Monday, July 30, 2012

Spiritual Healing and Living Longer By Balancing Energies

Last week I was in a discussion with a friend about all of the forthcoming changes to earth and man.  So many of us think in terms of a quick fix.   There will be  no quick fix as this is a complicated set of issues that truthfully only God or the God of our understanding can undo.  We are still part of the problem as we are all part of the God energy.  Until we understand this concept we will always separate ourselves from the energy that  we  understand to be  God.  So, how do we change this concept?

It originates by first changing ourselves.  This is not an overnight fix.  For example, just tell people to learn to meditate.  They will all say, "this doesn't work".  My response usually,  "how long have you worked on this process"?   And wouldn't you know,  they all respond with about the same answer, which usually is anywhere from one month to two or three weeks.  Folks, meditation takes time and I am referring to years if you have never meditated.  It is a change that is a slow process of learning how to tune in without an immediate response.  Also, it is important to understand that all of us must have a clear and free mind of any kind of mind altering substance in order to be successful at  meditation.  But when understand this principle your life begins to change.   2012 will make the end of an energy shift into an energy of complete change.  Meditation will help through this process. 

Meditation changes our perception of life and creates a much more intuitive soul.  Wouldn't you like to look younger, be healthier, and live a life  filled with a greater amount of balance,  spiritually, physically, and mentally?  The following passage refers to our creation of lifestyle and the  aging process, which to me, is not a pretty picture. 

What I suggest here is not a rapid ascent into purification, but a slow turn around for all of us.  For me,  I, like many of you, am finally beginning to understand that this is going to take a while for all of us to understand.  Maybe we will stop killing each other and learn one day how to help ourselves heal.....


"The heart chakra will close down".


"That  is correct.  The heart chakra, when a person gets to be about forty, give or take depending upon how that person has lived, begins to blossom and fill with more love rejuvenating the heart or it begins to shut down.  This is why the people at this time are running out to get new replacements or to get their valves opened up because there is no love manifesting to rejuvenate the heart.  Then, the heart begins to shut down.  This process may take a little time, but ultimately if one learns to love with the heart, and this is 100% love, this is not 99%, the heart begins to rejuvenate itself into a healthier organ.  At a time in your society when it is looked upon as a kind of degeneration of the organs.  It is not true that, as we age, the body has to  begin to fall apart or rot.  We see it as rot.  This is not true, because the body feeds upon energy, and if these energies are fed, the body, especially at middle age( 40, 50, 60) can be healthier and better than ever before because you have the advantage of the knowledge of how to work the energies in the brain to make the body heal their, not weaker. This idea of the body falling apart is something man made.  It is living up to your own expectancy.  If you expect to age, how many of you know that when a person is forty, they begin to fall apart?  How many of you know that?  And if you know it, you accept it, you buy it and you manifest it.   When, in fact, it is possible, at forty to expect to begin to be younger and in fact the tissue in the body, the cells, will respond.  Your body will begin to be better, not worse.  It is not true that you must be decrepit at forty, fifty or sixty.  You under estimate the ability of your bodies, and you expect to get old and die and you do.  You mind/ set it!  We (the et's)  live a long time with bodies, and is is because we have advanced to a point of know how to work with these energies.  Our knowledge and our expectancies are different.  You people fall apart very early on.  In earlier times, before you got so smart, when man did not understand that he needed to be old at fifty, man lived a long time, a long time; and then he learned that he needed to die early.  It was fashionable. "


"  To live in harmony with nature is to be attuned with Earth and the Earth's vibrations.  This is according to each person's conscience and each person's ability to do so.  To begin with, to live in harmony with nature does not mean to pollute the Earth.  It does not mean to destroy the Earth.  It means to live in a harmonious vibration with it.  You are on this Earth, and the Earth supports your life, and you support the Earth's life, or you should support the Earth's life.  The problem now is that man does not support the Earth's life.  This is why the changes are coming.  There is a balance here.  As far as eating small animals, these animals are part of your life support.  It is all right.  It is not all right to torture anything.  If you get into this issue of killing nothing, what about the plants?  If you don't want to eat animals, then don't eat the plants either because they are alive, too.  There is an order about things, where those on another level  (and I am speaking of small animals and I am also speaking of plants) exist for the support of vibrations that are higher than their own.  This has to do with how the order of things is developed.  It is all right to eat plants, it is also all right to eat small animals.  It is not all right to torture them.  They do exist in order that you life form be supported.  Do you understand that?   You know some of the small animals are not good for you anymore because you have poisoned them." 

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