Sunday, August 26, 2012

Episode 7 - Spiritual Connections: Readings for Jody and Leticia

In Episode 7 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Jody and Leticia.

Learning to Use The Talents Given and  Working On Healing While Dealing With Hardships

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on "The Sacred Solution." To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, Squarespace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

Reading for souls that I do not know is sometimes like looking for a grain of sand in the pile of information that comes to me.  To add to the difficulty, the person seeking the message is often not very open at first until I unlock the information that needs to be said. 

I will also add that although I read over the Internet with microphone, it is often difficult to read without seeing the person and the vibration.   In addition, with the confusion of the guest, the producer, and my barking dog, the reading can often feel to me like a dog and pony show.  I do my best with what I have been given at the time.   What was uncovered was the story of Willa the child of Jody.   And, what was revealed to me was her spiritual strength that she was able to use in order to deal with the financial dilemmas, health issues, and  how this couple pulled in a faith relationship while working to heal this child.  It was a good reading and a spiritual connection.

In recovery, it is true that when we help others we help ourselves, and by sharing our problems we reveal on a spiritual level that, "if I can get through this mess, I can do anything".    The second reading on this show dealt with totally what I call a first step issue.  This was a solution that only God could fix.   Living next to Mexico and having a small degree of ability to speak the language I understand.  Because of the American Spirit within me, if I were in Mexico, I too, would probably jump ship in order to survive.   The United States as well as Mexico have chosen not to work on this problem.  I do not have the answer, but clearly what we are doing is not working.  Some of our own systems whether they are aware of it or not are part of the problem.  This is a case of trying to put hold the dam back while the water spills forth from every direction.  This haphazard solution often brings into focus the criminal element with a solution all their own, and I might add,  caustic for the rest of us.  Look at the drug situation as an example.  Prohibition certainly didn't work, yet the law allowed the crime spree in to feed upon those that were determined to drink.  This is on going with the illegal drug market, and it is getting worse.   Trafficking of illegal drugs as well as people is a horror story to me with only the first step allowing some sanity here in solving the problems.   Prayer was to me the only answer for this problem, and a large amount of changing our thoughts to create a positive outcome.

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