Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Episode 5 - Spiritual Connections Podcast: Tanja Reading

In Episode 5 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Tanja.

Learning How to Confront Anger and Dealing with Our Emotional Bag of Rocks

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode, SquareSpace.com

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These pod casts air weekly on "The Sacred Solution." To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at judithhlane@gmail.com, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Face book or Twitter.

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Often when working with others either in recovery or giving readings, I find that people do not like confrontation.  I , too, was one such a soul with this bad habit.   I often felt like a  turtle returning to her shell and then spent hours justifying why I needed to be a good girl and keep the peace.  

When we do not deal with issues on a proper level, we will invariably stuff our emotions and continue  being the victim.

It was not until recovery when I learned to be honest with myself.  Dealing with events that bothered me emotionally was physically harmful to my emotional well being.  Literally, it often brought on depression, and I think much of my physical health was compromised.  Living like this was a pure form of hell if you want me to paint a description. 

It took practice and shear nerves of steel to deal with silly problems and learn how to properly confront people without turning into the Tasmanian devil.   Changing one's behavior is very difficult, as bad behavior is as natural as breathing fresh air.  So remind yourself when you listen to this tape and see if you have any similarities to this delima.   Breaking these habits is a form of confronting your fears.   Being truthful to yourself, relying on God's help with prayer, and learning to stand up regardless of the outcome takes some fortitude.  It works, and it may take time until you have had enough. 

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