Sunday, December 30, 2012

Change Your Thinking Change Your Life

The New Year always brings a chance to reflect on issues that have not yet been resolved, and behaviors that we would like to alter.  I will give you a little homework assignment with the close, and my suggestion is that it be done.  This will enable you to see the power of your own mind, and understand without doubt that how and what you think creates your very life. 

This can be a little hard to digest, as throughout history religion has taught us that God throws challenges to us at will.  Understanding that the God of my choosing was not angry was a hard pill to swallow for me.  I lived in a constant state of challenges and often my life felt as if I was walking on a bed of hot coals. 

I have now come to understand that much of what I thought if not all of what I thought was my own doing.  Even down to my diseases.   So humor me here and continue with this post.  Understand that what you put into your mind can either help or hinder your spiritual growth.  Your choice here, for God gives us all choice.

We are like a walking magnet drawing energy to ourselves as we hobble through life.  This energy has both positive and negative charges within it  and is complete as both charges are that which give life to our very being.  To see this energy, one must learn meditation and slowly but surely you will get a glimpse of that which we call the aura.  As long as you live, this cloud of energy is always around you, and working on your behalf to send and receive messages.  It is very much part of you as is your body.  It has color and each color has a designated job that relates to certain areas of your body as well as certain jobs or lessons that you are receiving.   This energy is that part of God that is within us all.  Honor it, and take care of it, as it is truly your connection to the God Force that is Universal and with us always.   Think of it this way what you send out will come back to you.  Karma yes,  it is not only our actions, but also our thoughts that create.  Thoughts are things. 

Here is the assignment:  Create a vision board for the year 2013.  Be precise, and as accurate as possible.  By accurate I mean specific.  So, if you want a new job for example you might state exactly what you would like the job to have.  Honest employees?  Less turmoil?  Better pay?  Greater challenges?  Closer location?  Be as specific as you can.  If you are seeking romance follow the same guide lines.   Many people know what they do not want in a relationship, but never stop to think what it is that they would like to attract in a good mate.   Create this vision board with chosen words and even pictures.  Cars, jewelry, all things that perhaps you have ever wanted, but felt that you were  not worthy of having put this stuff down.  Once the vision board is complete, and you are satisfied.  Put the board away for a while.....six months or a year.  Bring it to your attention and look at what the Universe provided you to have.  You will begin to understand the concept of your own abilities and power though this thought form of energy, that I choose to call God.

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