Monday, January 30, 2012

Solar Storms, 2012, Weather, and CHANGE IN ALL DIRECTIONS

When first reading many years ago that the axis shift was going to occur, my first thought was to save dried beans, and prepare for a garden.  Little did I envision that my whole world was getting ready for a complete turn around.   Everything in my life changed.  I became divorced, the children left the household, and my income was down to a minimum of what I was used to having.  Depression was a  by product here, but in looking back it was my beginning of a greater life for me, and even for my family.  My world had changed.

This will be also true of 2012.   Everything is getting  prepared for a complete change.  But it will not happen over night, rather it will be a gradual increase of energy change that many will not notice.  But rest assured, everything is getting ready too somewhat "turn upside down". 

The energy coming to the earth is now fully Aquarian.  For a while the old Piscerean energy was hanging around, but now it has lifted and as a result the lessons of the past have been put to rest, and the new lessons of the Aquarian Age are in "full throttle".   Aquarian deals with the lessons of love.  To know love, all of us must be completely honest with ourselves and with others.  So the old "white lie" way of doing things will simply not work.  To illustrate my point just look at how quickly celebrities, politicians, and even your friends as well as yourself gets caught up in a lie.  This energy is much faster than the Piscerean and equally is much hotter.  So, it is not fun for the common thief.  I get amused at how quickly people get caught.  Even crimes that have been dormant  are surfacing.

Your thinking about life and traditional beliefs are possibly going to change.  It will be as if new ideas come to you freely, and you understanding of life will take on a much more significant meaning.  This will not happen to all as many have chosen to remain dormant through this period.  This is the stuff of the meaning of Revelations.  But do not be alarmed here.  This is not a punishment, but for those souls that are evolving, life is going to completely change.  Even relationships will be discarded if they are not in balance to work.  So, understand here, that spiritual growth can be very hard.  My understanding is that all of us will survive.  But only those prepared to handle the shift will stay and make a much peaceful and balanced way of life, and open the doors of opportunity for us to finally understand that God is love. 

Souls from other systems have indeed come in to help.  Because without their help, we would not make this shift.   Following is the part two about these souls from other systems that are here to help.  For those of you who are brave enough to accept this possibility, I think you will enjoy this session....Part One ended with some of the equipment left and hidden by these souls to use during the shift.   Of course, we wanted to know all about it and more....

"Some of the equipment is here.  Trust me.  It is here.  It is ready, because when these things begin to occur, we will not have several years to get the equipment from our star to this place.  That's why we're here.  That's why we are doing this, because the time for emergency is not the time to spend several years going back to get a piece of equipment.  We are taking stock and we are putting things here that we need.  It is very well hidden.  If it were found, it would appear to be something that it is not.  There would be no way of recognizing it if you saw it for what it is.  It did come on a ship.  We do take the most practical routes.  Our equipment is matter and it is more dense than our bodies.  We do have bodies.  In our world we have bodies, but the bodies are different.  It is a different consistency from your bodies.  Your bodies are very heavy and very massive and our bodies are light and very different.  You, in your massive state of cell structure, could literally put your hand through one of our bodies, and not destroy our body, which is the difference in the molecular formation of the physical body.  You people are very dense.  Your body content as far as how the cells are strung together is extremely dense.  As the evolutionary process continues, your bodies get lighter, because the cells are not so close together.  Now when the cells are not close together, there is a point of wellness that is better than your point of wellness.  This is one reason that people on this planet deal with illnesses.  It is because the cells are so closely stuck together.  They keep bumping into each other as they move and kill each other, really kind of crippling one another to the point of illness or disease as you would call this.  Karmically, there is a reason for your cells to be strung so close together.  That is to teach you some things about pain.  This is a physical plane, and you are in a physical body.  You must learn these things before you can evolve to a lighter body or a body where the cells are not structured the same way.  We would call what we have a body also, although it feels very different from the way your body feels, and it's easier to navigate or to move around.  We in our bodies can literally fly, and we can separate the cells to the point that they are lighter than air and fly them off in a group, but now what you would call a body.  Do you understand?  This is another difficult concept for Earth people to understand, simply because you have no frame of reference for this.  It is almost like you'll know what I'm talking about when you get there." 


"Yes.  During the earlier time of the Earth, the people, the star people from more that one star were here.  You started off that way, but the inhabitants of the Earth were of denser proportion, and as they began to interbreed, they brought about the time of changing the light people down to a point ;of much heaviness in body structure. 

* Edgar Cayce spoke of the Star People as well as the Daughters of  Adam Sons of Eve found in the Bible.

*Our Solar storms are creating havoc with satellites.  Often mishaps occur.  One such incident caused all hotel guest to be locked out of their rooms.  They were using those computer keys and evidently the system could have shut down due to this solar activity.  Watch for more occurrences.   Part three will continue with this series next post.  If there are any questions call at 281-310-0848.  Thank you Judith

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