Monday, November 12, 2012

Episode 22 - Spiritual Connections: Judy Reads For Mele and James

In Episode 22 of the Spiritual Connections Podcast, Judy reads for Mele and James.

I'd like to thank the sponsor for this episode,

I have been an intuitive all my life. My clairsentience enables me to sense the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it is on the earth. During each Spiritual Connections Podcast, I give spiritual readings for one or more volunteers and discuss spirituality in the broadest sense with each guests to aid them in solving many of their own problems, while understanding the spiritual lessons they might be learning. These podcasts air weekly on The Sacred Solution blog and now on iTunes! To reach me for a scheduled reading or to ask questions that may be answered on the podcast, contact me at, by phone at (512) 470-4527, on Facebook or Twitter. is a next generation web publishing platform for creating beautiful custom websites and blogs with zero coding knowledge. With robust tools and a fully hosted environment, Squarespace is the perfect publishing solution for everyone. Check it out today!

We as a world population are being encouraged to understand one another and accept the differences.  Often this in the past has brought nothing but war, confusion, and later chaos.   It is becoming clear to me that as long as we continue down this path, it will always bring discord. 

Acceptance of others and the differences that we all share is the challenge.  This particular reading ended up with a hint that this would occur.   Families are evidence of what happens on a small level also happens on the world level.   The saying used in metaphysical terms here is "As above so below, as below so above".   Which means in expanded terms if something is true on one level, it will be true on a larger scale.  Families often invite new relationships into the group, and then attempt to encourage the new person to change.   Sometimes that even is down to their career.   This is a  prediction that only brings more calamity to the relationship. 

Our job in life is not to live by what others want us to do.  We must all develop a role of our own choice, and learn to be what on a spiritual level we came back to earth to discover.   The   Toltecs called this our " Mitote".   What the Toltecs taught that unless you are able to find you own set of beliefs, and live within them you are not fulfilling your destiny. 

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