Monday, May 19, 2014

Change your Vibration and Change your Life

At some point in our lives we come to the question that we have to change in order to move forward.  This too happened to me and actually as you read this it is continuing to happen now.  I am working on the skill of automatic writing and for a while my writing will perhaps be a little jumpy.  Sorry for that, but the purpose here is to also show you that I too have to work with " change" or else I too can get "stuck in the mud" so to speak.

As humans we often continue doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  How do you stop it?  You learn to change your vibration.  This is a simple solution, but a difficult task to accomplish as all of us do not like to be told what to do.  We go around daily hearing advice from others, needed or not, and adopting our own way.  I will not falter here,,, you must change your vibration with whom you are attracting in order to change the outcome. 

Here is your  exercise about discovering those  attracted to you.  Write down four or five things you didn't like about your parents.  They may be adopted parents, guardians, foster, or same sex.  This doesn't matter write it down.  Then with other  relationships  souls that  give you  trouble. write down what it is about these people or lovers that  bothers you. 

Guess what?  This is a spiritual gift from me to you.  You are attracting all of those vibrations that you do not like because you are learning what to do with them. These irritating souls are teaching you about your self.  For example, suppose you are attracting abusive men either emotionally or physically.  You will continue to attract more until you change this attraction.   Every activity that you do not like in someone else is your problem to change within your own self.   It is up to you to learn to  create better  choices.  How can you change until you know what you attract?

For me, I was always selecting relationships that set on a path of fixing me.  By the time I was through the relationship I was dancing to someone  wish and not knowing what I had become.  They certainly didn't like me anymore, and I didn't like myself.    How did I do it?  I stopped the game, and left the relationship.  I was told many years ago by my teachers (guides) that people knew when it was time to change jobs, but they stuck like glue when it came to a relationship.  This was true of me as well.

My intention here it to help give advice according to spiritual laws.  These laws appear in all of the spiritual writings, but they all say basically the same thing.  My suggestions will  perhaps cause food for thought.  Take it or leave it, but certainly enjoy your own path.  I am busy walking mine for the day.....Judy 

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