Monday, July 15, 2013

Create a Healthy Energy In And Around Your Home Or Work Place

   Home environment is important.  It creates an energy all of its own, and living in a "negative" nest creates a unhappy environment from which to function.   Study friends of yours that tend to hoard and create a messy environment.  Usually these people are in a state of fear, and actually it is nothing about the house.   The extreme example is not what I care to address, but it may show up in a later post.  However, it is the subtle environment.  The one that you do not care to enter because it is a sad place to be.   The Chinese call this Feng Shui.   I just accept energy.
  Often violence from the past could be a factor with energy.   Years ago, my son and I went to a hamburger house in Atlanta for a sandwich.  While there, for no reason, I was getting angry.  The sandwich was good, but I left angry without knowing why.  Remember, I am sensitive to feelings, and often are not aware myself.   We arrived at our destination that night and I mentioned to my teacher how angry I had become over nothing.   Two days later, she called and informed me that a murder had taken place in that restaurant.   And from that point on the businesses that came into the space could not be successful.   Her reason, the energy from the death scene was violent and the energy needed to be cleared.   I did not need to be convinced.  Families that tend to argue all of the time create a negative energy.  More subtle, but it remains.  Rather be safe than sorry.  When moving into a new space always clear the energy. 
   To establish a healthy energy for a  new residence or business,  you  can  use prayer, candles, create your own holy water, or  salt, and herbs.   There may be more information on this subject, but my suggestion is to find your own path for cleansing.  For me, I always bless every room.  Ask God to bless the house with love and joy, and sprinkle a little holy water in each corner of the room as negative energy always attracts to the corners.  Whatever the "ritual" is that you develop in the cleansing of a property, continue to use the exact ritual with other properties. 
     A point of observations here.  Cultures are different.  The Asian population regards red as good luck.  We often use red in conjunction with anger.   Asian uses crosses to mean death and destruction.  Our Christian populations uses the cross as a Christian symbol yes it is death, but over change and redemption, not that of war.   I've witnessed with amusement western man re-create feng shui as if he were a direct descendant to the Emperor of China himself.   Groups incorporate their beliefs or superstitions to the point of creating a false "truth".   If you believe that walking under a ladder, for example, is bad luck then guess what?  You have created a superstition with a truth behind it.  It is not so, but the group believes it and therefore it becomes bad luck.   Many of the superstitions were created by different cultural groups.  Be careful.  My point,  create a happy environment with prayer, plants, good room arrangement, candles, and cleanliness, and you will change the energy all by your lonesome self. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Necessity to Have Boundaries

I had never heard about "boundaries" until I walked into the rooms of recovery.   It never occurred to me that I had permission to say, "no"  without having some false excuse following behind my answer that really never made sense.  "No", is a complete sentence in itself.
 The ability to say  "no" is certainly very difficult for many Americans.  As far as the rest of you that read this blog I cannot say, but my guess is that it is true for you as well.   It was important for me to learn to understand that it was not my obligation to ,"volunteer for the world" if it truly was something that I did not want to do.   I even had to buy a book on this subject to totally get it through my mind that it was not my job to serve the world.   Certainly at the cost of my health.  And to add insult to injury we were constantly reminded me to do service work in order to recovery from addiction.  Was I doomed here?   I thought I was surly locked into some "tower of existence" only to clean ashtrays for the rest of my life.   No, no, no..... Doing a good deed with a bad attitude is a negative.   Remember this little rule.  Any kind of help must come from the heart not from some one's order.  It is up to you to decide what is right for you, and how you intend to give to others.
  Another  boundary description  might come with refusing to go somewhere that could be of harm to you.  Going along with the crowd just to please someone could possibly be your life.  For example, it would be unwise to ride in a car when the driver is intoxicated.  How many of us had made this mistake?  One of the most important lessons that I had to learn was put to me with this thought, "what others think of me is none of my business".    That little reminder stays with me continually as I journey though life.  It is my responsibility to give or not give when I choose.  And it is up to me to decide what is important only for me.
   Giving advice was the hardest part for me to understand.  It is important to remain silent until ask for advice;  then and only then do you have permission to tell someone else what you might do from whatever experience you have had in the past.  In relationships it is not the duty of the woman or man to tell the other how to dress, what to say, how to drive, what to eat while in public and on and on.   These little control issues are what I define as "no boundaries at all".  Best advice is to remain silent.   We all have the God energy working for us, and that is advice itself.  Also, if a person steps into a trap, it possibly is his/her lesson to learn.  Your advice only adds you into the equation and creates more mess.  Keep you boundary secure! 


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Remaining Silent Can Become a Deadly Killer

Somewhere in my path of life I was taught that "silence was golden".   It is true if you are speaking of gossip.  There is nothing good that can come from idle gossip of an individual.  Particularly when you are enjoying their misery.   Folks, you are sending out negative energy that can and is returned to you.  Not fun to know that, but this is a Universal Truth.  

Today, however, I am talking about the silence of fears that we withhold.  These fears fester within our own bodies until they manifest into dis ease or disease.   This is the worst to me, because all of us do not ever envision that we create our own sickness.   I  hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is a truth, and one that took a long time for me to understand.   Our body is a miniature universe that sends messages to an from the brain with instructions.  Some of these instructions, we are aware of, but other instructions only began with a negative thought or fear about ourselves.  We were clueless that our body was responding to these thoughts and sending messages of an internal response.  And the by-product here is to become sick, either mentally or physically.

Anger turned inward contributes, and creates internal mayhem within the body .   People who display controlling type of personalities,  using temper to get their way, will create multiple types of disorders that manifest into disease.   An interesting reading  is, "Who's The Matter With Me?"  Sorry, I cannot remember the author, but who could forget the title?  Another reference on this subject of course, is Emmet Fox.  Reference to this subject can be found in, "The Sermon On The Mount".   Think about the stroke.  It is as if we are, "blowing our mind" with rage or anger.    And cancer reminds me of eating myself up with fear as well. 

Remember, we all have choice.  We can carry this anger, rage, fear, negative vibration or what you wish to call negative energy around, or we can all work together to clear the mind of wrongful thinking.  This according to Mr. Fox is the first step in healing oneself.   This is the major reason for forgiveness.  Forgiveness eradicates and heals the victim.

Two ways to change the process.  One, clear your thinking by changing your thoughts.  When a negative thought "flies by"  tell yourself to stop thinking this way, ask your Higher Power to help you change your thoughts, and then go on with living.   Two,  learn a meditation that can aid you to process  stress rather than turning to alcohol or chemical abuse.  Support groups can aid in this process as well.    Remember today.  Change your thinking, change your life and health.