Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making Decisions by using the laws

Often we are looking for the answer to a problem when the solution  is sitting in front of us.  Learning to work with the laws when you are in the midst of a problem is simply reminding yourself that you have been given the tools to resolve the issue.  Learning to change the way your resolve issues is a new beginning here, and will take patience and practice.

Many times clients have landed at my door with the question, will this relationship work?   Once comfortable with themselves they might divulge that they are into  a relationship with a man that, although he is separated, he is devoted to them, but dragging his feet.   (this problem has landed at my door countless times, and the answer is always the same).

No. The relationship is not going to work, will never work, because it is not based upon truth here.  Why?  The man has not completed the task of ending the relationship, although separated, he is still married.  There will always be a question in the mind of both parties here that will develop into distrust.  Simple as that. 

Understand that the  better question was not, would the relationship work?   Maybe the question should have been will I marry this individual?  Now that is a different story.  In many cases these souls go on to marry and either live in dysfunction or unhappiness as a result of not doing what was needed.  Never ever enter into a relationship that is still involved with someone who is  in another marriage.  You will always lose here.  Count on it.  I will stand on my truths here.

Holding on to a marriage without breaking the karmic bond through divorce still holds you to that soul, like it or not. This is not an evil thing, it is just trying to jump when you have not finished  completing a task of  resolution.   The law of karma applies as well to this situation.  Finish what you begin them move on.

Like what I mentioned in previous post was probably the case here.  Sexually these souls were attracted, I will give you that one, but these souls entered into a relationship without first seeing the problem.  It doesn't matter if the person is married to Attila the Hun, it still will not work if he or she is still attached.

But what is working here with these couples is simply a spiritual lesson, not a punishment.  These souls are being taught by their own actions to look before they leap.  It doesn't matter how often this occurs to these people, as this insanity will repeat over and over until they get it.  Simple as that. That, my friends is the law of forgiveness or Grace as we call it.  Take all the time you need to learn what you need to know.

Truth is very hard to use by many of us, including me.  But once it starts and the tool is used, it is liberating.  One of the first books that fell into my lap early in my training was to simply say no.  Just because you have the question in front of you, does not mean that you are  required to give the answer.  Rather than making up a little "story", wouldn't it serve you better to say, "I do not care to share that information with you"?

Relationships are a result of bring souls together to solve problems and learn about themselves.  As I say, "for every crooked pot, there is a lid to fit".  What you attract here is what you have sent forward with your thinking and your actions, and it will continue coming until you change your thinking and your actions here.

So, what do you want in regard to attraction?   Why not  first start by making a list.  Be specific with your request here.  Looks, wealth, ambition, success in their field of talents might be a start.  But do not be general, get to the point.  My first list was a joke.  I wanted to "get rich".  Well, I got Rich instead of wealth, and he was not what I wanted, but can I admit,I put out the thought, yes.   What are you saying and what do you want.  be specific here.  For example if you want money ask for it, wealth can imply much more than just money.  If there are any questions about this post, you can call me at this number 281-310-0848.

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