Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Anger and the Damage

If you have ever grown up in an angry household, then you might understand the effects upon the family.  Living with angry people was like trying to walk upon eggs and praying that none of the eggs would break.  

Now what to do with anger as an adult.  Some of us will repeat the patterns and become the perpetrator of anger, or the victim.  Others will do the complete opposite and pacify at all cost.  Both are lethal to the child and to the family.  What was the cause?    For me,  only God had my answer, but I can certainly say that it took a long time for me to even see the problem.  Living in an angry situation with angry people became the norm.   My coping skills were a spiritual gift of sorts in that I was able to see it forthcoming and got the "hell out of the way".  Others were not so lucky.   Unfortunately this little habit has the ability to pass from generation to generation.   The only way to stop the pattern is to stop the anger that is now within the individual.   I did not even realize that I was angry.  I had my own set of coping skills which was to become a one man band with lots of smiles.   Not until recovery was I forced to see myself and my part in the anger.  This took years to find, uncover, and eventually find a healing.  Healing itself takes time.  But through meditation, dream interpretation, and  the group within my personal recovery was I able to change what had been created. 

Let me state clearly now that all of us have a part in the anger process.  I suspect that my family and friends that I grew up with had been passing this stuff around for, yes, LIFETIMES.   One of the jobs of karma is to continue with a lesson until we "get it".  So yes, lifetimes is more than one life here.  Some of us were the perpetrator in one life and the victim in the other.  Then turn about fair play.  This is primary, why we are not to judge a particular event and focus on the drama.  We will never know exactly how long this karmic game has lived with all of us.  At least until we cross over.

So, how do you stop?   Your stop your own war within and break this ugly cycle. 

Yes, we are going to have anger even when we have perhaps not caused anything.  But the trick is to learn how to get the harm out of our bodies and work upon the forgiveness.  Why is this important?  It is important because this kind of anger becomes toxic within our system and sets up all of the disease.  Where this disease lands upon your body is where  the body happens to be the most vulnerable for you. We're talking heart disease, cancer, tumors in all kinds of places.  Even my friends told me that within the future of our planet, we will one day evolve to the point that we do not choose to reveal our disease because it will show how sick we are in our minds.

Your challenge is to find a balance as you walk your path on earth.  So spiritual fitness, emotional fitness, and a healthy system all together form the basis of a balanced soul.  Your goal is to remain balanced as best as you can. 

I do believe in the miracle of healing through prayer and meditation.  However, many diseases are also thought to be lessons.   Even the gift of "disease" has something to teach us.  It is not a tragedy to be sick, but why not learn about prevention. 

Anger is another form of fear and learning to face fear rather that carry it in your gut is worth your effort to learn how to deal with emotional pain such as anger, and learn to go forth into life with the light of God.  

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