Saturday, September 10, 2011

the changing systems

The political mess that we all created is not the fault of one particular organization nor is it one particular person.  This is the result of decisions made over the last few decades that have created a bound up mess of mistakes. 

As frustrated as any person can be, there simply is no fix at this time. So as I say you have got to accept this fact, pull up a chair and watch this show.  The curtain has already risen.  The only bullet I can offer is my voice, and for that reason I have created this blog.   Be patient with me as I am not computer saavy, and at times my writing will be a little skewed.  I am also channelling many messages through this form of automatic writing, and until I am fine tuned with the computer, it will be somewhat herky jerky. 

If something is true on one level, it can be true on all levels or it is not true.  This is a basic priciple of what I call Universal Law, sometimes quoted as " as above so below /as below so above".   In this case when speaking about the political systems it appears to be falling apart one seam at a time.  There is nothing spoken out of Washington that feels truthful.  It is like putting my hands into sifted flour to find out if anything makes sense.  What I do get is that it seems  the political leaders are protecting their own back yard.  And truthfully, I can understand that.  We have created a system that is driven by fear and gossip.  Why would I expect anything honorable out of that?

Many of these political habits have been well established, even long before I was born.  So to say that we must change, although is certainly true, from my standpoint it will be done only by God, as man has rather mucked it up.

Our educational system needs to be take down to the bare bones as well if it intends to survive.  From the outside looking into the system. it looks like a top heavy tazmanian devel whirling about creating havoc without doing an ounce of good.  Do we really need all these superintendents?  Wasn't the computer brought into  the education system to eliminate the need for repetition and reduce the work load of the teacher thus allowing her more time to devote to teach.  And just what is social promotion here.? Failure to learn about failure is a basic need of us all.  We have spun into a fear factor of not telling the truth.  The majority of class certificates seen by me are simply for attendance...  yea!!!!!!!!!( that little effort is so that the school can receive money)  Last spring when visiting my grandchildren in school not one teacher could pronounce the last name of my granddaughter.  Now if I am talking about hundreds of children I can accept that, but this was fifth grade.  I rest my case here.....And the next best bonus of all is teacher evaluation run by the teachers themselves when no one has ever walked into and fully observed what each other was attempting to do in their classroom.  Sounds like a good ole boy program to me.  What happened to the principals teaching courses as wel?.  That, to me sounds like a hands on approach to knowing your students and their problems.   I want even touch the test scores.   So back to predicting the outcomes here.  Go to the law, the universal truth.  When you send out a lie what more to you expect to return then another lie.  We call that karma.  What you sew  you reap.  No preaching needed here, it is simply the law of truth.  And in the Aquarin Age this stuff snaps back rapidly.  What I am saying here is simply, the school system will also shut down.  Don't need a yogo position or deep meditation to pick this little truth of wisdom out, they both are crumbling.

Enough for now meditate and pray that is your sacred solution.  


Enough for now.  More to come and new bloggers I hope to hear from you too! 

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