Saturday, October 8, 2011

Working with Earth Energy to Change

     We are not the only souls living with God's Universe.  If nothing else from me get this fact there are other souls from other systems.   They are working with earth now to help in the change, and I will  write more later on this subject or when they direct my writing in their direction. 
     Think of yourself as a walking, human, Universe itself.  Every cell in your body has conscious, and every cell in your body communicate with other cells.  Begin to understand here that when you are giving yourself message, you are talking to your little Universe.  All of the instructions need to be healthy and pure as you are able to do at this point in time.  Love yourself, heal yourself with good thoughts.  Worry creates our disease (dis  ease), and will cause our little "universe" to self destruct if not careful.  That could be  any number of diseases that take over your body.   The propensity to have disease could also be lessons from past lives, but understand that now you have the power to heal yourself if you choose to learn this method.  The body knows how to heal itself.  But this is choice here, you can continue to worry over that which you do not control and continue to create all kinds of ailments here.  So how do you correct that which you do not care to have?    STOP WORRYING!  START CHANGING YOUR THOUGHTS.
     Learn to meditate.  I fought this little gem of wisdom for years.  Sitting still is like taking caster oil on an hourly basis, but I tell you there is no quick fix or fast fix in achieving nirvana through perfect mental health, or achieving serenity other than this simple act of courage to learn  meditation.  Your choice here. 
     The side effects are of meditation are: intuitive ability increases, one pointed thinking with concentration, problem solving with greater awareness, diminished worry.  Should I joke here that "rest in peace" takes on a different meaning?  
     The experience of the soul on earth will always have lessons.  Sometimes your spirit guides will send a little nudge of encouragement.  Wouldn't it be nice for you to experience the feeling that they were at times present with help?   These lessons will be with us until it is time for crossing over, so get moving and accept that you could have an easier time with a little help from meditation.
     Eastern cultures are better with meditation.  They are masters when solving problems as a group, because they work together to focus on whatever is needed.  An example of this was with the tidal wave in Japan due to the earthquake.  Instead of whining and screaming for help, this group came together to solve the problem at hand.  They were not looking for FEMA to rescue them or some great leader to circle by on a helicopter and have a little news conference while people were trapped under rubble, they got to work.  Of course there are some examples here in America where groups focused to get the job done.  One major example was the disaster in New York, at the collapse of the twin towers.  Often, it is like Katrina where souls are still waiting for the solution to arrive.  In this time of earth change, with all the collapse barreling down the highway so to speak, it will be a long wait here.  Money has run out, and "big brother" is not going to be able to save the day.  I have mentioned in previous post that the earth is under rapid fire with disasters to come, so either roll your sleeves up and pitch in or sit by and let life pass you by.  Either way, both are okay.  They are simply lessons. 
     Meditation brings awareness of your surrounding so to speak.  While watching the local news, we were told that " crazy ants" were invading the Houston area and causing problems to the home owner.  This is nature acting in a peculiar way.  It is a signal that something is wrong, and the insect kingdom is alerting those that are watching that something could be coming.  The tsunami in Indonesia exhibited this behavior.  Many animals began running for higher ground long before the tidal wave hit.  Had people been aware, more souls might have acted and headed for higher ground long before the tidal wave landed.  Always watch the animal kingdom, they always give us clues when something is out of balance.
  Using the energies from the God source comes through practice of meditation.  It travels on many frequencies and arrives in a variety of ways to help you solve many of your problems.  It is always around you.  To put it mildly, you are never alone.  One word of caution here the use of mind altering drugs diminishes the power or the current.  Do no meditate under the influence of drug that alters the mind.  This is a very dangerous so take the warning here.
   Your source of energy from God comes from all that He has created.  Earth, air, water, fire, and all of the planets that are part of our solar system.  Our pets often send much love and keep us content.  Music when it is balanced is also a good source of energy, as well as dance itself.   As long as it feels good, energy that surrounds your is truthfully from God.  Enjoy.
    Astrology teaches us about the planets and the energy that they send to us daily.  Understanding astrology is not where I am expert, but I have used the energy of the moon to plant and grow.  This is paramount in understanding.  Look to the Farmer's Almanac. The  journal always give you the proper time to plant so that the crops will be successful.   While living in Eastern Kentucky years ago, I witnessed this practice from my neighbors and learned much.   Energy from the moon to the earth causes the moisture to rise and flow just as the tide from the ocean ebbs and flows.   Water signs (cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are best for planting when the moon is in that particular phase each month.  You will need to check with either Farmer's Almanac or an astrologist.  Plants that grow best under ground such as potatoes and  carrots do best in a water sign when the moon is decreasing (waning), the converse is true for those plants that bloom above ground.  The moon need to be on the increase (waxing).  Again, if this is foreign to you, it was also to me, but you would be surprised that many farmers will do nothing without the information on the energy of the moon.  Even painting your house, stopping a bad habit, various chores are done under the sign of the moon.  Study this little phenomenon you will be surprised how many people check the lunar cycle.  Even surgery  or dental work,  works on the cycles of the moon.  The list never stops here.
   Knowing about energy from the earth will be vital for survival. Study all of the planets and their energies.  Mercury is not to be overlooked as well.  All systems here seem to be out of balance, yet this is a spiritual bonanza for those of you who wish to raise your vibration and evolve.  We are the caretakers of our environment on earth and have not done so well.  Nature is going to give us a "joy ride" and correct the mistakes made to get earth and all her inhabitants back on course.
     Understand.  Man is not alone.  There will be visitations from other planets to help with this process as well.  Earth has been sending distress signals for some time.  Haven't you noticed that we are seeing an unusual amount of "e.t's"?  Guess what?  They are here with the assistance. and I am setting up a future post to share information  that was channeled from these souls.  Later with love,    Judith 

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