Thursday, March 29, 2012

Recovery from Addiction is a Spiritual Journey

The greatest of all changes for me was eliminating the need to alter my mind with substance abuse.  In my case it was alcohol, and for me entering the rooms of recovery was the greatest gift that had been given to me in my spiritual journey.  Certainly, I did not know it at the time.   For protection of the group, I will not reveal exactly what program I used, but I will tell you that it is indeed everywhere offering opportunity for recovery to all that need help.  What I share with you today is certainly my truth and my story and is not to be interpreted any other way. 

It is not the addiction that is the disease, it is the spiritual sickness locked possibly in our d.n.a. that leads to any form of substance abuse.  And yes, even food can fit into this category.  To me food is one of the hardest dilemmas because all of us wear it for everyone to see and observe.  What a horrid and hopeless feeling.  Usually, an addict will suffer with one or more addiction.  I  was such an individual.  My first addiction was alcohol, but   also food could just as well serve as an equal substitute.

So, how does addiction meet with spiritual growth?  Quite easily as addiction is an attempt by the addict to escape the reality of living on earth by using whatever it takes to achieve altered state of consciousness.  The result can be a horrendous  journey into the dark side where nightmares abound and a state of fear exist.  This can often lead to unhealthy behavior disorders as well as harm to self and others.   How do you stop this nightmare from becoming your reality?  Simply stop using the drug of your choice, and join, yes join a recovery program that offers 12 step work and begin a healthier approach to living.  My belief here this is the only way out of your hell.

While living on earth, we all must accept that the law of polarity deals with all of the polar opposites.  With good there is bad, up creates down,  serenity will have chaos as its opposite, and I can continue with the entire page here of polar opposites, but hopefully you understand that you will experience all of these emotions good and bad while living on earth.  Under the influence of drugs or whatever choice is made to alter your state of being, you will at some point in time this life or the next return have experience what you have chosen to not experience.  So, why not recovery now and be done with this wreckage.

Like all  others in recovery, the first and hardest for me was that I had attracted many of the episodes that were very painful.  This took some time for acceptance to sink in  and join the group, learn what to do, and begin to change the mess that had been made by my choices.   When you change your vibration, you change your attraction.  Like me, you probably will not know when  that change has occurred.  This takes time as well as work  on yourself to cause these changes to occur.  I agree with the room's philosophy, it takes at least a year before you find yourself.  Changing behavior will allow a change in what you are bringing into your life.  Better friendships, better relationships, better employment, all are the gifts of recovery.  Your job is to take the journey.  On a spiritual level you will be tested, that simply means it is up to you to refuse the old attractions several times until the new vibration is revealed.  Simply put, you will continue to receive the old attractions until you decide to do something about.  For that, you are responsible.  Take your time or jump into life and recover.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A New Way Of Thinking, Try a Different Approach

When learning how to change on a daily basis, sometimes it is as simple as trying different approaches in solving problems.  One example for me is alternative approaches with healing myself, and accepting responsibility for my health with alternative medical approaches.

  I  use acupuncture often as an alternative approach to medical problems. This enables me to create a better balance of living for myself.  Both  Eastern and Western medical practices work, but often in Western culture man has become arrogant to his way of thinking.  Why not try a different approach?  And, as  I say, I am learning to take my own advice here.  What an experience. 

We were told during the channelling sessions that the body knew how to heal itself.  Think about this.  For example when you scratch or cut yourself, doesn't the wound heal?   Acupuncture for me works in a similar method in that it taps into the meridians of energy to allow the body to heal.  One particular truth is certain, you must be cooperative by allowing your mind to receive this information and work on believing the possibility.  If on the other hand you claim that this won't work, then you are correct.  Remember, the power of the mind sets the stage for recovery, and that goes for you my friends who are reading this article.  You alone have the power to heal yourself. 

The physician who works on me is from China.  She is a medical doctor in China, but not allowed to practice medicine here in the United States.   This was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn about other cultures,  as well as  learning about the healing powers of acupuncture.   According to what she revealed to me it is true that acupuncture is several thousand years old, but she revealed to me that the ancient text show that no one knew who discovered this technique.  There was simply an instruction book or books.  I suspect here that this knowledge came from a surprising source from another system that could have been here to help in the last planetary shift.  The following passages somewhat confirm this thought.  Judge for yourself.

Again, I was not the channel here.  It was I who transcribed these tapes.  My writing at this time is automatic, but the old transcripts were from another source other than myself.  Enjoy.


"There have been other Earth changes.  There have been times when we simply helped civilizations to "get going" as it is spoken.  When Atlantis exploded, people who survived Atlantis were dispersed in various directions over the Earth.   They needed help when they got there.   We helped them the same way that we are preparing to help now:  by teaching them, but also by supplying them with some equipment to use, giving or sharing with them our technology of how to use this.  Atlantis was very technologically advanced.  Many people who escaped did not know much of the technology.  The people who were more into technology were the people who perished.  The people who were into other  learning, and into seeing and feeling the changes as they were occurring even then, in listening to the pulse beat of the Earth, basically the people from the temples and the scribes and the people who were attuned survived.  These were not, as a general group, they were not the most scientific people of that community.  We were helping them in many ways to start various civilizations in other areas.  There have been many other times when we have helped, going back for millions of years.  "


" It is true that in a way we or you or whoever these bodies are that are called modern man in a way did evolve from the apes and in a way not.  There was what you call early man, and that part of your history is correct with an exception.  The star people and the Earth people became one.  Many of the modern day people are the result of the mating between Earth and star people, giving them qualities of both.  The Earth has always been physically less evolved because it is simply younger.  There have been times when star people left children here, so yes, evolvement from what you would call the ape, early man, and no, in that there is another element here that your science does not teach.   There are references to this in your Bible.  I believe the Bible talks about the sons of God and the daughters of Man.  There are some other references to that also in your Bible.  Look for it, you will  comprehend  what this means.  There has always been a close association between other stars and this planet.  Much of this knowledge is marked in different ways because the level of understanding this type of information is very limited and it is very threatening.  It should not be for everyone to know, not that it is horrible, but it is not something that everyone would understand. "

*Could this be the answer to such phenomenon as the pyramids, acupuncture, and other mysteries of the Earth that leave us pondering on their origins?  I certainly think so, but that is only my opinion.  I will have a pod cast shortly  on the Internet.. It will be called , The Spiritual Connection.  I am open to answering questions, receiving phone calls with questions, and the answers will be given on the show.  The Internet number is 281-310-0848 or you can GMAIL me at Judithhlane @ with a question. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Reality of Life, Perhaps Revelation

Preparing me for all of the changes in life was difficult for me to comprehend.   To begin with, I did not see the need for me to change.  I, like many others thought that I was in pretty good shape both spiritually and mentally.  None of us are perfect, and all of us have plenty of room for spiritual growth.  I was no different than the next door neighbor.  I had work to do, and little did I realize just how much I needed to improve.  For that matter, I am still working on "self".  This will in deed continue until I am ready to cross over.

Following is what we were told about the nature of reality. 

"What is the nature of reality?  You see and hear and experience things, and you say that these things are real.   These things are in fact illusion.  They are real only as they relate to your concept and your interpretation through your senses.  There is one reality, and that reality is change.  What is, will change to something else every time.  The only thing that is reality is change.  It is important that you understand that, because people of the Earth plane tend to get caught up in what they perceive to be reality, and they hang onto it.  They become very sad, sometimes very despondent, in that they perceive this to be not only reality, but permanent reality.  There is no such thing.  Given time, given energy, any thing and everything will change.  If you approach life with this knowledge, and this attitude, them nothing seems quite the same as it might seem if you did not understand that.  Everything is in a state of transition.  Birth implies death, being implies not being. "


"  Help from many sources.  This time is a time of preparation for changes that come very quickly.  The Earth is going through the cleansing process which is Earth changes.  The Earth is going through some cataclysmic times very shortly, and man has not developed to a point of being able to survive these changes without help.  This, you can interpret, is help from God, help from discarnate entities, help from us, help from any power that is willing to help.  It is our position to help in order to learn and to elevate our state of being.  We have always been on Earth as a light vibration in that we have helped before.  We watch this baby planet and hope that it does not go away or that you do not do yourselves in.  This is the same thing  that is happening now.  People are going to need the knowledge of how to develop their minds or their spirituality and their skills in order to make it through these changes.  There are many drastic changes coming.  In a number of years, society as you know it today will not exist.  There will be many changes that occur in the meantime.  These are changes that everyone will not readily understand, and will not be able to adopt to."


" There will be many people who leave the Earth and incarnate later.  This is a cleansing period of time and there will be many people who choose on some level of their own consciousness to leave rather than to stay."


" Total change.  The structure of society in general will change.  The government system will change.  The weather will change.  The things that are now meaningful to people will be different and that which you might place lots of value on now will not be as important to you in a short period of time.  It is a spiritual reawakening here in that the emphasis is changing to a very spiritual level of thinking, where man, as we are, will be more considerate of others and more considerate of everything around him.  The focus will be different.  And that which was important before will no longer be important; there will be other things that will be more rewarding, more pleasing to the heart as we are moving into a time frame of learning to love from the heart, and learning to communicate on a different level.  In considering your day-to day life, the answer to that will be that everything will be changed.  It will all seem drastic although it is not drastic if you will step back and look at it.  It is natural evolution.  Man has progressed to the point on this Earth where he is just about to destroy himself.  Man is irreverent to everything around him.  Man has no concept of peace, or any of  the qualities that make for a healthy person or a healthy society.  Man has torn up the Earth, and nature will balance this by simple cleansing itself and going on.  This is not the first time this has happened on this planet, but maybe it will be the last.  If there is another, then it is so far into the future that it is not projected at this time.  But everything will change. "

* It doesn't take a mental giant to see that we live in a very selfish world.  The weather patterns have already begun to change, and in the United States it looks as if "Tornado Alley" has moved more to the eastern part of the United  States.

The political system everywhere is under attack, as well as religious doctrines and old outdated belief systems.  To put it mildly, why do we kill people based upon their own belief system.  I have a hard time with this one here. 

So societal change, spiritual change, weather change, geographic change, cultural change, language change, & those that I have not yet even thought about, but believe me, there are more in store for all of us.  What to do?  Accept, and work on self that should be a good starting point.   Judith

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Working With Universal Truths & Solving Problems

We all have a common spark of the God energy.  It is with us always, but often we turn this energy off and contemplate the illusion of solving our own troubles or problems alone.  Usually, this is our truth because we think of ourselves as the only answer.  If something is not within our five senses than it cannot be so, or is not true.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The God energy is around us all of our lives, it is the driving force that gives us thought, life, attraction, and answers to everything that is needed for us to have while experiencing earth life itself. 

I, like everyone else, was large and in charge.  I had all of my answers, but never had a clue about anything.  I pointed the finger at others and saw their faults, but did not realize I was only recognizing myself.  What an absolute hoot. To say that I was a little bit critical of others is wrong, I was giving a major critique to the whole world.   Looking back  in time, I was solving nothing and creating more confusion in my own life while  going nowhere.  I slowly began to understand that there was something else in this wide world of life that might just be able to help me through the struggle of day to day living.  Alas, I discovered the spiritual truths.

These truths are in all major religious writings.  Sometimes it is like digging for gold to recognize them, but believe me, they are there.  Whatever your belief system might be, recognize that the power in understanding whatever it is that you need is within your own   ability , not necessarily with a church authority or the church itself, your decisions on these solutions are you choice and your responsibility.   You just need to recognize that the answers are always given to you, with a little patience in waiting for the answer to be given.  

According to the channelling session some years past, what follows, are some of the questions and answers given to us about some of these laws, and how they govern our lives.   I will conclude each question ask with my own opinion of what I have learned from these truths.  Enjoy  

June,23, 1987


"There are, supposedly, in your way of categorizing, seven, but there are more.  It is not as simple as seven simple thoughts.  While they are simple in nature, there are many complex facets to each law.  It is not really correct to say seven, and yet you classify them as seven that that is good enough. 

In discussing the universal law of energy, understand that energy has to do with everything in your Universe.  Everything that is, is because of energy.  The law of polarity governs energy in that everything is positive and negative and polarized so that it both attracts and repels itself at the same time, thus producing phenomena or matter, as it may be.  But energy on a molecular level has to do with polarization of a positive and a negative charge such as an electrical charge.  But this process is repeated on every level in various dimensions to produce being. "

From me, today:

We are nothing more than a moving target of energy.  It is easy to understand that in order to operate a car you have to have a battery.   Whether we recognize this truth or not makes no difference these charges of electricity are both sent and received by each of us, and we too are equally responsible for these thoughts that both go and come.    We are made up of both positive and negative  charges.  Think of this in big picture version of the ego and the soul.  One is the spiritual self, the other the ego self , and neither  of  the two  should be considered either  good or bad.  They just are and they coexist  so that we may have life on earth.  One cannot function without the other in human form.  The brain is the "main frame" for the human that both receives and sends information that is sent into the Universe, and creates the world that the particular soul ,both sending and receiving, lives.

What does this mean to you the reader?  To begin with, clean up your thoughts as well as your actions.  You are creating the past, present, and future with all of these thoughts working together to teach you that which you need to learn.  These all come to you energy wise in the form of attraction. 

By working to change your thoughts as well as your actions will take some work, but believe me here.  Life will take on a much better perspective for you in all forms.  Clean up your life by changing the energy that you are creating for yourself.  This all comes from the God of your understanding whether you believe this or not.   Your choice..