Thursday, October 13, 2011


     When you hear of two or more people making the same discovery, and they are in different countries working without the knowledge of the other, this is an example of channeling.  Understand this.  When it is time for us to get moving on this planet called earth, information arrives to those souls who are attuned to the vibration and run with the information given.  Sometimes more than one person acts upon the same idea.
     Now, here is the real ego buster.  Nothing is invented by man.  It is channeled to him to act upon the idea.  I'll give you can example.  When I was a  child  my favorite activity outside of the house was to roller skate.  During this time I had always wanted to ice skate as well, but living in the south there was never a frozen pond.  I saw that these awkward roller skates could be re-done to mimic an ice skate.  It was many years later that the roller blade entered the market.  The information was there, it took a while for someone to act upon the idea, but it eventually happened.  The information is always available for souls to make a choice and act or not act upon the idea..  Most people give up before starting.
     When you are visiting with a spiritual channel, it is important that you listen, but remain grounded to understand that all might not be 100% correct information.  The ego of the channel is always to be considered.  If the balance of energy is not there then the energy for the channel will not be as good.  Always consider the fee when going to hear a channel.  If it is too expensive, it is not worth the information.  If it is free, it is also not worth the information.  The energy exchange must be in balance.  I do charge a fee for people to hear me.  The same reason applies here.  If it were free it would be worth nothing. 
    Some channels are in a light phase of meditation.  I am always in a deeper meditative state when working with individuals.  However, I am not in an unconscious trance.  Some channels are.  Edgar Cayce was in a hypnotic trance state when he worked.  This was also true of the woman that channeled the information to me in Atlanta about 25 years ago.  Like Edgar Cayce, she had no recall of what was said.  I do have recall, but do not remember much as I do not want to store all of that information.  It is there, but I must do a slight recall to remember.  When automatic writing, I can only speak for myself here.  I am relaxed, in a meditative state, but very aware that I am typing.  My hands often move faster than the words that are coming to me so I must pay attention to what I am doing.  The channel that taught me, and worked with me during those session was one of the best.  She no longer channels as she explained that this type of work is very hard on the physical body.  She took a "leave of absence".  In time, she will began again.  That is her call here.  Another channel that used automatic writing such as my method of work, was Ruth Montgomery.  Her early work taught me much.  Sometimes the ego gets involved with success of writing books and again one needs to always understand the law of energy here.  It must be balanced.  This is tough and very difficult to understand.  Too much fame throws the ego out of whack if all of us are not careful. 
     Working with the channel in Atlanta,  I was responsible for transcribing the tapes.  This took hours of typing at a snails pace and listening very carefully to the words often that were extremely hard to hear on the first round.  Transcribing on a manual typewriter, using the start/stop method of a tape recorder, one session would usually take about 8 to 10 hours to transcribe.  My children were in school, my marriage was falling apart, and this became my great escape as well as my teacher.  The whole experience embedded within me all of the laws of the Universe that were taught to us.  These manuscripts were planted in my memory, and have served me well.  I now read for people using the laws when giving information to clients.  If it is not true, it will not work, if it is out of balance with energy, it won't work, if someone is still married and having an affair it will not work.  This sounds easy when reading, but caught in this kind of trap you would be surprised how people justify their actions.  My readings are usually focused on the present vibration of the person and what is going  on around them.  I have worked on crimes,  this is a difficult task for me as I feel those horrible events which take time to get out of my head.   I can and will do it occasionally, but very  carefully.  I will comment that it is up to earth souls to solve their problems.  Often the psychic is only able to give the clues to aid in the search.  Understand the "why " is simple here.  The souls on the other side understand that a lesson of murder or mayhem is a karmic lesson for those souls involved.  They can only guide and aid in assistance.  Another comment here.  I do not have nor will I ever have all of the lottery numbers.  If you come to me with a fake question, you will receive a fake answer.  Again the law of truth here.  Just because I have a special gift does not ever imply that I am all seeing all knowing.  I, like you, am walking the earth learning lessons as well. 
     Your spirit guides will change depending upon the lessons that you are working on.  Each  of us have spirit guides that will come and go to assist with different problems.  As you evolve, you spiritual guides will change.  I am often asked about "soul mates". 
     Each of us evolves at our own pace.  This is not a reward for good behavior event here.  We simply learn at our own ability.  We do not evolve with a buddy along for the ride.  It would be like being promoted to college, and waiting for your "soul mate" to complete 2nd grade here.  Now, that wouldn't be fun would it?
You come in alone, you go out alone.  Those souls that come into your life as you are rowing your own boat are the gravy.  Enjoy your journey!  Love to you all,  Judith

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