Monday, November 14, 2011

The Law of Polarity

 Finding oneself is a journey within.  It takes time, patience, and practice.   I  had a hard time accepting this truth as for me I wanted everything "now".   Looking back I can easily see that I was like a puppy. I was  searching for the truth within, and running past all of the information clearly in front of  my own eyes. 
Certainly finding lost articles would be  the key for me.   So one night  at channelling, I ask about certain historic events that have often been discussed in religious circles.   For me, finding these artifacts  such as  Noah's arc, the arc of the covenant, the golden challis would do the trick.  What was I thinking?   No matter how much stuff was found, the basic premise was that,  was it true?    So asking one night if any of these artifacts would be found,  this is what I was told.
     "  It is not important to find any article, or any key, because the key to evolution and the key to this entire subject lies within, not without.  No arc of the covenant can make you okay, or can make you evolve any faster than anything else.   It was used as an information gathering and receiving devise.  It was  needed at that time.  It will be useful now, in that some people, who need to see proof, will have their proof, that it existed.  But there is something greater than that, that people should put their emphasis on that which has to do with their own evolution.  Instead of being out there looking for artifacts, people should be looking at the goal within their own souls and trying to refine that and raise their own vibrations.  You cannot know anything from an arc of the covenant or a rod, or anything else.   What works here instead of stuff is contemplating your own energy and your own deeds.  Deeds are important.  It is not enough to do these things only in your mind, you must spread the energy out by again doing  deeds on the material level which is to scatter and spreading positive energy and negating or changing negative energy.  And in this way, if everyone would do this, we would have a perfect world, a perfect society.  There would be no reason for any kind of shift or change, or anything else.   For this reason alone, those souls who are not willing to work on improving the energies will take a time off to observe so that the earth can cleanse itself and begin again."


"Nature, always balances, which is not to say that nature  is always in balance, but it will always balance itself.  There is a lot of polarity having to do with energy, yab/yum energy, masculine/feminine energy, positive/negative energy.  Better we would like to call it polar opposites.  And by having complete polarization, and everything must polarize at every level, including the earth and nature.  By having that , then you have a perfect situation.  And when it is out of balance, it is out of balance because of everything on  the earth level not being right, including the fact that man is not right, and man has made the earth more out of balance.  So nature will balance this.  No one decided.  It is a natural phenomenon."

Again, I continued on that night trying to discover more of the messages.  One particular event that intrigued  me  was the story of Fatima.  Fatima was a Portuguese girl that at about 13 received messages from the Virgin Mary.  None of these messages have been given to the public.  Fatima was whisked off to a convent where she remained.  I do not know if she is still alive.  But, clearly the messages have not been released.  So......I asked.  Here is what I was told.

" The church put her in a convent as a gift which would keep her from the public.   We do not feel that there was much cruelty involved with that is as the secrecy connected with it.  "

*It has been some 26 years before I re read this quotation.  It is interesting to note that the Church has always hidden some of the basic truths or messages.  What was told to Fatima would be pure speculation on my part and really do no good to reveal what I suspect.   I will leave that to you the reader.  I will share with you what was told is still hidden from the public.  Now that we are in the Aquarian age, I can only speculate that somehow that message will be revealed. 
     Again, we wanted to know about the return of the Christ, and here again was what was given....
"The entity or the vibration?"

"The Christ consciousness will not come back at this time.  The Christ vibration, and there is a difference, and yet I think that you are asking the same thing that I am talking about, and yet, I want to be clear about this.  The soul, the energy of the entity known to earth as the Christ was a highly, highly, evolved and refined energy, which was in fact a big hunk of the God power or the God energy, and in that way, was the Son of God.  And yet, in another way, we all have a spark or a part of that same Christ energy or God energy within in us.  So in that respect, we are all the Sons of God.  This energy though in this entity was very highly evolved, and a very high spiritual teacher who came in to usher in the Piscerean Age.  Every 2000 years on this earth, there is a new age of awakening as directed or as guided by the astrological function in that the earth changes signs and it goes backward on the wheel,  on the astrological wheel.  It was Jesus, who ushered in the Piscerean Age 2000 years ago.  It is now going or has gone into the Aquarian Age, and by all rights there should be and there will be another energy, or another entity, having to do with the high vibrational soul who will come into the earth and usher in the Aquarian Age, which is the age of nature balancing itself, and cataclysmic happenings, leading up to the time of purification of the earth.  But there will be another energy or another entity who will do this.  Not Jesus or The Christ as such, but there are more than one of these high vibrational beings.  That is not to take anything away from the Christ, but there are other high vibrational beings who are also teachers.  The Christ was a grand teacher, and a very highly evolved soul, but for a very specific purpose, and that was to usher in the Piscerean Age.  A leader....a leader.


"Working on the earth plane gives one an opportunity to confront situations and people at a level to which they have no access if they do not have a body.  So in this way, you must look at earth as a workshop or a place where you can be to work out certain things with certain individuals.  It is like being in a work camp, and yet when you do not have a body when you're on the other side, you might not be as attached to the means of which to learn these lessons as you are on earth.  Because on earth in a body you are grounded and you are able to be a little more stabilized, and have the body by which to perfect or to work out your differences.  Having an earth life also means that you have many, many connections with other entities or other vibrations which need to be refined and worked on.  And of those other entities, as most of them are here on earth working on something, this is where you have to work on it with them.  There is only one other way that you can level out any kind of karmic connection, and it does take longer and it is not as effective and that is that you can only work out karma or karmic connections here with one entity at a time.  Whereas, if you have a body and if you are in earth life, you have many karmic connections going on at the same time, with those around you.  And let me make one thing very clear:  it is not only karmic connections that we are here for.  We are here to learn.  It is a learning place, and it is a place where we learn with much difficulty because  there is much in the way, and in that respect, it is the best place to learn.  There are many lessons that cannot be learned unless you have an earth body."

Enough said or written for the day.  If you have any questions concerning this or other post , you can receive my anwer.   Simply call 281 310-0848.   I will return with your answer.  More questions revealed  with the next post......Judy

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