process that we call "our choice".  We make the sexual attraction, the primary factor in deciding who we are going to choose.  This doesn't mean that you have made a bad choice, but there could have been a better choice with patience.

So how do you change?  When you change your vibration, you change your attractions.  And like me, you will not know when that change has occurred.  This takes lots of work and plenty of time in the spiritual sense of things to come.  On the short side at least 12 months, but often more times that that.  Books help, but you have got to walk the walk on this one.  As I was told by my guides, you will be tested several times before the right relationship comes.  That is more than book knowledge here.  Understanding the concept is one thing, putting it into action is another.

Know this also about attraction.  What you feed with fear will come to you.  Crazy thinking brings crazy people.  Again change your thinking.  Likewise be honest in the relationship.  This too has to do with the spiritual law of truth.  (white lies do not count they are lies).   Work  under these principles and your life will change.....More about finding who you attract, next post........Judith