Monday, August 27, 2012

Episode 8 - Spiritual Connections: Readings for Patti and Diana

In Episode 8 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Patti and Diana.

Becoming Your Authentic Self By What You Want to Do, Despite Others

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on "The Sacred Solution." To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, Squarespace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

What others think of us often controls our actions.  Finding the problem with Patti was like literally pulling teeth.  I picked up a bounty of unhappiness.  Patti was not willing to discuss the find of the unhappiness, and perhaps she had not yet even thought of it herself.  We call this denial.   It finally took some talk before Patti confessed.  The argument was over the house, and the selling of the house.  Usually it is because the family is somewhat protecting the inheritance here which had a direct relationship to property and why it shouldn't sell.

The blessing for those of us who have existed on 12 step work is that early in our own recovery, we learned to peel the onion and see the life that we had created for ourselves.   Patti was not being argumentative, she just had never looked at her part in the problem.   She was attempting to move, and needed spiritual advice to be given permission to move.  That is unfortunately the part of the psychic.  What is true is that we will all die on the vine if we do not take responsibility for our own lives.  Patti wanted to go, but inwardly was frightened in making that decision.  For me, the reader I had to pull a few teeth of my own to open the discussion in a way that would help the soul.  Sometimes that can be painful, but sometimes it is necessary.

When we live in negative thinking that we created, then rest assured, it will happen.  Again, Patti was being forced to make a decision and have the faith that what the journey created by her would be.  Successful or not  her choice by her own thoughts.   This is a lesson that all of us must learn, and that even goes for me!

In regard to the second reading here, it continually reminds me that we are not in control of other lives.  Particularly. when it has to do with our own children.  Mothers suffer often in silence with worry, and literally make themselves sick.  Here was a case of two young men doing their own thing sometime successfully, but the Mother here was wringing her hands with worry.   In recovery, it is fortunate to work with individuals who are learning that they must often let go of life in order to have any sanity in their world.  Prayer works, but it is not used enough.  As parents, we often think of giving either with money or effort and it totally mucks up the whole scene.  None of us learn anything when someone always rescues  us from our decisions. 

One son was on his own great explore, the other was becoming more and more financially dependent upon the parents to solve his problems.  We call this enabling, and it is, in my opinion, the biggest booby trap of all, and creates nothing more than a pile of greater mess.   Always consider the energy when giving or receiving.  What is the payment?  Is it balanced?  Are you always giving and not receiving?   In either case, out of balance energy with give and take solves no problem.  What happens on the prediction scale is that what ever you are giving is not working.. ....Stop.

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