Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Creating Our Own Horror Show and Stopping the Insanity

I am not the only one who believes very strongly that, " a thought is a thing".   So let me make an example of us all, me included. 

If that be true, then even our entertainment such as horror movies can be damaging to the soul.  In my case it was a book that involved the subject of possession.  I was around 30 at the time, and although I was studying subjects that were metaphysical in nature, I was paying attention to my  choices.  This book was a good read, but for the next year, it gave me a case of the ,"what ifs" that nearly drove me over the edge emotionally and spiritually.  There is a spiritual truth that was even told to me as well.  Watch what you think because this can become your reality. 

During this time frame, I was a young mother with three babies.  Being somewhat fractured in my thinking,  I was very discontent at that time.  Looking back, it is as if I wore "worry beads" all of the time.  Who was I, what was I here to accomplish, what was I supposed to do????  All of these questions circled around within my whole being.  And above all circled the emotion of depression would arrive weekly like a dark cloud.  It was overwhelming, and I began to slip into darkness every time that this vibration appeared. 

The brain is like that of a sponge.  What you plug into is sometimes not always the best choice.  Focusing upon the ugly version can feed fears that create nightmares that you could not necessarily want to be living with.  My advice is to change the way you think.  Because everything that you feed into  your mind, you are creating.  Do you want that kind of junk in your mind?

There are many levels of evolvement that I have not dealt with and will not.  But believe me, here, there are places that you are better off not going, or even yet not knowing about.   I equate this subject as if you were a child playing with fire.  Not good to mess with, so don't. 

These subjects sell tickets at the movies, but they really do not help spiritual development.  I can only advise each of you that to play with magic is not healthy,  so stop.  Especially, if you are using any kind of mind altering medication or drugs.  This warning has now been given.  Learn to focus on that which you can do to help to make the world a better place.  That is learning how to focus and help create that which we call God's will.  

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