Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Reality of Life, Perhaps Revelation

Preparing me for all of the changes in life was difficult for me to comprehend.   To begin with, I did not see the need for me to change.  I, like many others thought that I was in pretty good shape both spiritually and mentally.  None of us are perfect, and all of us have plenty of room for spiritual growth.  I was no different than the next door neighbor.  I had work to do, and little did I realize just how much I needed to improve.  For that matter, I am still working on "self".  This will in deed continue until I am ready to cross over.

Following is what we were told about the nature of reality. 

"What is the nature of reality?  You see and hear and experience things, and you say that these things are real.   These things are in fact illusion.  They are real only as they relate to your concept and your interpretation through your senses.  There is one reality, and that reality is change.  What is, will change to something else every time.  The only thing that is reality is change.  It is important that you understand that, because people of the Earth plane tend to get caught up in what they perceive to be reality, and they hang onto it.  They become very sad, sometimes very despondent, in that they perceive this to be not only reality, but permanent reality.  There is no such thing.  Given time, given energy, any thing and everything will change.  If you approach life with this knowledge, and this attitude, them nothing seems quite the same as it might seem if you did not understand that.  Everything is in a state of transition.  Birth implies death, being implies not being. "


"  Help from many sources.  This time is a time of preparation for changes that come very quickly.  The Earth is going through the cleansing process which is Earth changes.  The Earth is going through some cataclysmic times very shortly, and man has not developed to a point of being able to survive these changes without help.  This, you can interpret, is help from God, help from discarnate entities, help from us, help from any power that is willing to help.  It is our position to help in order to learn and to elevate our state of being.  We have always been on Earth as a light vibration in that we have helped before.  We watch this baby planet and hope that it does not go away or that you do not do yourselves in.  This is the same thing  that is happening now.  People are going to need the knowledge of how to develop their minds or their spirituality and their skills in order to make it through these changes.  There are many drastic changes coming.  In a number of years, society as you know it today will not exist.  There will be many changes that occur in the meantime.  These are changes that everyone will not readily understand, and will not be able to adopt to."


" There will be many people who leave the Earth and incarnate later.  This is a cleansing period of time and there will be many people who choose on some level of their own consciousness to leave rather than to stay."


" Total change.  The structure of society in general will change.  The government system will change.  The weather will change.  The things that are now meaningful to people will be different and that which you might place lots of value on now will not be as important to you in a short period of time.  It is a spiritual reawakening here in that the emphasis is changing to a very spiritual level of thinking, where man, as we are, will be more considerate of others and more considerate of everything around him.  The focus will be different.  And that which was important before will no longer be important; there will be other things that will be more rewarding, more pleasing to the heart as we are moving into a time frame of learning to love from the heart, and learning to communicate on a different level.  In considering your day-to day life, the answer to that will be that everything will be changed.  It will all seem drastic although it is not drastic if you will step back and look at it.  It is natural evolution.  Man has progressed to the point on this Earth where he is just about to destroy himself.  Man is irreverent to everything around him.  Man has no concept of peace, or any of  the qualities that make for a healthy person or a healthy society.  Man has torn up the Earth, and nature will balance this by simple cleansing itself and going on.  This is not the first time this has happened on this planet, but maybe it will be the last.  If there is another, then it is so far into the future that it is not projected at this time.  But everything will change. "

* It doesn't take a mental giant to see that we live in a very selfish world.  The weather patterns have already begun to change, and in the United States it looks as if "Tornado Alley" has moved more to the eastern part of the United  States.

The political system everywhere is under attack, as well as religious doctrines and old outdated belief systems.  To put it mildly, why do we kill people based upon their own belief system.  I have a hard time with this one here. 

So societal change, spiritual change, weather change, geographic change, cultural change, language change, & those that I have not yet even thought about, but believe me, there are more in store for all of us.  What to do?  Accept, and work on self that should be a good starting point.   Judith

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