Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Who Are You? Watching the Truth Energy Return

Often we are not aware that we are of two energies.  One is the soul energy that absolutely knows where it needs to be, the other is the ego that often involves itself with trying to manipulate all of us into feeling good must be positive.  Not always true here.  Sometimes feeling good is negative because it is self centered rather than soul driven.  Here is an example of what I am trying to express. 

As a mother my children were always getting into small problems.   As the parent rather than letting them solve these problems I intervened with the solution.  Sometimes it was needed cash, sometimes it was helping with the homework, one particular time I even did the science project for my small son, and are you not surprised that he took city wide 2nd place?   I wore that proud ribbon in my mind and at the time thought nothing of it.  Looking back I laugh at the insanity of it all.  The job of a parent is to teach children how to navigate life and learn to solve their own problems.  I was creating an illusion that was to come back and bite me on the you know what.  At the time, I felt good I had helped, and never once did I realize until years later  that my son had failed to learn anything, but that Mother would solve my problems. can you comprehend the difference when you are in the middle of a lifetime mud hole.  First use the HALT technique.  This acronym stands for hungry, angry, lonely, and tired.   Absolutely halt or think, meditate, pray, to do the next right thing and the answer will eventually work itself up with the solution. 

Second ask if what you are doing is helping the person or hindering their growth by refusing them their right to fail.  We have a whole group of souls that have been told they are special.  What on earth does that convey?  For my children, it taught them that they were above others and did not need whatever it was they were told to do be it homework, raking leaves, cleaning their room, or learning to have a job and earn a living.   Games for many children in the past were taught so that they would learn to survive.  The American Indian was superb in this type of technique because most games centered around the hunt for food.  My theory here....tweeting and internet are not always best for learning.  Be careful here.

We are now in the  Aquarian Energy (God  Understood).  This being said, this energy is much hotter and faster.  For those that love to fabricate the truth,  this energy returns to somewhat reveal the truth, and sometimes this is not pleasant.  Look at the leaders of the world.  Many are continually being bitten by the truth energy returning to them.   They are refusing to become responsible for the truth.  Who told them that the general public was incapable of knowing the facts?  We are all responsible for our actions even those in power.    


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