Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Ego, Change, and Choices

How does a person keep the ego in balance?

You must always remember to be grounded, to be humble and to remember that that which has been given can also be taken away.  There is nothing that you have or that you will ever have on the physical level or any other level that cannot be taken away.  It is important for you to remember all that is given can be taken away.  As long  as you know this, and you remember this and this is a part of your internal dialogue, you will be all right.  It is when people forget that everything can go away that there is a problem.  Always remember that on a daily basis, and hourly basis.  It is not good to criticize or to judge other people in any way, because that could just as easily be your circumstance.  It is not good to consider yourself above any other person in any way because in the same situation, you could be in the same place.  It is very, very important to always keep the ego intact, to be grateful for all that you have, but at the same time be aware that it can all go away. 

The ego is man's biggest problem in the evolutionary process because as one evolves, it is very easy to think of yourself as infallible.  It is very easy to think of yourself as powerful, and while you may be powerful, unless you know how to control that power, it will wrap itself around you and strangle you. 

(This was a direct quote from the spirit guides many years ago)* Communication was channeled

To evolve all of us need to change our vibration.  This does effect the ego, because when you change, you therefore change the way you believe.  This takes patience, time, and the ability to see the truth in such a way that it completely changes the way we all view life.  This is a simple process, but one that involves a lot of faith, and adapting new concepts, although new to us,, but these truths have been written and recorded throughout time itself.  These subjects are written in all of our religious documents, but man has overlooked them until recently.  This opportunity has presented itself to us at this time because man now has the ability to evolve to a higher level than before.  Your choice, sit on the side and watch or.... learn to practice the art of patience, meditation, and a belief that all of us are capable of changing ourselves, saving this planet, and behaving in a loving gentle way which is the purpose of life.  Our main goal is to help one another and live peacefully with each other, and accepting the differences rather than fighting over them.  

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