Sunday, January 10, 2016

Don't Push a Chain

All of us are growing spiritually in our own way and our on time line.  To push for spiritual growth when you are not ready can be dangerous.

Understanding the God energy and how to use it takes time.  forcing the issue can often create problems that you have never thought about. 

One such example was my own story that actually happened to me as a result of "pushing the chain" of spiritual grown.  Here is my story:

I had been studying the methods of reading for people, and was generating some success.  But as always I wanted to know more.  Reflecting back in time, I was following the ego and not the heart.  Clearly, I was not prepared for the experience that followed.  My family was dealing with fear, and without thinking what we were doing we pulled up the wrong energy.  The greater the fear from the 3 of us, the stronger the energy until it was down right spooky.  Clearly I had no idea of what I had created, but feeding fear while dealing with any form of paranormal is and can be dangerous.  Eventually, I was left alone, but it took strong prayer and time to bring me back to normal.   I had become "crazy" for a short period of time based on my own doings of trying to push truth when I was not ready for the truth.  A great lesson for me.

When you are ready to know, you will be told.  Do not push your limits or follow someone's advice without much spiritual prayer and meditation.  Do not hurry your own spiritual growth, there are certain subjects that you might not yet be ready to learn at this time.  Yes, there is always spiritual guidance, but (1) there are some spirits you do not wish to reach, (2) You must always understand you are not going to be told everything because you too could become a little crazy, and (3) always listen to what spirit says and then wait to see if it is true. 

Earth is a journey of faith and test.  Don't jump off of a spiritual cliff without first investigating the message.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Thought is a Thing

I can remember finding a letter written by my grandmother about the grief of a loss of a family member.  Death was no stranger to my grandmother as she had buried two sons almost a year a part.  It was not talked about in my family, but through years of questions I was able to here the story.  This particular letter was her reflection of her own belief in God, and how she came to accept the deaths, and accept the fact that there had to be some kind of order which was God Centered for us all. 

Reading this letter in my early twenties, I of course did not understand  what she was trying to say.   With the passage of time, I now understand what she was attempting to  convey to this grief stricken friend.  That being, or energy, has a  plan that guides us all through life.   In the letter she included the idea that thoughts also played a vast part in this plan.   The example, that she used happened to be an article from a news paper that she had saved and had lost.  Apparently this particular piece of journalism had given her comfort in times of grief.  She had saved it and referred to it often, but in the every day life experience she had misplaced this particular story which gave her the encouragement that she needed in time of grief.  She could not find the story, and continued looking for it for several months.   One day, while sewing at her machine, she noticed a Bible.  She moved the Bible in order to gain more space for her sewing, and the article fell out of the book.   In her limited way of spiritually understanding what had happened she understand that Spiritual Guidance was responsible.  This is the same energy that I call God that guides us all.  When we are centered, balanced in thoughts, this energy works to supply exactly what we have created in thought form.  To become aware of this talent that we all possess is the journey that we must find for ourselves.  Because, until we are ready this energy is too powerful to abuse. 

   For my grandmother, it never occurred to her that her own thoughts guided her, along with spirit, to locate this memorable piece of paper with its precious message.  She did understand that however, you name God, there was a presence that guided us always through hardship.   The more we all learn to work within this energy, the better our life settles down.   And, a caution for the flip side this happens whether we know it or not.  So again, my caution here is to watch your thinking. 

   My message to you who are ready for this news is to be mindful of your thoughts, and above all stop the negative thinking about yourself.  You all are children of God and worthy of the gifts that can be received, so stop sabotaging yourself.   Best wishes to all who are beginning a new year. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Channeled by the Guides / On Terrorism

This has been predicted for some time.  You were present at our meeting when we told yhou it was forthcoming.  Well, it is here now and you are busy preparing yourself and others for the changes to come. 

1).  It I s very important to stay centered and "go within" for you answers.  As it is already obvious to you and many others that we work with.  The news medias are not truthful.  These companies are not helping this cause but continuing to feed into the drama.

2).  The earth's vibration is rapidly changing.  Look for greater calamities this year and especially toward the latter fall and winter time.  There will be the feeling of too much (water), and yet not enough.  *  You are already seeing the water shortage in Marlin, Texas now.   They shut off their healing waters, sealed them up, and are now experiencing a water shortage with a leak that the city can not find.  Many think this water is being dumped back into the river, but are clueless as to how and why it has started.  This is an example of group karma returning upon the city.  The healing waters should have never been closed off to the people.  These waters were used for healing, and dealing with stress which can lead to disease.   There will be more spring water to emerge after the earth shifts, and that my friend is not too far away.

 *Marlin, Texas is about 30 miles from Cameron, near the city of Waco.  These waters were used in the 1930's for healing.  I remember my Grandmother driving for a mineral bath, and used these waters until they were stopped.  These mineral waters appear all over the earth.   Little Rock, Arkansas celebrates the same gift and these waters are still being used for health purposes. 

3).  You and many others are experiencing a very difficult vibration which feels "crazy" to you, but also angry.  This is felt in many cities as the cities are too congested.  You often have talked about feeling like a rat in a cage, and that is a good description of this vibration.

4).  Yes, there is group karma and group responsibility, and yet there are many in your group that are working to help.  Not necessarily by writing book, but merely by setting an example.  This is often referred to in recovery as attraction rather than promotion.  As for now, the jobs are within the majority of these large cities.  People are beginning to move out of the city to experience a little less chaos and more serenity.  This is simply a difficult time, and it will increase in difficulty.

Until we channel again, stay with meditation and prayer and center your thinking on changing your behaviors.  As Emmet Fox has said, "the only thing you can change is your thinking".

Monday, October 26, 2015

Accepting and Learning How to Adapt

This time period in which we have all chosen to live is a difficult task.  Adapting to change is primary if you plan to survive the changes.   Everything is going to change and that even means governments, businesses, habitats for living, school systems, and everything thought that would always be in your world will shake as well.  That being said you job is to learn to stay the course and accept the consequences as well as learning to jump ship when you are in a dangerous situation. 

Going through this maze of change is equally difficult for me.  I go through mood swings, feelings of not knowing and when I finally realize that my thoughts are in a chaotic state of fear, I wake up and begin the exercise.  First and foremost, I tell myself that the only thing I can change is my thinking.  I get that suggestion from the writings by Emmet Fox.  This particular book of his was Alter Your Life.  Sitting down for his little words of wisdom begins my change in thought, then meditation, and finally I put my "big girl pants" on and go out into the world.  I continue this practice daily, and yes, with time it works.   I am amazed at how much clothes, our surroundings or both home and work, as well as the friends we choose define who we are.   Last, I finish with a gratitude list of all that I am grateful for from the gifts of life.  Gratitude for a bed today, gratitude for the food I eat, gratitude that my health is good, etc.  The list is simple, but it works. 

To increase you awareness or intuition, you must first start by regular sessions of meditation.  Meditation,( without the use of drugs), is primary as it will lower blood pressure, reduce fear or apprehension, and alert your mind to clear up and  clean out erroneous thoughts  This is a simple solution, but change in habits, especially if you have never attempted meditation, is hard to enforce with change in behavior.  Sorry, but this is first and foremost.  Even I spend a good bit of daily activity with meditation as I too have to go through all of the chaos that sometimes comes my way. Now, more than ever, it is important to acquire this little habit. 

The Aquarian Energy (from the God source) is much hotter and stronger.  Haven't you become aware of how fast the energy returns to the soul who has committed a crime?   Everyone is under this same energy.  No one escapes a small lie or what we have often called a white lie which still operates like a lie.  Energy is returning to the soul faster than ever before.   Your thinking creates your world, so be very careful with your own thought process.   I describe this as if we were all walking on eggs.  Be very careful with your thoughts!  In recovery, as well as life itself, we tell others that your best thinking got you into the shape you are in now.  Take responsibility for your life and be grateful for the changes to come.  Eventually we will be in a better place. 


Sunday, September 20, 2015


This physical law happens to also be a spiritual law.  Opposite attract and like repels.

The hardest acceptance for me was that I was attracting all of my own lessons.  I could no longer blame others and other situations for my own problems.  This was a spiritual jolt to me.  Yes, some was karma, some my destiny, but I had to realize that my own thinking and belief system was creating my own set of lessons.  My journey of life could no longer be blamed on others.  As simple as this concept is, it is very hard to accept when you are either the person being robbed, mugged, raped or whatever; but slow down here, and bear with me,  these situations will later be discussed and hopefully you can have better enlightenment with disaster.

The sessions with the channel were my initiation into a change of thinking or consciousness that took time and yes, again more experiences for me to understand.  Do I completely get all now?  NO, but I am at least, as a human becoming, experiencing life and able to look at life with a different mindset.  I have changed many of my own behaviors as a result. 

This particular article will deal with vibrations and how to begin to change that within us that we call our own vibration.  It is through learning to do this that we will change situations and even the type of people that we are attracting to us.  Life will indeed improve. 

Attempting to understand the higher self is a matter of raising your energy, raising your vibration, or moving your energy through your body to the crown chakra or the top of the head so that it unites, first of all, with the Universe and thereafter.  This is a slow process, and this is why we are here.  But as the higher self is activated, and as people begin to act less like the animals and more like the God energy within each of us, the vibrational level changes.  This is the ultimate, as far as what you can do on this plane to unite yourself with the God force, or the God Energy.  And yet, that is not the end of it.  It is not true that those who are good get to go and live with God.  Because there is other learning on other levels.  And God is not an anthropomorphic state.  That is another symbol that was put on this level so that you could understand it.  Eventually, everything that lives will once again part of the God force, or the God source, or the energy or whatever you would like to call it.  That is the name of the game here, on this level, and on every level thereafter.  So in a sense, we are all working for the same thing.  The concept of going to heaven that is mentioned throughout modern religion is not false, and yet it is really not understood in the way that it really is.  But it will be good enough for now.  You can use this term and this thought form to explain what you are talking about and what you are thinking.  And yet it is not exactly true in that term.  Because it isn't true, though doesn't mean that it is false.  It just means that it is not all of the story. 

Changing your vibration will be first of all to begin to change your own thinking.  This is a HUGE process that will gradually take time.  As we all, including myself had horrible patterns of thinking behavior.  Gossip was especially hard for me until I realized it might not be true, and I was spreading erroneously falsehoods about people.   A suggestion of changing you way of thinking would be to read  Emmett Fox's book,  "Alter Your Life". 

Meditation and all of the phases of it will enable to you help with this process of changing the vibration.  This takes months and patience to begin this process as the universe does not recognize a month or a year as a long time.  I have been meditating for over 35 years now and am no beginning to look back at the young woman, me, and I don't even know who that was.  Some of the old personality is there as well as the body features, but internally I think completely differently now.

We all teach by the actions that we choose.   How you behave with others will make or break a friendship just based upon your attraction to them.  Actions do speak louder than words.  Remember that the next time you behave like a 3 year old in public. continue with next post 

Where Are YOU Going ?

All of these post that I have written have been designed to help the reader understand how to make his or her own choices.  Some of my post might be weaker than others, but let me assure you that they have all been channeled  by the guides.  Learning to trust in automatic writing has been difficult at best for me as I recognize that I am not known by my writing skills.  That being said, I am proud of my work and I now encourage all of you to read all of these post.  They eventually will "sink" into your brain as you being to learn about your part in this lifetime that the God of your understanding has given to you. 

Your choices have created your own path, but now with the change in climate, beginning changes in the axis shift, and overall change in the collective consciousness with  information forthcoming to us all, my suggestion for you is to be prepared the best way possible. And learn to become aware of your surroundings, listening to nature.  So take those earphone out and listen and learn.

I was told that the axis shift would complete at about 7 degrees.  If you think about this, it is a major change.   I think this change being similar to Atlantis. We are looking at the possibility of continents going under as well, not to mention that greater land masses such as islands will disappear into the ocean. 

When this change occurs, I do not know.   I was told that none of us are to know.  But all of us have the ability to prepare, and I am not talking about camping equipment.  I am talking about spiritual awareness within ourselves as well as others.

  In preparing for these coming events, I would suggest some readings about the lost continent of Atlantis.  Ruth Montgomery's book, the World Before gives much information about the sinking of Atlantis.     Another read would also come from some of Socrates and Plato.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Learning to Find the Answer

Often times when reading for people, I am ask the question, " When will I know or how would I know what to do?'

One answer to this question of course might be to find a counselor, meditate, sit quietly, and think about what kind of mess you have created and the answer will come to you. 

Many souls are looking for some kind of inner guide or workbook that will help in their that will help with their own metaphysical journey through life. 

I was part of a select group of people that worked on such a "road map" in the 1980's.  I had no idea as to how this would alter my own life and began a journey of discovery that has aided me on my own spiritual path for all of these years.  In m work, parenting my children, guiding those that have come to me for spiritual help, these rules have helped me not only give advice, but as I have shared them with others they have enabled to not be totally dependent upon others for help.  These rules or laws, although easy to understand, enable each of us to find our own way and yet allow us a comfort that when put into practice follows the course of doing the next right thing. 

I do not in any way propose that one must follow a certain path.  My belief system enables me to encourage people to think for themselves, as they should, on their own religious views or truths.  However, I will confess that all of these rules or laws are found in all of the major religions practiced today. 

My suggestion here is to open your heart and try these principles out.  Meditate upon what they suggest and put them into practice if you are happy with the results.  Be patient with these simple truths and allow them to expand in their meaning.  Watch to see how these rules inter relate to each other and connect in many ways to help you solve problems.  For example, telling white lies often got me slapped with other problems.  It would have been simpler to get though the pain on the first round rather than creating more mess.  Karma's law of truth hold you to your word. 

Having this knowledge does not mean that your life will become rosier, but solutions and the method in which you arrive at solving difficult situations will become easier.  In your heart, you will know. 

Many of the following articles  that I have already posted are dealing with many of these karmic laws.  Although, at times they may seem that I have been redundant, take my suggestion and reading them all.  You will learn that repeating often works miracles that help with your change in attitude.