Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spiritual Truths, How Do We Know Truth?

All metaphysical souls do not necessarily agree on the same spiritual truths.  Many, for example, do not believe in reincarnation.  Some disagree with the interpretation of the Bible, which I do believe was channelled through man.  It has been translated many times and of course, for that reason alone, I do not agree with always everything written.

When we were part of the channelling class, it was certain that at one point someone would ask about the Bible.  We were told that we were talking to souls from another system , it was this group that gave us the following information.  To this day, I still believe that  this was certainly the case.  I have not changed my mind here.

For me, what was intriguing that simply we were able to come together one  night to  ask questions without being confronted with anger in reference to our own spiritual disbelief or belief.  We simply wanted another opinion, and at least I can say that another opinion is what we received.   I certainly think that today it is worth sharing with you the reader.  Perhaps you will find this work as interesting as it certainly was to me.


"Start out in darkness and stay there until you know and when a thing be true you simply know it.  You feel it.  Now, as for the Bible, it is a very powerful book.  It is filled with  Law.  It is filled with energy and power.  It was written by many different people, and it has been translated many, many times.  Each time the words lose some of their meaning.  The Bible that you read now has a lot of truth in it, and yet  many of the words are not as they were.  Therefore, the meaning has changed.  Many parts of the Bible have been deleted.  So, yes, it is true, and now, it is not all true.  As far as reading the Bible in its literal sense, there are places where you can read it and it is quite literal.  There are other places were it is not.  You cannot say that your attitude about the entire Bible must be this or this.  It simply has to be very flexible, so that you may find and see the truth.  If you would read the part in the Bible that supposedly Jesus said, you will see from a metaphysical point of view that Jesus was a very metaphysically attuned person.  Everything that he said had to do with Universal Law.  Jesus talks about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, reaping what you sow, the sins of the father are visited on the son, this sort of thing is a direct reference to karma.  That what you do you must pay for.  This idea that your children are going to suffer for your sins is ludicrous.  It means that you will come back as another person.  "The sins of the father are visited on the son."  The sins wait for you here, you die, and they'll be waiting when you get back.  That is what the Bible was talking about here.  Whatever you manifest, whatever you do, whatever vibrations you set up, rest assured, you will pay for it.  Most of the time it feels like you pay for it many times over, but you don't.  It is usually a very even payback as far as the energy is concerned. "


"There are many things in Revelations, but you must remember that Revelations was written from some one's dream.  There are things that are in there, yes.  If you will read, it does talk about the Earth changing.  Many people have taken this to mean it is the end of the world.  It is the end of the world as we know it now, but it is not the end of the Earth,  it is not the end of mankind.  It is certainly not the end of your Universe.  It is the end of an era of time, it is the end of a civilization as we know it.  It is an end of a vibration.  In that respect, it is the end of  the world, but there is survival after that point in time.  Speaking of Revelations, there are direct references to the times when we will have computers.  You will find reference to the number, the mark of the beast, and this sort of thing.  That has to do with a period of time which we are in now.  We are into a computerized time and age.  There are many other things that relate to this.  It talks about the plagues and the plagues are upon us now.  Never in our history , in the world's history, have there been plagues the way they already have here, having to do with AIDS.  Of course, this problem is more universal and more widespread that you know at this point in time.  This is mentioned in Revelations, but there are some things that, no matter how you try to interpret it, it is not especially going to make sense.  Read the parts of it that you understand.  When it is time for you to understand it, it will become abundantly clear what they're talking about.  There is room for mistranslation and room in Revelations, too.  Just remember there are many good things there.  Remember, it was written by Man.  Yes, they say that these people who wrote the Bible were inspired by God.  That is true, but they could also be inspired by God and misinterpret some of the symbols, being human beings as they were.  Read it seriously because there is power here.  But read it in a different way.  If it is true for you, you will feel it in your heart.  Don't use your intellect as much as you use you feelings to find out what there is to believe, and what there is not.  Stay away from the new versions because if you will look at the old version, I am talking about the modern day language in the new Bible or whatever they call it, I think they call it, "Written for the Illiterate to Understand," or something like that, ha-ha.  But do not read those.  The words are too different and too changed, and the meanings do change drastically when that happens."


"That is a better version to read.

* In my own study the word  "soothsayer" was a misinterpretation.  The Arameic transltion comes from the word, "formechia" which means to mix drugs and magic.  Plane and simple for me.  I do not give readings when ever under the influence of drugs or alchohol. 

Another tranlations, (although I have no proof) could be the word "salvation"   I rather think it might translate something like....." In order to know God you must have evolvement"      By  not choosing to learn and evolve you are stuck in the same mess until you decide to learn the lesson.  Couldn't that be a hell of sorts? 

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