Friday, June 26, 2015

The Spiritual Function of the Brain/ Your Spiritual Connectiobn

The brain is one of the most fascinating parts of our bodies that works for us.  It will help you to understand that cleaning up your thinking will enable you to navigate much easier as you go through life on earth.   

Without much discussion on the nervous system.  I would suggest that many of you who have not studied the human form,  might want to expand your mind and consider the brain.  The purpose of this article is to enhance your  thought process upon the importance of this wonderful tool.  None of us really understand how to use what we call the brain. 

We often talk about controlling our thoughts and the importance of meditation.  But rarely do we completely understand that the brain is our computer.  If you want to think in those terms.  The brain  allows  us to connect with the God Energy.  None of us rarely give the brain the credit that this marvelous part of our nervous system deserves.  But understand me here.  It is now time for you to learn this little bit of wisdom.

When I write that it is a poor choice to use any kind of drugs or alcohol it is only because it slows down the spiritual connection upon which  we  rely upon to use and enables us to navigate throughout life on this planet. 

Now, the planet is changing and the energy is also changing so, guess what?  You need to re-wire your thinking in order to survive.  Your connection to the God energy is all that you might have.  So don't you think that the brain might better function without being clouded with junk?  Your choice here. 

I spoke about the meaning of the end of times that the Mayans wrote .  2012 was the end of the Piscerean energy and for that reason alone was the death of an era.  We are now totally under the influence of the Aquarian Energy that deals with the law of truth.  This energy is a stronger current and unless you are willing to change your life could have some challenges.  Because, becoming totally honest with yourself and others it will feel like you are in a mind field of getting caught at every turn.  Enjoy if you like walking on eggs.  I don't......

We are told to watch what we think, we are told to control out thoughts, but never have we given much energy to the fact that we have not ever once considered what happens to the thoughts from our minds?

So helping you here.  Try this journey.  To begin, visualize yourself surrounded by a light field of energy.  This we call the aura, but rarely have we ever understood its purpose.  The aura is your life force that protects you and guides you through life as well as receiving and sending information to you.  Without the aura there is no life.  These thoughts are transmitted and received by you whether you are aware of it or not.  It is like you are a radio station walking about life receiving and sending messages.  Well, folks, don't you think it would be better and easier if you took the trash out of your head so that the energy could have an easier way of communicating with you?

All of us have spiritual guides.  The guides will change as the lesson changes.  All information come to you this way.  Understand that when you think you are the bright spot of invention,  now time to cool down with that thought.  Nothing from you is yours, it is all from the God Energy.  When you realize this fact, my prayer for all of us is to begin the spiritual connection and plug in.  This will take time as old habits are difficult to break.  For me, I have been working on this fact for years.  And I welcome you to join this journey with me.  God Speed to All. 

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