Monday, August 4, 2014

Understanding How to Heal

One of the simplest to understand, and yet one of the hardest to understand is how to heal your self. 

The body knows how to do this, but it is lacking the full cooperation of your mind.  Both are necessary in order to accomplish this task.  Very simple, but very difficult.  For me, it has been a lifetime of understanding, and I will now share with you that which I have learned.  Yes, the body knows how to heal itself, but the mind or your thinking often gets in the way to nudging this along. 

Disease or "dis ease" is simply being out of balance with your body, mind, and spirit.  When this happens in general sometimes it is years before the actual life threatening sickness or disease occurs.  Cancer is one example of what I am talking about. 

Often, we bring into our life the propensity to have a certain disease as the disease itself is actually a lesson of understanding just exactly what we are bringing on ourselves.  In short, it is a lesson that arrives by our own doing to teach us that we are creating our own mess.   Sometimes, it has been a series of lifetimes that we , as souls, have continued to repeat this disease over and over again.   Many cancer patients exhibit problems of control.  Not being happy with their lives or ones that live around them.  They usually  either run around trying to tell others what to do,  how something should work, or exactly how something should not be.  The lesson here is only that God is in control and we are not in charge of others and their actions.  We have choice, and need to be out of every one's business, but our own.   Cancer can be a by product of this kind of narrow mindedness that creates havoc within our own bodies.   I am oversimplifying  this example, but do not think that I am far off here.  As I was once told that when we evolve to a certain level, we will not tell people what disease we have as they will know how sick we are in our minds.   For me,  I believe this fact.

Okay, so first in healing.  Clear the mind with negative thinking.  Your body is a cellular universe with different systems communicating  with each cell that receives instructions from your brain which is like the transformer of the information system to the body.  Negative thinking about yourself sets us a system that turn upon itself and creates disease or disharmony within the body.  Not good folks.   Practice on a daily level whenever you begin to have doubts about your talents and place in the universe to recognize this erroneous thinking and delete these thoughts.   On a daily basis I had a request to the God of my understanding to guide me through this process.  And yes, it does get easier and better with time.  Be patient success will eventually follow.

Second, begin to look at what the disease is teaching you.  Are you learning that you need other people?  Are you learning that you need to improve your thinking about others, and enlisting others aid or help when ask?  Are you truthful?   Do you complete your jobs because it is the right thing to do or because you "have to"?   Do you resent others?   What is your overall attitude of life? 

Third,  remain steadfast.  There is no quick fix.  Healing takes time and a willingness to stay the course.  Often western medicine only mask the symptom and does nothing toward healing the body.  Are you looking for a quick fix or a solution?    Diet, exercise, meditation,  coupled with a good attitude toward others certainly helps and is a daily reminder for us all to not judge others but keep moving toward the path of enlightenment.  

My right arm was paralyzed for about 9 months.  I had to take my own advice and follow this path.  Either I believe in what I say or not.  I am in to my 12th month of recovery.  My arm has 90% recovery.  I swim at least once a week and exercise at the gym twice a week.  Not to mention my daily work outs at home.   Meditation and prayer are with me always.   You can do this as well.   Blessings to all of you!   

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