Sunday, September 20, 2015


This physical law happens to also be a spiritual law.  Opposite attract and like repels.

The hardest acceptance for me was that I was attracting all of my own lessons.  I could no longer blame others and other situations for my own problems.  This was a spiritual jolt to me.  Yes, some was karma, some my destiny, but I had to realize that my own thinking and belief system was creating my own set of lessons.  My journey of life could no longer be blamed on others.  As simple as this concept is, it is very hard to accept when you are either the person being robbed, mugged, raped or whatever; but slow down here, and bear with me,  these situations will later be discussed and hopefully you can have better enlightenment with disaster.

The sessions with the channel were my initiation into a change of thinking or consciousness that took time and yes, again more experiences for me to understand.  Do I completely get all now?  NO, but I am at least, as a human becoming, experiencing life and able to look at life with a different mindset.  I have changed many of my own behaviors as a result. 

This particular article will deal with vibrations and how to begin to change that within us that we call our own vibration.  It is through learning to do this that we will change situations and even the type of people that we are attracting to us.  Life will indeed improve. 

Attempting to understand the higher self is a matter of raising your energy, raising your vibration, or moving your energy through your body to the crown chakra or the top of the head so that it unites, first of all, with the Universe and thereafter.  This is a slow process, and this is why we are here.  But as the higher self is activated, and as people begin to act less like the animals and more like the God energy within each of us, the vibrational level changes.  This is the ultimate, as far as what you can do on this plane to unite yourself with the God force, or the God Energy.  And yet, that is not the end of it.  It is not true that those who are good get to go and live with God.  Because there is other learning on other levels.  And God is not an anthropomorphic state.  That is another symbol that was put on this level so that you could understand it.  Eventually, everything that lives will once again part of the God force, or the God source, or the energy or whatever you would like to call it.  That is the name of the game here, on this level, and on every level thereafter.  So in a sense, we are all working for the same thing.  The concept of going to heaven that is mentioned throughout modern religion is not false, and yet it is really not understood in the way that it really is.  But it will be good enough for now.  You can use this term and this thought form to explain what you are talking about and what you are thinking.  And yet it is not exactly true in that term.  Because it isn't true, though doesn't mean that it is false.  It just means that it is not all of the story. 

Changing your vibration will be first of all to begin to change your own thinking.  This is a HUGE process that will gradually take time.  As we all, including myself had horrible patterns of thinking behavior.  Gossip was especially hard for me until I realized it might not be true, and I was spreading erroneously falsehoods about people.   A suggestion of changing you way of thinking would be to read  Emmett Fox's book,  "Alter Your Life". 

Meditation and all of the phases of it will enable to you help with this process of changing the vibration.  This takes months and patience to begin this process as the universe does not recognize a month or a year as a long time.  I have been meditating for over 35 years now and am no beginning to look back at the young woman, me, and I don't even know who that was.  Some of the old personality is there as well as the body features, but internally I think completely differently now.

We all teach by the actions that we choose.   How you behave with others will make or break a friendship just based upon your attraction to them.  Actions do speak louder than words.  Remember that the next time you behave like a 3 year old in public. continue with next post 

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