Sunday, October 2, 2011

Power through Use of Color

     I have not written much about one's destiny.  People seem to fight this one.  So did I; but as I began to change I opened myself to new ideas.  With time, my old ways of living and thinking slowly changed.  The destiny of the soul is intertwined with color as we incarnate into the earth vibration on different rays of energy.  When thinking of rays, it may be easier for you to think in terms of color as each ray as a different color as well as a different vibration. It is important when studying the body or the chakras that all of us understand the importance of the ray and its color associated with the particular chakra. 
     My first course in University studies dealt with color, I am eternally grateful to have had this information given to me.  The metaphysical movement seems to sidestep this subject, and much is misunderstood about the importance.  In working with crystals to heal other souls, it is very important to understand the use of color.  The properties of color are hue (color), value (lightness or darkness), and intensity (brightness or dullness).  To heal yourself, work with crystals, or use crystals for meditation, it is important for you to understand the properties that each color exhibits ie. the total package with all of the properties included.  The hue will vary depending upon the intensity and the value.  Think of yourself as a radio receiving direction from all sources.  Operation "rainbow" could be a good description.  Much of color should be used with your own intuition or feeling when working with another person who is sick, and it is very important you understand lthis concept when you are either healing yourself or others. Following are some examples that came from the channelling sessions in 1987.

     First thing I would like to mention has to do with color.  It is essential that you learn about color, learn the vibrations of the color, as every color is different.  Colors vibrate a a different frequency and color is important.  It is essential that you use every energy form available to you, and color is something that tends to be over looked.  Learn the significance of the vibration.  Use color as an energy field, and erergy force.  You can use it for many things.  You can use it in attraction.  You can use it in health.  You can use it in many ways, as long as you know about it. 

     The highest vibrational color is white.  Because white contains all of the vibrations.  White reflects all color.  Black absorbs all color.   It is the absence of color, but it is not negative.   Many souls wear black when clearing the sickness out of the auric energy.  This is also why people wear black when in mourning or depression.  Symbolically the preachers wear black to absorb the pain of the congregation.  This is incorrect as one cannot absorb someones pain.   Negative is not a good word to use, but colors that appear dirty such has brown or gray help no one as they have a low vibration here.  Think of them as muddy.  As a result, they can hold or attract negative energy.  To off set the use of brown or gray in the your wardrobe, it is suggested to accent these dull hues with bright hues of accent. 

     In dealing with healing refer to the particular part of the body that is sick.  For example, with the heart, green is a good color to use.  When using color select the crystals that will aid in this process.  But use both the mind and the crystal to enhance the color as well as the physical here. 

*     Years ago, I was working with massage.  I had a friend suffering from cancer and called upon my friend, Donna, who worked with crystals, to help me.   It was my first attempt to heal using both crystals and massage.   Cancer had returned to this patient for the third time, and Donna and I took the opportunity to attempt a healing.   I remained silent.  The patient never was told.  This is important in healing.  Silence is golden here.  The woman lives today cancer free.  Did we heal her?  Who knows.  For me the healing was all through the use of the God energy.  I simply assisted.  But I do believe that healing is possible when properly administered  with crystals as boosters so to speak.  I do believe that to do a good deed one must keep silent, that's is the gift.

     Crystals store color and they store energy.  Some crystals will be used as a storage point for energy, like a battery to return the energy back to individuals, to plants, to animals.  There is a direct connection  between people and crystals, in that you can store your own energy or the energy of the earth.  Crystals enhance the vibration.   They can be used to intensify the vibration when meditating.  However, you must remember that you hold the power, not the crystal.  The crystal store your energy and your thoughts.  When using crystals for meditation, they should be kept in a sacred place where others are not able to see, touch, or focus upon them.  Crystals call absorb all thought so be selective here.  This is also why Tarot cards are always wrapped and kept in a private place when not in use. 
     A color is at its most positive when it is in its purest state.  For example yellow is at its brightest when it is located at the top of the value chart, and at the top of the intensity chart.  That color is at its peak.  Red vibrates at a lower vibration in  the middle value, and it is at its purest intensity at the middle of the value scale.  Yellow might be used to clear up one's thinking, change one's focus.  Think of the cartoon  "light bulb" when you think of pure yellow.  Yellow in the middle value range is somewhat dirty where red is at its purest at middle value.


     People come in to life on certain rays, and while the rays are not the only things which influence us, the rays are definitely connected with the individual from birth until death in each earth life.  With rays are associated  different lessons that the soul has chosen for evolvement.  A person can super cede the vibration of the ray if that is his mission.  But the underlined current of vibration is always present.

     People of the earth are on various levels of evolvement, and those who are not connected are not as highly evolved as those who are connected.  There are different levels or degrees of being connected.  Some are more connected that others.  But if a person is totally disconnected or just out somewhere doing something else, there is nothing you can do to change that, other than some suggestion.  If they take it, the the soul is ready to do some evolving.  It is ready to grow a little bit.  If they reject any kind of message, or any kind of conversation having to do with this, then their souls is simply just not ready to evolve.  We evolve at our own rate.  No one can cause any person to evolve any faster than that person is ready to evolve.  Now a person can help another person evolve.  But as far as causing it to happen, if that soul is not ready to evolve, you might as well forget it.
     Think of it this way.  Earth has many different variety of souls evolving at different rays with different lessons to learn.  Until each lesson has been completed, there is no way that you will change them.

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