Saturday, March 9, 2013

What About Disease?

I wish to talk about disease and a simple version of understanding what we as a human race apparently have absolute forgotten.  How to prevent disease.  Disease is basically out of balance with the body.   Some, or perhaps all, are lessons for us to learn.  Usually a simple approach to healing, but the  more out of balance earth becomes, the more our bodies can reflect  a "dis ease" and thus create disease.  Some simple ways of preventing disease have been neglected and forgotten.  Let me begin with these.

To combat disease, first you must remain as balanced with your life as possible.  How you think impacts more of your body than you know.  Just last week I witnessed the confirmation on this idea from the Science Channel.  More and more, you will see confirmation about the power of our thoughts.  I have spoken before of what you think you create.   Well, what you continue to fear, harbor anger, or carry resentment will only result in your own sickness.   I was about 13 years of age and experienced this truth.  I had the shingles.  Usually this disease is  considered then to be for the elderly, and yes, the doctor was shocked that I was loaded with this rash.  Shingles according to the old time physicians said that this rash was due to too much stress.   Now, wouldn't it  have been wonderful to have been introduced to the concept of meditation, and I do say therapy.  But disease first was harbored by my  wrongful thinking and needless worry.   I played both of those parts well.  Typical teenager with the beginnings of lots of years of worry.   Our channelling sessions in 1982 always began with the reminder of "a thought is a thing"  over and over this was pounded into our consciousness than it finally took.  Watch this prediction here, in a new years you will see evidence of violent videos, scary movies, horror stories, being warned as danger.  Do not kid yourself here. These mass  killings by your adults will be shown to have found the idea first beginning in the play station videos.  We will one day shun this mess and get rid of it.  But I do not support control with censorship as the simple solution here.  Just be aware for your self and your family.

Meditation trains the brain to relax, heal, and focus.  Excellent meditators are the Asians.  They have learned one pointed thinking.  This comes through training the brain to focus on the "now", and pay attention to where you are without spinning of as many of Western man still continues to do.  Eastern Religions taught meditation and it is apparent to me that this is still practiced.  A television news cast was taped on a train in Japan during an earth quake.  The humor was that all on the train continued reading their paper and no one looked up.  This is one pointed thinking at its best.  During the tsunami that occurred in Japan, the Japanese never skipped a beat after the disaster.  They worked on digging people out of trouble.  Not once were they looking for someone to fix.  They inherently knew help would come, and they all worked together.  This was one pointed thinking at its best use, which is to learn how to stay in the "now".

None of us go through life without problems.  That is the lesson of earth.  We will experience ups and downs as long as we live on this planet.  The idea here is to realize who is in charge, and that we are powerless.  We do have choice, but that is about it.  Many of us had traumatic childhoods.  But the trick here is to choose either to repeat the mess that we were taught as children, or find and improve a better way to get along in the world.  Again, choice.....Some need therapy.  Some are incapable of changing.  This message is for those who are tired of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Stop this behavior, get some help, and change.  Bad behavior does not work in the Aquarian Age.  It will harbor enough anger to create disharmony with health and BINGO you have more sickness.   Your choice here.  Learn the physical laws of God that create harmony and understanding and learn to love your neighbor here. 

Medicines help.  But whoa!  There are first other remedies to find before you jump into the trial and error of false promises from much of the pharmaceutical companies.  I am all for help when needed, but we have gone "postal" when it comes to not listening to our own bodies first. 

Sounds funny to say this, but WASH YOUR HANDS, and pay attention to where you put them during the day.   Just a simple jester of touching your nose after you have handled money, exchanged a hand shake with a client or friend, touching your eyes, and of course being around someone who is continually coughing.  I have even witnessed parents with their children eating out putting the food on the restaurant table without plate or napkins and never even thinking about the damage that can be done to this child.  Tables that everyone uses are filthy, especially those used by multiples of souls daily.  Most of the time these tables are wiped off with a wet rag which is loaded with all kinds of bacteria.  People, we are smarter than this display of stupidity, but then I have watched us all pick up food off of the floor and eat it using the "one second" rule.  Not to mention the fact that many people neglect to wash their hands after using the bath room.  Bacteria is live, well, and mutating.  One second can eliminate your life.   The bacteria now is becoming disease resistant to antibiotics.  It will continue to mutate and change in order to survive.  Remember that everything living has conscious, and it is now important to become proactive  with your health.  Have you ever noticed what the server does while using rubber gloves?  That protection is at best only as good as the person wearing them, and all health laws are broken here.  Those gloves while worn, handle cash, open doors, and then continue to serve the customer food.........a horror story here.

So, in order to maintain good health it is necessary to maintain a balance with mind improvement, healthy living, and emotional maturity.  To do this takes time and effort.  The mind depends upon a healthy dose of meditation and prayer as you are what you think.  The body needs good food, and the physical health of it all it to depend upon good ole common clean sense to pay attention and not take chances.   It would help to be nice to others and set and example for others to follow.

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